The Immediate Answer by Kevalin Absoluto |
Questioning Seeker: I have been seeking to get a breakthrough into superconsciousness or God-realization for a long time. Sometimes I have had some promising glimpses or extraordinary states of expanding consciousness and happiness, but none of these higher states ever stay and I cannot bring them about at will. What should I do? Kevalin Absoluto: Your potential on the supracausal plane of Self is stirring, which is promising, but on the causal plane of the aspiring causal ego or effort-maker, you are frustrated because you are not discriminating between Purusha, your potential supracausal existence as a Divine Self of the Fourth State, and Prakrti, your active causal existence as a Jeevatma, self of reincarnational living, dying and being reborn. As a causal ego of the Q.S.: Where, then, is the airplane and how can I get on board and learn to fly? K.A.: You are still thinking in causal terms. What you need is a fundamental shift in your being. In fact, you will need no less than five (5) fundamental shifts. O.S.: What do you mean by a “fundamental shift”? K.A.: It is what happens in the Hear and Now when you understand the Immediate Answer that is Nondual rather than always seeking the Perfect Situation to arrive at in the Future according to some Speculative Answer you will find through dualistic searching of your brain-intellect in bookstores or through calling on seemingly authoritative teachers you always secretly doubt right from the start. Q.S.: I know just what you mean. I also must confess that I have doubts about you, for instance. K.A.: Yes, and because of your doubts, you cannot fully listen to the truth of my words Here and Now. If a teaching is going to have supracausal use for you as a Purusha, an awakening Godself, you will have to totally enter the Immediate Answer, thus throwing all your brain-intellect doubts, arguments and conclusions into the Fire of Awareness. Q.S.: Do you mean I have to give up all the spiritual knowledge I have been gathering in my quest, as well as the possibly promising methodologies I have learned to practice? K.A.: You do not have to destroy any of that, some of which may prove useful in the supracausal light or perspective. But all knowledge, practice and previous experiences have to be put on pause so the higher level can restructure it all later after you are established in the Q.S.: Do I have to take you at your word on faith, as it were, or will you explain all this to me and convince me about the exact kind of “pause” or “quantum leap” you want me to take? K.A.: If you will take it on faith, it would most certainly mean that you are experiencing an inner intuitive flash from the Divine Level of existence that I am in fact the Sadguru who helps you get rapid Here-and-Now entry into the Immediate Answer or Process, the Rajayoga Samadhi of direct suspension of causal consciousness. On the other hand, if I have to spend a lot of time quoting scriptural authorities and creating arguments to convince you, the more extensively we have to do that, the less likely that you will go for direct entry or awakening even on the first level of the five (5) levels of it. Q.S.: May I ask what the first level actually is? K.A.: It is referred to most poignantly and extensively in the Carlos Castaneda books where it is referred to as entering into Heightened Awareness while still sensorially awake and functional in the physical everyday body. This was induced by the Nagual slapping Carlos Castaneda on the back, using his Higher Energy to push Castaneda’s “assemblage point” or chitta-connection nexus within the energy body of Castaneda. The ancient Ts’an (Zen) Masters of China would do similar things, but not directly on the assemblage point, but indirectly through administering a general beating of the student, or a hard slap in the face or even a sudden shout. If rightly timed and utilized on a ripe and ready energy-and-consciousness of the prepared student, it would indeed induce Heightened Awareness of the First Attention or physical consciousness as the First Fundamental Shift, which Shift-of-the-consciousness (the assemblage point) was called Shift in the Ts’ao Tung (Soto) sect of Ts’an (Zen). It was also called, “The Real Including the Seeming” because the Heightened Awareness (of Spirit Reality) would include or contain ordinary sense-perceptions. Q.S.: Are you going to slap me on the back or do one of those violent Ts’an Master routines? K.A.: No! You are not ready. Q.S.: Then how can I get ready? K.A.: You must practice preliminary Kriya Yoga of breathing up your spine with the mental mantric words, “I AM THAT” and breathing down the front of your spine with the words, “HERE NOW THIS”. These mantric statements are the equivalence of Ancient Vedantic Rajayoga of the Now, keep in mind that the formulation is the Immediate Answer directly of your own Divine Self of oneness with Brahman in every breath you take. This Kriya Yoga was first formulated meaningfully by the anonymous Rishi who spoke or authored the Tejobindupanishad. So, it has worked for thousands of great but unknown Vedantic Yogis over thousands of years. Hence it has great traditional authority plus my own formidable knowledge, realization and energy in it. You can’t miss! As you do this Vedantic Rajayoga, your spontaneous experiences from beyond will sooner or later increase in frequency, quality and duration, which is what you have been asking for. Then, when the time, place and situation are right, if you have faith in me as Sadguru, I will give you that backslap. Q.S.: And what is your prognosis of my spiritual quest if I do not take you or your Yoga method on faith, but continue seeking for a Guru and a Yoga that impress me more? K.A.: Sooner or later you will either believe you have found “The Real Thing” (which is possible) or you will become so frustrated, disgruntled and disappointed that you will give up your quest altogether, perhaps for the rest of your life, in which case you might even try to pose as one of those self-assigned “spiritual experts” who “has met everyone and knows everything” and try to gather students and acquire fame as an intellectual ego of spiritual subjects whose old higher experiences have dried up completely and await your next incarnation for another run at all this. Q.S.: I do not like the idea of becoming a doomed intellectual egomaniac, but I am not a devotional type either. This is emerging as a kind of deeply personal dilemma for me. What would you recommend? K.A.: Keep up your quest; keep examining lots of different teachings and methods; but do not neglect your own preparation; keep up something like the Kriya Yoga I have shown you; purify your body: do no harm to others nor seek revenge for anything, thus allowing your causal karmas to exhaust themselves. Make an honest living; be good at your work. And, above all, do not try to pose as a teacher, for you are remaining a causal ego who accumulates second-hand knowledge and builds up secondary experiences. Q.S: Would it be useful for me and my girlfriend, who is also a seeker, to go stay in a reputable ashram in K.A.: Not necessarily. It could even build up further obstacles and confusions in you. You would probably be better off to set yourself up in a natural lifestyle with your girlfriend in a congenial place to pursue your independent spiritual research. In an ashram, you will only argue, get upset and challenge authority, thus moving on to similar establishments one after the other, trying to exploit and being exploited in turn. Generally, all that is just a huge detour and a superficial karmic game of self-deception. Sooner or later you will have to really get to the point, which, as you have been told, is the Assemblage Point! Q.S.: If I practice your Kriya Yoga of the Immediate Answer as I go about in my endless and somewhat confused spiritual quest, will that mean I am somehow your indirect disciple in spite of myself? And does it mean you will sort of bless me in some way now and then? K.A.: Yes, it can mean things like that. It all depends on the Supreme Guiding Spirit, Brahman Swami Nathji. If you are earnest in your quest and keep an eye on preparation along with your efforts of Immediate Breakthrough and do not make them into a silly contradiction or self-deception, everything may turn out better than you expect and in a surprising way. Q.S.: Thank you for taking the time to give me some interesting advice, even if I am not your disciple. K.A.: You are quite welcome. I wish you well in your serious quest for the Great Awakening. |
©2006 Kevalin Absoluto |