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Project For The Fusion Of Space by Kevalin Absoluto |
To establish oneself in the basic happiness of direct experiencing of Nonduality without loss of physical life and consciousness is not impossible. It does, however, require a serious procedure of handling one’s physical life and consciousness in a way that is alien to Western Civilization and its brain-conditioning of stupid Judeo-Christian religion or blind materialistic Science. So, before we can enter into a pragmatic personal process with hope of generating experiential Nonduality, it is best to enter into a new horizon of background cosmological ontology. This will disperse the petty dogmatism of culture bound Vedantic Hindus without loss of genuine cosmological know-how embedded mysteriously in their own tradition in spite of their proud parochial ignorance. Our Time-Space Universe expands outwardly from a cosmic center, reaches a limit, then contracts back toward the cosmic center under the immense gravitational force of that cosmic center. There is an opposite Time-Space Universe of Anti-time and Anti-matter that expands simultaneously with our Time-Space Universe, but in the opposite direction of Space. It also eventually contracts back toward the same cosmic center as our Time-Space Universe. This central collision of Matter and Anti-matter ejects at ninety-degrees a new pair of expanding and contracting Time-Space Universes. Our Time-Space pair of opposite Universes are generated by a previous pair, just as they are generating a new pair through merging in the cosmic center. There is more. It turns out that our pair of opposite Time-Space Universes are just one such pair centered in the one cosmic center along with five (5) other Matter-Anti-Matter pairs of Universes. There are thus five (5) other directions of Time and Anti-Time. Our Universe is thus one of Twelve (12) Universes in Six (6) pairs that make up our Quantum Super-Universe. Recursively, this is a macrocosmic atom of Carbon with six protons, six neutrons, six electrons and six positrons. In the same way, each Carbon atom in our body is a microcosmic superuniverse. A quantum pulse of instantiation in the atom is the same as one quantum eternity or expansion and contraction of a Time-Space Universe. Our twelve-spoked Heart Chakra reflects and incarnates our quantum causal body or reincarnating soul, which has the same inherent structural dynamic as an atom microcosmically or a super-universe macrocosmically. This is where our Heart-beat mirrors the quantum pulse of atom or super-universe. Associated with the physical beating heart is the subtle Assemblage Point seen by the New Seers of Mexico as described by Carlos Castaneda. It is the subtle Heart Chakra hovering behind the right shoulder blade. It is the connection between the subtle heart-center or Assemblage Point and the physical heart that gives us the feeling of incarnation in the physical body and nervous system. Hence, as the Hindu Sage, Ramana Maharshi points out, our I-thought, “I am”-thought or sense of physical ego is focused blindly on the right side of the chest next to the physical heart. The students of Ramana Maharshi were encouraged to meditate on the right side of the chest for realization of the causal ego there at that point, mistaking it for the Atman, Self of oneness with Brahman, which is beyond. A modern Rajayogi, Yogeshwaranand, has taken that Heart-investigation further by mapping the internal structure of the Assemblage Point as reflected in the Heart. He has done this through a causal Nirvikalp Samadhi of direct causal perception, but also mistakes the reflection of Self in the Heart-mirror or causal body to be the Self. Comparison of the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, Yogeshwaranand and the New Seer, Juan Matus, does yield some amazing insight into our causal time-space dualistic consciousness and how it functions in the subtle mind and physical body to give us both dualistic dreaming space and everyday physical sensory or neurocognitive space such as we ordinarily experience. At the back of our head is the physical neurocognitive organizing center that projects what we experience through our Heart and Assemblage Point as a physical surrounding space filled with colorful and apparently real “objects” for us as physical or embodied “subjects”. From the visual perception center at the back of the head to the Assemblage Point is the first step of receiving sensory information. Then the Assemblage Point presents the physically projected information in a mentally organized way to causal dualistic consciousness on its own plane beyond the physical and subtle bodies as sheer abstract apperception. Thus, according to Wei Wu Wei (Terence Gray), “Objects, therefore, are only a surmise, for they have no demonstrable existence apart from the subject that cognizes them. “Since that subject itself is not cognizable as an object, subject also is only a surmise. “Since the factual existence of neither subject nor object can be demonstrated, existence is no more than a conceptual assumption, which, metaphysically is