Absolute Interactive
The Immensity Beyond Other People
by Kevalin Absoluto

There is an Immensity of Being which cannot be shared with other people.  They are not ready for it.  They are self-enclosed in their neurotic pursuits.  If you try to convince them of states of extended awareness, of the incredible ecstasy of non-duality, they will bring out arguments against it or try to change the topic.  Or, even worse, they will even pretend that they know what you are talking about.  Other people are invariably immature and metaphysically useless.  So, the first rule for anyone who enters the state of Immensity of Being is to not imagine that such a state has social value, that you should try to help others toward it.  If it is happening for you for real, explore yourself in it more fully and do not leave it to try and build your social ego of helpfulness with it.


The truly Immense is wholly beyond the tense considerings and efforts of social conduct.  Socializing and the effort to convince somebody to become “spiritual” is a lack of Spirit on your part.  The Spirit of Immensity of Being has no social aim, has no agenda of confrontation and persuasion.  It is much too happy and powerful to want to appear impressively happy and powerful to the unhappy and weak human beings who are invariably the ones you try to impress.  The very urge to teach, to advise, to impress, is a form of social frustration, of self-confusion and inner weakness.  It is the endless deadend road of your outer social self; it constricts the Immensity of Being into a painful little ego-trip.


If you have something you feel you can contribute to all this, then do what I do: publish it anonymously on the web under a pseudonym.  Do not provide social access to yourself.  The minute you provide social access, the Immensity of Being will spit you out and watch you learn the hard way.  If you have a spiritual website that provides social access to your personal self, you are just another mediocre piece of pretentious shit, a false teacher or self-appointed “wise counselor” and all that.


The Immensity of Being, which is Oneness-With-Brahman, is never transmitted through advertising or bringing people into voluntarily attracted grouping around one’s physical body.  It is not the result of a marketing effort.  It stays within its own integrity, its purity of Spirit beyond social expansion, considerings and conflicts.  There will be no idiot there who will write a book later about how they were “trapped in a cult”.  The transmission of the Immensity of Being is wholly outside all normal channels and social attraction maneuvers.  It never goes down to that sickening, painful and futile level of outer social existence any more than a soaring eagle would try to conduct classes for a group of sincere but useless chickens, for such silly entities can do nothing but cluck nonsense and form a pecking order of access to the stupid rooster claiming to be an eagle.


There is something like a mantra of two syllables that contains the power, the Shakti, of the Immensity of Being, but it is not written in any book of any tradition on Earth.  I myself give it out to no one.  You have to be directly initiated into it by the Supreme Being of Immensity, the Sadguru Parabrahman.  Therefore it remains pure, utterly beyond other people and all the social futility that other people inevitably are.


None of this means you have to become a celibate hermit to realize Immensity of Being.  For most seekers that is inevitably a sorrowful, empty and futile detour or cul-de-sac.  Entry into the Immensity of Being is more of a natural and direct thing within yourself when you have become truly sensitive and aware beyond social considerings and efforts, when you have become intelligently anonymous, when you have learned to stop trying to impress others with your spirituality, but are instead actually concerned with the Immensity of Being for itself rather than for others.  The Host rises in Spirit beyond the Guest, the Nagual rises in Spirit beyond the Tonal, the Authentic Being rises in Spirit beyond the they-self.


The Immensity of Being, which the ancient sages of China called the Tao, cannot be advertised or sold in the marketplace. Lao Tse pointed this out thousands of years ago in the Tao Teh Ching.  Understanding this is Teh, which is genuine integrity beyond the social sell-out.  He who does not have Teh through the Tao loses the Tao.  So there is nothing new about this truth.  All that is new is the language and the medium of expression.



©2005 Kevalin Absoluto