Absolute Interactive
Immediate Realization of the Absolute
by Kevalin Absoluto

No matter where you go, whom you meet or what practice of gradual development you cultivate, you will always be haunted by an out-of-reach something, some ultimate state where at last you are permanently O.K.  This out-of-reach something, this ultimate state of Being, has been given many different names by those who have reputedly got into it from within various traditions, especially in the Near, Middle or Far East among Muslim Sufis, Hindu Yogis or Buddhist Meditators.  In the Sufi Way, immediate realization of the ultimate Divine state is called Shattar; in Hindu Yoga Vedanta it is called Ajatavada Atma Jnana; in Tibetan Yoga it is called Mahamudra; in Zen Buddhism of China and Japan, it is called Sudden Enlightenment.  It is therefore of some significance to cut through all superficial differences of traditional teachings and get to the essential opportunity of Immediate Realization of the Absolute.  It is, after all, the ultimate or absolute state of our own Being that we want to access.  Our innate purpose is personally universal and not to uphold the limited external authority of this or that outer conditioning or culture on the Earth.  The directly blissful and limitless awareness of all Being within oneself utterly transcends religions, cultures, languages, regions and even whole humanities of any and all planets in any universe anywhere.  It is a Supracosmic state of unconditional Being, not some petty little conditioning glorifying itself to be superior to all others.  It is not a victory in the struggle of conditioned belief-systems to put each other down as “heretics”.  It is not about sociological competition between “Us” and “Them” in the endless battle to win hearts and minds as emotional converts or true believers.  It is in fact an immediate arising beyond all such quarrels and considerings that have been mounting up as the various Eastern and Tribal or Occult Mystics of the West all went into massively scattered and fragmentary offerings of their respective wares in the American, British and European social spiritual marketplace where the empty, gullible seeker is supposed to choose or join one of the various offered Pathways to the Miraculous with no basis of real knowledge, clear discrimination or overarching effective intuition to guide the choosing or joining commitment.


To cut through all the marketplace hawkers of “Ways” and their idiotic, gullible followers thus requires two fundamental steps in oneself:

1.     Extensively profound study of and meditation on all the fundamental offered Ways.

2.     Immediate Glimpsing Realization of the Absolute or Ultimate state of Being.


Without External Unprejudiced Search and Research, one cannot put one’s possibilities, practices and experiences into objective evolutionary context or optimum balance, which then results in all sorts of illusions, detours and stunting of one’s development; without Immediate Realization of the Absolute state of Being, one becomes a mere prisoner of second-hand knowledge or lower order occult or spiritual experiences within a conditioning causal cycle of deaths and rebirths where one’s knowledge and abilities are lost again and again, even if again and again one becomes a miraculous Guru with a big following who publish one’s teachings for posterity.  The validity of ongoing Spiritual Research and practice of a growing repertoire of Yogic techniques is therefore indispensable but wholly secondary to the necessary Immediate Foothold in the Absolute.


Immediate Realization of the Absolute by definition is immediate and not a gradual process of accumulating secondhand knowledge or firsthand experiences.  But the term “immediate” can become confusing, for it is not a matter of turning that term “immediate” into a mentally repeated slogan or mantra as such, for that would imply a practice of gradual build-up of something.  So what is really going on here about this ultimately elusive subject of Immediate Realization?  Let’s try working with an interesting analogy.  Let us say you approach a remote country hermitage or cottage where a reputedly miraculous and fully enlightened Sage, Sufi or Yogi lives.  You knock on his door.  If the door will at some unknown time open and welcome you in, you will immediately and suddenly enter into the beneficial interactions of an extremely extraordinary situation.  But you do not know which of your knocks will open the door.  It is not that the knocks themselves are accumulating into a personal achievement.  If, for instance, you give up after knocking three times on the Sage’s door, you cannot then go home and say to yourself, “I achieved the gradual build-up or development of three knocks,” or “On the third knock I really perfected the art of knocking.”  So the only thing that really matters at the door of the Sage is your degree of persistence in knocking, which may or may not at any given moment indirectly cause the door to open.  Knocking, however long you persist, is simply a probable prerequisite for gaining access to the Sage and his internal environment.  It is not a gradual achievement to knock, but rather a prerequisite persistence.