unacceptable.” Dualistic consciousness of empty space between causal subject and external object or body is phenomenologically “subjective” but noumenologically ignorant. Noumenal Awareness, which is Real Self or Spirit beyond the causal Time-Space environment or realm-in-question, does not experience space as empty and dualistically separate from the physical, subtle or causal body that is projecting it as a coherent perception. Supracausal Real Space is Nondual and hard as crystal, metaphorically. It is a Diamond Space, Vajradesha. That is why the Fourth Body of Buddhahood is called the Diamond Body, Vajrakaya. One does not have to go into the subtle or causal bodies (Second Attention or Third Attention, as the Mexican Seers call these) to get the Fourth Attention of Nondual Awareness. One can have it simultaneously with ordinary physical sensory experience of being physically alive and conscious. It is simply a matter of focusing one’s Intent or Spiritual Will, what Kashmir Shaivism calls one’s innate and divine Swatantrya, Self-organizing Faculty, through direct Self-awakening on the Fourth Plane of Noumenal Awareness. How, then, to fuse space in this manner? By bringing one’s awareness into one’s breath so deeply that the breath-time gets into alignment or simultaneous parallel with one’s heartbeat with the idea of the heartbeat reflecting the quantum pulse of the virtually infinite atoms in one’s body and the Time-Space Quantum Universe our galaxy swims in. When all this gets lined-up in our awareness, there is something like an ignition of the central monadic star of divine Self-awareness on the supracausal level at the same time as a raising of quantum energy in the physical atoms of the physical body, which quantum energy is called Kundalini Shakti by the Yogis of India. Awareness is injected into one’s breathing and heartbeat through use of the natural universal mantra, Ham-Sah (Huhm breathing in and Suh breathing out). In Cosmic Language, Ha (huhm) means “Subject or Subjective space or concept”. Sa (Suh) means “Object or Objective space or concept”. Hence, Hamsah (pronounced, “huhm-suh” as in “humming” or “shunning”) means “Subjective is the Objective”. All breathing bodies in all super-universes (that are virtually infinite in number in the Grand Cellular Omniverse, Egg of Brahma or Tao) unconsciously repeat Hamsah mantra. This totally universal and simple mantra is not an invention of ancient Hinduism, nor is it merely a thing of the Sanskrit language. It is an unlimited Cosmic Mantra in AUI, the Language of Space. Infinite Extraterrestrial Yogis do mental Hamsah mantra with their breathing for their personal project of fusing space for Self-awakening of their God-star or Diamond Body. When one experiences the merging of Nondual Diamond Space with ordinary physical space, one feels encased in an immense crystal awareness where what used to seem like colorful solid objects in an emptiness surrounding one’s solid physical body now appear as an holographic imagery in the boundless diamond or crystal like hard reality. The body also has an imaginary or holographic sort of feeling about it. One should experience this directly for oneself through Cosmic Hamsah Quantum Recursive Yoga as described in the Tejobindu Upanishad. You do not have to go to some ignorant and prejudiced Guru in Meditate on the full meaning and scope of Ham-Sah mantra-with-breathing. Do not allow your ignorant, unhappy or skeptical associates to talk you out of your directly personal cosmic adventure of Quantum Yoga for the realization of Diamond Space. Also, do this as a genuine Awareness-beyond-causal-ego. If you try to do it as a timebound causal ego, that is the error that Chögyam Trungpa has rightly called “Spiritual Materialism”. That is why he once said, “Ati Yoga teaching or discipline is sometimes defined as that which transcends coming, that which transcends going, and that which transcends dwelling. This definition is something more than the traditional tantric slogan of adwaita, or “not two”. In this case, we are looking at things from the level of true reality, not from the point of view of slogan or belief. Things are as they are, very simply, extremely simply, so. Therefore things are unchanging, and therefore things are open as well. The relationship between us and our world is no relationship, because such a relationship is either there or not. We cannot manufacture a concept or idea of relationship to make us feel better.” The Diamond Path of Maha Ati, Dzog Chen, the Great Completion, is not available to mere philosophical or scientific speculation of the timebound intellect functioning in the human brain. Nor is it a matter of emotional sloganeering and belonging to something socially for a feeling of togetherness or solidarity. Real Adwaita, Non-duality, is not a slogan, but a mantra, (Ham-Sah); not a belief, but a directly experiential Yoga. When H (subjective) breath and S (objective) breath merge into stillness, they become SH, which in Cosmic Language means Being. Hence the causal phenomenal cognizer and the causal phenomenal cognized are the same as the fusion of space-cognition. This