Absolute Interactive
Do Not Let the World Eat
Your Spirit

by Kevalin Absoluto

As the world becomes increasingly oppressive, violent and insane, it is harder and harder for spiritual aspiring individuals to turn inward and develop higher consciousness or transform the personal physical condition.  The world of dull humanity and its psychotic leaders tends to distract and debilitate.  To strengthen one’s inner clarity and sense-of-direction is very difficult.  The outer world eats the mind and drains the personal energy like a huge vampire.


In this present degenerating world, the old Late Twentieth Century offerings from fragmentary Eastern spiritual traditions cannot be backed-up because their countries of origin are over-populated and violent shit-holes.  Valid teachings from diverse sources have to be coordinated and realized in new ways in new situations, which require unprejudiced intellects operating with right intentions and aspirations.  Unfortunately, the countries of the West are filled with pompous New Age charlatans and fragmentary traditional Eastern charlatans to such a point that it drives any reasonably intelligent and sensitive spiritual seeker into a fruitless cocoon of isolated independence without access to a higher contact with truly advanced people or a teacher-and-guide who could initiate, explain and help-out.  One is either a member of a cult run by an idiot or one is a self-debilitating do-it-yourself kit.  And increasingly these two alternatives are all that is happening in a world where humanity is more and more stupid and neurotic and where the political leaders are increasingly criminal, lying oppressors.  With both the East and the West sinking into hell-on-earth, spiritual orientation and coordination of valid and necessary spiritual influences and energies become increasingly rare and decreasingly sought after.  More and more spiritual seekers are dying-on-the-vine like grapes in a drought.


The cosmic age transitional crisis of humanity is effectively destroying the spiritual quest on Earth.  Never have we had access to so much traditional esoteric knowledge nor so little capacity to make real use of it.  And the more we succumb to this problem, the less we can recognize the problem and take real action to solve it.  Thus it is that the tiny minority of Earth’s population who have spiritual potential are being sacrificed right along with the oblivious masses.  However, you do not have to be sacrificed if you are willing to see yourself and your predicament in a new light.  If, on the other hand, you feel important and argumentative, nothing and no one can help you.


We are looking at how the world tries to eat us in ways we do not fully register.  This means total seeing, which further means we are not merely analytical and complaining.  In a state of total seeing, the complex story of being a human being on the Earth can unfold without a prejudicial belief or disbelief system constricting our vision.  We become virtual extraterrestrials because we are no longer part of the problem.  We have ceased to be greedy, fearful, aggressive, manipulating or false.  All these old unconscious behaviours cease in the light of real awareness.  The big picture is no longer distorted or censored by petty reaction or anxiety.


Are you in a state of total seeing of humanity from beyond humanity?  If you are not, you are a degenerating member of humanity, another willing victim of the stupidity, the propaganda and waste of life that is normalcy.  Only out of total seeing can you take effective personal action about yourself and your immediate world.  When you feel stuck, that you are just spinning your wheels, the real solution is total seeing, not some new ambition or social ideal, for the world will use such things to eat your spirit.



©2004 Kevalin Absoluto