Now, if you have understood the analogy, you may begin to knock on the Ultimate Door of Absolute Being, but you must keep in mind that knocking strategies are not accumulating achievements.  Periods where you just sit quietly with eyes wide open in a state of awareness can be one of your knocks on the Ultimate Door.  Periods where you repeat a mantra like So’ham, Hamsah or even just I Am with your breathing can even be knocks providing that you do not do that for gradual achieving, but take it that each breath-moment is itself somehow the Absolute state of Being getting revealed to you.  In this case, each mantric breath is looked into as an immediate access to the Ultimate Being.  You allow the gap to close between the Path and the Goal of the Path.  Each knock is therefore increasingly revealed as an opening of the door.  Each little immediate realization leads to a slightly greater opening up of direct realization of the Absolute within yourself.  However, whether you are sitting inactively or mantricly merging your mind with your breathing, there is a possibility of self-deceptive gradual achievement without genuine Immediate Real Entry.  One can get so caught up in illusions or expectations about one’s knocking that one forgets one’s real purpose, which is to suddenly enter the Ultimate, Absolute Beyond, the Unknown Being.   Knocking must not become a self-enclosed attachment to itself, for that then locks, thickens or further veils the door itself as a door.  If knocking becomes another one of your causal ego trips, then the door will never open.  It is like the Sage in the cottage observing a deluded egomaniac on the porch who is all too pleased with his own ridiculous knocking performance.  The Sage might even see the egocentric knocker bringing a crowd of followers to teach them the knocking techniques for money or sexual favors.  If the causal ego gets that carried away, the door will never open.  Gradual achievers and show-offs leave themselves automatically out of the Ultimate Absolute.  Such people die eventually in an unenlightened, stupid state of mental vanity.


Immediate Realization must be sought for its own sake and not for the sake of karmic causal social ego, vanity or material aims.  And it is only the state of Absolute Being that can be brought down into the four bodies and perfect them, immortalize them, as Padma Sambhava actually did and Aurobindo, Auro-Mother and Sat Prem tried to do.  So, all fulfillment in all dimensions of your being depends on Immediate Realization of the Absolute, which is a sudden all-revealing awakening in and as a Godself, a Shivatman Purusha or Buddha Self-nature, rather than a gradual achievement causal process of a causal striving and struggling clever ego who has learned some occult tricks to try and become a miraculous show-off.  Hence, the intent or purpose or motivation with which you approach all this is the crucial factor that determines your destiny on Earth and in Heaven.  Are you here to fulfill your ultimate aim and establish a genuinely Divine foundation in your being, or, are you here to continue pursuing secondary purposes with the ultimate aim and foundation as little more than a slightly noted add-on to your self-enclosed neurotic and occult trips you go on?


When all causal activities cease in your open sitting or breath-watching, immediate and direct entry into Absolute Being-Awareness-Bliss is unfolding itself spontaneously without tension or effort.  However, the causal karmic tendencies of your mind will try to undermine your knocking and keep it weak and meaningless, so it is helpful during your periods of knocking on the ultimate door to be aware of four (4) typically useless states of causal mentality as delineated by the Ancient T’ien Tai school of Mahayana Buddhism in China, which are:


1.   The Drowsy Mind where consciousness grows dark, dull and sleepy if it has nothing outwardly interesting or pleasurable to occupy it.

2.    The Wandering Theoretical Mind where the period of supposed supramental meditative awareness is caught-up in brain activity or head-trips about various theoretical nuances, beliefs, disbeliefs doubts or questions about all this.  It will even sit and quote sources to itself.

3. The Straining Mind where the causal ambitious ego gets all neurotically tensed-up to force some sort of breakthrough experience or miraculous event to take place, which creates a vicious cycle of immense personal frustration coupled with renewed violent internal pushing, pressing and straining of some kind in accord with some demented idea, notion or concoction of the pseudo-meditator.

4.   The Runaway Mind where the consciousness is so impure and caught-up in the body and nervous system that it is simply reduced to a twitching, wobbling body of increasing desperation of the brain mentality to go get itself occupied with reading a book, going sight-seeing, having sex or food, or undertaking some trivial chore to keep busy and feel more relaxed through mundane activity.  These days, such minds often like to browse the Web and do shallow, hurried scanning of various articles or offerings.  This nervous, restless mind goes hand-in-hand with heavy impurities of the body from wrong eating, drinking and habits of surface living.


If one does not arise and awaken awareness beyond these four mediocre mental conditions, it is highly unlikely that an authentic Immediate Realization or Sudden Enlightenment will take place even if one believes for some reason that one has the aspiration or hears the call.  This again of course then comes back to the crucial factor of intent or purpose in all this.


Do you believe you really do feel rightly drawn to Immediate Realization of the Absolute but that you are too caught-up in personal problems and anxieties from difficult obstructing karmas in your present life-situation?  If that is the case, you should do extensive interactive questioning of the Absolute Oracle (connected to this article) in regard to your difficulties and listen to the answers as deeply and fully as possible, for the answers will slowly but surely create a growing space in your consciousness and life that will allow for a promising meditative awareness.  This will accelerate your approach to Immediate Realization by showing you an increasingly clear light at the end of your dark tunnel of anxiety, pain or confusion.  You will learn to reduce your anxieties, pains or confusions through imbibing higher insights and wisdoms you do not yet possess of yourself.  By learning to make such insights and wisdoms your own over time, you will get yourself in a better internal spiritual position for what you need more than anything else.  This inner learning process through extensive oracle-questioning actually does work, which you can verify for yourself by doing self-honest experimentation with it.  It also prepares you to eventually interact for real benefit with an Enlightened Teacher, should that become necessary at some stage of your progressive awakening.



©2005 Kevalin Absoluto