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What Is The Ultimate Spiritual Path? by Kevalin Absoluto |
Western Questioner: What is the ultimate spiritual path?
Kevalin Absoluto: It all depends on who is asking the question. Ultimate answers are possible only for ultimate seekers of greater truth. Are you an ultimate questioner?
W.Q: I have no way to know. I would just like an answer I could have faith in. I do not know where to center my spiritual development. I have read tons of books on various occult and spiritual traditions and methodologies. I have also tried a variety of methods. In addition, I have had some interesting experiences. Nevertheless, I remain confused and I tend to oscillate between one approach and another. J.Krishnamurti says the whole thing is useless because it aims at a future result instead of cultivating awareness in the here and now. He says this awareness must be without effort or striving toward a goal, ideal or result. What happens to me is that I start looking at films of his lectures, plus reading his writings and interviews, plus trying to walk and sit around outdoors and get high on it like he would; but my inner confusion and fragmentation go with me into the beauty of nature and I tend to feel disappointed with sitting on a bench or a big rock, waiting for the Great Thing to dawn upon me. Then I try repeating a mantra with watching my breath. That indeed feels more concentrated and calming, but I cannot get past a certain point that way, which causes me to just restlessly amble about and think about what really happens to me in all this.
Do you understand what I am going through!
K.A: Yes I do. I spent many years of the youth of this body in a similar state.
W.Q: How did you move beyond it?
K.A: I accepted my state and began working patiently with it. I kept melting down all my knowledge and experiences and reshaping their configuration in my being over and over again while sustaining certain crucial practices, continuing key areas of research and staying open and alert to everything in life and beyond. I became like a master Japanese sword-maker who folds the sword thousands of times.
W.Q: Isn’t that just spiritual ambition and futile effort?
K.A: Is that your own genuine perspective or are you still trying to copy J.Krishnamurti’s? And who or what teaching told you that J.Krishnamurti lived and died in the ultimate state of a human being?
W.Q: But that is why I asked You about the Ultimate Spiritual Path! I am very earnest and serious about it. If you will give me your best answer, I will listen in myself to see how your answer stacks up with other answers I have heard. Then I will make up my mind whether you have the real answer. If I do not think you do, if it gives me no real faith and sense of direction, I will put yet other answers in the pot.
K.A: Nothing you do in your all-comparing brain network will ever give you the faith and certainty you are seeking. Even when you imagine you have found the Ultimate Answer, you will still doubt it and become confused and distraught again. To keep going though that cognitive cycle in your brain is a learning process that must be clarified and understood. Until that happens, you will only continue to drive yourself mad with random reading, personal experiments and wild attempts to force an extreme breakthrough. You will remain unable to rightly evaluate either your fleeting experiences or your lack of experiences and powers you have read about.
W.Q: What then should I do?
K.A: Stop trying to force a way forward. Truly melt everything down and re-begin from the real beginning. Review everything with open-hearted receptivity. Let the wings of your innermost intuition help your consciousness fly and soar in the genuine Unknown. I found My Way in the Unknown. All find their way also in the Unknown as well. Your whole network of the known in your brain must be aired out in the Unknown beyond your brain.
W.Q: Should I sit down somewhere each day for a minimal length of time and do this as a kind of meditation?
K.A: No! Only what happens naturally and spontaneously will give you real entry into the Unknown. You can and must directly explore. Do you understand? You must not do this according to Krishnamurti or any other spiritual figure or traditional lineage.
W.Q: Now you are beginning to sound like Krishnamurti!
K.A: Not to Me, I don’t. Perhaps Krishnamurti sometimes sounds like Me. In the end, what matters is direct exploring, not comparing various impressive teachers. Some impressive teachers may still be useful after you have found Your Way in the Direct Unknown, but even then you will sometimes have to melt everything down, go back into the Direct Unknown and rebuild Your Way afresh. Sometimes you will, for instance, get a new mantra for your Yoga-breathing, or you will connect with new energy, or some new source of empowerment, which may be a Guru or even an invisible Deity, if you have earned such a huge connection or blessing. You might even suddenly encounter a significant group of advanced people or even extraterrestrials. Who knows? Or you may suddenly embark on an immense silence, quietude or Samadhi outside all the usual kinds of meditation or Yoga. Bizarre and promising things sometimes happen for an individual with a genuine and fully conscious learning process, which is beyond the immature seekers who are trying to find and choose an exclusive path, teacher or method to develop faith, rather than to cultivate Self-realization.