fusion is Noumenal where Self (H) and Total Reality or Brahman (S) are merged in Oneness, Kaivalyam. Even when the breath is moving in and out, this fusion-of-lifeforce can happen in the Heart, the Assemblage Point and the Consciousness. Hence, one Kashmir Shaiva Master once said, “Let the world still be noticeable.” So, again, the aim here is not to merely get out of the physical body and have colorful subtle experiences of “dreaming” and “healing”. Subtle body or lucid dream-trippers do have unusual experiences that can inspire us in a secondary way about spirituality, but they happen for a still thick ignorance of causal-bodied Ego. So, our Adwaita Yoga of the Diamond Godstar Body is not a thing of getting frustrated to have impressive phenomenal experiences to escape from boring physical life. In this Yoga we include the physical life and consciousness. We do this privately and anonymously because it is the awesome happiness within itself that does not have to prove anything to outer people nor try to attract them through writing some book about one’s meeting with miracle-workers or doing lucid dreaming. The project for the fusion of space is infinitely and eternally more than trying to be a successful “spiritual” ego on the pitiful and miserable planet Earth. It has nothing to do with holding hands in Crop Circles or holding New Age festivals for exhibiting spiritual symbols or wearing hippy clothing for one another as a sort of mating ritual. The project for the fusion of space is utterly personal, private and direct. If undertaken with seriously deep Hamsah Kundalini Diamond Yoga, it will lead into transcending Time as well, which means one can join the Time-spanners, the El People of the Universe, which people are symbolized literally as the Garuda Birdman, Mothman or Khephrer, Scarabic Individual. The Cosmic Black Frog or “Leaper” is another symbol of this realization. Lord Shiva was purportedly such a realizer, hence he was called Kala Bhairava, which means Time-Spanner or “One Who Goes Beyond Time”. One can in fact have a physical body of any racial phylum anywhere and still do this. There is no particular genetic conditioning or background organic situation that has ultimate determination here. Time-spanning or Void-walking is a natural development from the realization of the fusion of space through Hamsah Diamond Yoga. Real Happiness is not just a static result, but a means of cosmic conveyance, a Diamond Vehicle, Vajrayana. That is why it is said that the chief characteristics of the Time-spanning Bird People (Garudas) are extreme happiness, freedom and outrageousness. Another notable outcome of all this is that just a simple thing like walking on the ground of the Earth (or any other planet) is incredibly intense and pleasing to the three bodies and the Godself. Wherever one walks in this state of Nonduality, the ground and Nature rejoice and get filled with Chiti rays of Ananda, Bliss of Awareness, as a Kundalini boost. Wherever a realized Godman or Godwoman just walks about on the Earth is more uplifting to the world than all the do-gooder social networks with their empty slogans and dualistic causal egos making more social karma for themselves. This radiant effect on the ground, surrounding Nature and common everyday objects, such as tools or the cups and plates one drinks or eats from, is well pointed out in the teachings of Hasidism as what is called Kavanah, Covenant, where the trapped Shekinah (Shakti, Kundalini Quantum Energy) in the Earth gets released. If you look at a pathway or road out in nature somewhere at night where a Time-spanning Void-walker has been walking often, you might detect a rather obvious bluish white glow on it. In fact, that it can be energetically uplifting to just spend some time where Godman or Godwoman has physically been is the whole rationale behind pilgrimage. The higher quantum energy or residual Kundalini stored in such situations is what the Sufis call Kaif. But, again, most Westerners are insensitive to all this because of Christianity and Science, the double scourge of the horrible New Political World on Earth being carried out from There is a wonderful little booklet on this Hamsah Yoga by Swami Muktananda entitled I Am That which is well worth reading. There is also another wonderful book by Nisargadatta Maharaj also entitled “I Am That” which brings out the inner meaning of Awareness-of-Being where the emphasis in Swami Muktananda is on Mantra, Breathing and Kundalini. These are good complementary perspectives which can open up profound insight and sustained realization. It is not for nothing that the Taoist Yogis say one should cultivate Essential Nature (the Self-nature) and Eternal Life (Higher Energy) in parallel. For understanding Atomic and Universal Twelvefold Recursion, one can profitably read, UFO…contact from planet IARGA, by Wendelle C. Stevens and Stefan Denaerde. To have a peak into the Tejobindu-Upanishad, one needs a copy of Thirty Minor Upanishads by K. Narayanaswami Aiyer. For understanding the Assemblage Point as such, one needs Carlos Castaneda, The Fire From Within. |
©2006 Kevalin Absoluto |