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Only The New Can Meet The New |
I am asking you this question as deeply and extensively as you can handle:
Can anything new in your life be of any real value if you are not new yourself to meet it?
The more you look into this question, the more you can see that the power of inner spiritual truth and psychological liberation are in the hands of the Inner Guide Who is the cosmic doctor providing a way of healing of your life and your mind. Sooner or later you will have to recognize that your Inner Guide is one and the same as Shiva. That Being lives on the peak of Love-Bliss. He is Love-Bliss, and it is Love-Bliss that heals.
The Inner Guide is empathy with your own Divine Potential for Freedom, Bliss and Immortality. Every man is a potential joyous superconscious Lord Shiva; every woman is a joyous superconscious Lady Shakti. Hence, any man or woman who does not meditate on the real inner meaning of Lord Shiva and Lady Shakti, both of Whom are Superconsciousness and Divine Power, and fail to listen inwardly to such Inner Guides, are not in tune with their own Divine Potential. When will you understand this? By clinging to your usual cynical, spiritually blind, pseudo-independent and habitual old attitudes and old wrong ways of life, you cannot meet the New and Better that liberates you into a Blissful Immortality of a budding virtual God or Goddess.
You fail to hear Shiva or Shakti in your heart-of-darkness, but it is not because the Inner Guide is not speaking. This itself is a perfect reason to do more extensive questioning of the Absolute Oracle and deeper listening to the answers even if they are unflattering or do not match what you deludedly want or demand to hear. The Oracle Process helps clean your inner link with the Paramatman, the Supreme Spirit, to enable the descent of Supreme Light and Energy into your Potential Godself, your reincarnational causal ego, your subtle emotional mind and your gross physical body all the way down into its cells and atoms where the quantum Kundalini needs to awaken and develop all the way back up to the Supreme Consciousness and Supreme Power, Paramashiva and Parashakti.
Without a new receptivity, resonance and attunement, nothing but the usual ordinary human shit, disappointment and frustration are all you are going to get. You must refuse to stay stuck on your present self-enclosed level of human existence. You cannot afford to stay blindly in the kind of external, shallow concerns that you stupidly allow to dominate your mind. Shake yourself awake and become a true traveler on the Shiva-Shakti Path that leads ever inward and upward to your own potential divine being. You will find that the distance separating you from That Goal gradually vanishes if you are sincerely traveling with Oracle Questioning, learning and practicing the inwardly guided Yogas, purifying your body and mind and receiving intuitively the appropriate mantra of the Here and Now of your development.
The foundation of your spiritual, evolutionary predicament is in what the Chinese Sages call the Grand Cycle of the Tao. The Tao, the Supreme System of Evolution and Involution that transcends even Gods and Goddesses, rejects no man or woman of any planet in any Universe, but naturally accommodates all Divine Potential It gives rise to in Itself. It is only a matter of time until each Divine Potential is linked up to the appropriate God or Goddess who matches the given potential. The Tao System works!
None of this, however, implies that you are going to get a quick, easy, proud, selfish and occultly greedy way out of your well-deserved causal karmas or necessary difficulties. That is why you must do some anonymously unselfish good work that really helps human potential and that does not exploit people sexually or financially. According to the Divine Plan, Freedom, Bliss and Immortality will not come to ignorant, arrogant, selfish, petty and neurotic individuals who refuse to work and serve but think only of their selfish Yoga and Meditation and want only that others serve them. If you haven't understood this yet, study the Bhagavad Geeta and the Sufi Way of the Sarmoun Sufis. No Rajayoga without Karmayoga. Learn what your own duty, Swadharma, really is and do it! The Absolute Oracle, extensively questioned, will help you reveal that to yourself as well. Face the fact in your Causal Heart that there is no cheap way out for your Causal Ego! Your causal ego exists for the sake of the Divine Potential of you and all! It is not an either/or proposition and has utterly nothing to do with your superficial pseudo-spiritual socializing with other shallow people who seek a cheap, undeserved miracle or a way to impress others they could possibly exploit for sex, money or fame. There are more false seekers and false teachers operating in humanity today than in the entire history of the Earth. In fact, it is one of the reasons that the majority of humanity is cosmically scheduled for death and destruction. Thousands and thousands of witty, clever and proud “spiritual” Web chatters are going to die in shock and pain and their snotty “spiritual” beliefs and disbeliefs, excitements and rejections, will not protect them.
It is also a fact that among a people who cannot do creative, spiritual contributing work or deeply, joyous play, but who do only idle talk, superficial “spiritual” curiosity and routine, selfish work or chores, you have no choice but secret anarchy and a private spiritual monarchy of genuine integrity. Like a great dreamer of true visions, you must possess and do possess your own perceptions and experiences. And for all that you must learn to sacrifice the merely social to your real inner potential. That is why your right contributing work must be done as an unknown nobody on the Basic Earth without “spiritual” or “esoteric” pretensions or posing as an “Advanced Teacher”. You are not an “Advanced Teacher” or “Wise Counselor” or “Great Healer”. Vainglorious social expansion ambition has nothing whatsoever to do with Swakarmya, your own cosmic, evolutionary Right Work. Until you get this right, you are locked out of the Real Shambhala and you will not travel to the stars.
Now, either learn to be a fearless nonsocial lion or lioness of genuine Divine Aspiration or go on doing what you do without Divine Help. Make your daily self be new and better if you want new and better spiritual opportunities to come to you. No dazzling “Celestine Coincidence” comes to heedless superficial socializers or greedy miracle mongers. Only the real and right New can meet the Important and Empowering New.
©2007 Kevalin Absoluto |