W.Q: Do you have no faith in a teacher or teaching?
K.A: Absolutely not! My only faith is in Self-realization. Self-realization is My God, My Guru, My Universe, in fact. It is an infinite brotherhood of itself! It reaches ‘Beyond the Stars’, so to speak.
W.Q: Have you experienced real Cosmic Consciousness?
K.A: I am Cosmic Consciousness! I am Self-realization! I am spiritual clarity and true sense-of-direction! Until you discover your own Being in a similar meaning of it, you will remain a fragmented timespace causal and false ego housed in the emotionally-upset-mind-of-confusion that operates within your heavy, impure and dull western body and brain. You will thus fail to join Me and Infinite Others as your own shining point and current of power, Tejabindunada in the Cosmic Ocean Samadhi.
W.Q: Have you then reached the
K.A: I have no such achievement. I am the
Centered in Self-discovery in the Unknown, I am on an endless journey of eternal Self-realization without end. I am thus both Being and Becoming, Shiva and Shakti, God and Power.
Look! Go beyond all outer teachings and practices. Enter into the Direct Unknown. If you try to begin somewhere in the known in your poor little brain-self, you will remain stuck and spinning your wheels with no end in sight, bobbing up and down like a piece of driftwood in the raging river of human karmas, troubles and false rewards in one body after another, ever short of Divine Immortality or ability to do Time-Space Leaping like the Dragon People and the Garudas. You will just remain a miserable Earthling trying to believe in some incomplete and semi-ignorant Earthbound Guru. Unable to cultivate Real Self and Eternal Life, you will fail both Above and Below. Your sex-life will dry up and you will wander in the afterlife wasteland of all those hungry ghosts who also blew their Self-discovery and Self-realization by trying to be socially important spiritual experts who never in their life directly explored the Unknown, who never learned to do the cycle of melting-and-rebuilding the Way.
W.Q: I would like to know more about your ‘Direct Exploring of the Unknown’.
K.A: It is like walking out into an open desert or white arctic snowfield. You just walk away from the familiar things and people of your life. You just leave behind you all your usual knowledge, practices and confused struggles. At a certain moment, you can go no further; you just have to stop and raise your intensity, your energy-of-the Unknown. There you wait until you have fully dropped the Familiar, the Known, both physically and mentally, which causes a huge boost of energy from the Earth itself. Then suddenly, sheer Magic is all around you as you flow in a new direction, which blows your mind, and you do it in a new way of proceeding. The Unknown Itself will guide you in the Unknown. The Unknown is He Who Is, Iruvan, Your Own Godself. I am the Unknown. I am He Who Is, I am Iruvan, Shiva. Shivo’ham. I am the
W.Q: What about Nisargadatta Maharaj and his idea of continuously looking into the “I am”?
K.A: I am “I am”. There is no external, verbal “I am” to look into. People who adhere to Nisargadatta never “look into” real ‘I AM’, but just keep parroting the statement mentally and remembering profound phrases or answers produced by Nisargadatta. They had no genuine Self-realization Current of their own because they kept centered in their brain about Nisargadatta as a kind of intellectual faith. As a result, their Kundalini did not rise and they remained insipid and useless in real development of the Direct Unknown. If you find yourself repeating “I am” in the Unknown with supranormal energy, then see where it takes you. Everything, anything, depends on the energy and quality of the seeker. If the seeker is a Self-realizer, almost anything will work. If the seeker is just another little idiot staring blankly in front of a supposedly great teacher, there are only going to be big words and a brain struggling to understand the meanings of the words without the necessary energy or direct experiencing. Nothing “means” anything at all without Big Energy and Big Experiencing. The Big enters into Big Awareness and the Little stays in some exaggerated Little.
But don’t get me wrong! I deeply appreciate both Krishnamurti and Nisargadatta, but from a place within My Being and My Becoming that is basically over their heads and beyond their teachings, which are included, but not central.
W.Q: Is your teaching really as central and important as you say it is?
K.A: I am Centrality, I am Importance! Sooner or later you must find these directly in your own Awareness of Being in the Infinite and Eternal Unknown or Void. Otherwise all sorts of seemingly authoritative figures will just keep you spinning in circles with your flat energy.
W.Q: I feel full. I will go meditate on all this. May I have Your blessing?
K.A: Either you feel blessed already or there will be no blessing worth a shit. If direct encounter does not energize, how will remembered encounter energize? Add this to your feeling of being full! Such is My immediate blessing!
©2006 Kevalin Absoluto |