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On Articles With Oracles —A Cosmic Perspective On The Way Of The Ways On Earth by Kevalin Absoluto |
Many spiritual teachings purporting to show The Way (of higher evolution for human beings) are made available to seekers on the Web, as well as through books and magazines, through lectures and courses. The number of “ways” are proliferating and all sorts of concocted hybrid “ways” are coming into being as various would-be teachers and guides go into business for themselves. Competition for fee-paying participants and adherents is quite fierce. There are many claims and counter-claims in the New Age marketplace. And all the old established traditions are still claiming their superiority, their authority. What few people understand is that no matter how high or low the quality of the offered path of spiritual or esoteric enlightenment or development, the quality of what is chosen or entered into will match the high or low quality of the chooser, the adherent, the one who decides to get involved with the particular path or “way”. Therefore, the higher the quality of the way, the more people who will doubt that way and even speak against it. This is because the average seeker or commentator is of too low a quality of consciousness and being. The greater the teachers or the teachings, the fewer those who can appreciate them and get into an uplifting relationship or work with them. So it is that doubts are there in the majority who believe they are seeking a true way of higher development. And they do not heed the Guiding Spirit when the Guiding Spirit gives them a true intuition in the heart. And as long as they doubt the Guiding Spirit, the Guiding Spirit cannot help them and therefore will not help them, but will stay withdrawn and silent. However, once faith awakens in the Guiding Spirit, then the Guiding Spirit, the Lord of all individual evolution, begins to help in ways that are unexpected. Strange coincidences begin to take place; even miracles can happen to point the seeker in the right direction. Sometimes there will be a discovery of some significant occult information that helps the seeker have a paradigm shift, an overthrow of his or her entire worldview, which gives a whole new perspective on God, the Universe, and on what is possible for an awakening individual who is no longer identified with a particular society, culture, religion, tradition or “Way”. Sometimes people find fault with me that I do not provide a way of personal contact and connection after helping them awaken through the various articles and oracles I provide on Interactive Self-Development Resources. I feel a distant but calm affection for these awakening souls, just as I feel a distant but calm affection for the little birds who come to my birdfeeder at my home. But I do have well substantiated doubts about the ability of newly awakening souls to consciously persist in real learning and development, which explains why I keep my distance. Most newly awakening seekers are still quite distracted and often confuse their craving for personal attention with a need for direct personal instruction and developmental practice or experiencing. Until people understand this and learn to distinguish levels of motivation and concern in themselves (thus transcending infantile demands for attention, as well as demands for rescue from responsibilities into mere external comforts and indulgences) they will be unable to connect with genuine higher or Ultraterrestrial sources of guidance and empowerment. And it is also a fact that as long as awakening people can be attracted to false teachers and false situations, false courses, and the like, they automatically debar themselves from the genuine higher evolutionary sources. As long as people seek where all sorts of mediocre, silly, unworthy and wrongly motivated people seek, then they will only be capable of involvement with that level of activity. The high always remains withdrawn from those who are attracted to the low. The Spirit Self is attracted to Spirit Action; the Social Self is attracted to exciting social activity in the name of the Spirit. Sometimes I am criticized for using pseudonyms for various articles I write for various differentiated spiritual or occult oracles I have built over the years. But each name or identity I adopt is to indicate a function that I have with the particular teaching or way in question. In my Divine Self, I am beyond identity with any teaching, tradition or school. I am the Absolute Being; I am Brahman; I am God; and therefore I am not “Rudra Chakrin” or “The Voidwalker” or any other socially controversial name or title, such as “Qutub Sarmouni”, yet I am these things and more. But I am also certainly not my everyday name or my present body either. My everyday name and body are simply a vehicle. Shivo’ham; I am Godself. Yet nothing confuses people more than spiritual identity and authority. But I am not here to begin a personality cult, to start a new religion. I am here to provide a service for awakening souls, which is to help them appreciate all the ways and to learn from them by questioning the oracles and meditating on the articles. It is my Cosmic Function to provide a greater means for awakening human beings to attain their own Cosmic Perspective and to organize their own true way of individual evolution and personal transformation. Each individual must learn to incarnate God, to incarnate the cosmic whole, to be an Avatar. We have had enough of the Avatars who come and go as personality cults, as centers of spiritually dead religions. To learn to incarnate God, to incarnate the Divine, was the great ideal of Sri Aurobindo, and it is the ongoing experiment of Padma Sambhava, the Death Defier. I have Myself built into myself many lifetimes of various traditions on this Earth since my beginning as Adam Shiva, as Dawn with Eve in the Those who understand all this will follow the Way of the Ways and one day travel to the stars and galaxies on the supreme pilgrimage as sexually active divine immortals with all the twenty-four siddhis. They will be learning to unfold the Five Divine Powers as newly emerging “Q” beings, just like in Star Trek! This is where My Being is leading, happily exploring ever onward. Eve/Sati/Ganga is reborn and with Me now, and Parvati as well. We are inspired by all that is great and good on the Earth and in the Universe. We are devotees of Sadguru Brahman Swami Nathji and his consort, the Kevaleshwari Kevalashakti. We are one with such beings; we are of the Essence-of-Oneness, the Samarasa. Of course all this is too outrageous for most seekers, even in We are not here to directly confront the mundane religions or governments and their twisted, false leaders. Those are matters of a great karmic acceleration of humanity at this time. We are here to bring all the best in spiritual teachings, methods and energies through the cosmic door of the present shift from the Ascending Kali Yug into the Ascending Dwapar Yug in the orbit of the Sun, Horus, Surya Narayan, around the dark star, Ma’at, Kali Ma. After all the coming death and destruction, lifespans will extend to 150 to 200 years on average and there will be space travel and little colonies of people from Earth on other planets of other stars. These guest colonies are already being prepared by extraterrestrial races who have planted people there who have been already gently removed from the Earth. But, again, this information is too advanced for most seekers. Increasingly, as the cosmically engineered catastrophes take place on Earth, we will witness more and more incursion of obvious extraterrestrial beings and their equipment. Simultaneously with all this will be increasing unusual phenomena and the awakening of lower level psychic experiences in people. More and more people are also going to rebel against their governments or organize themselves in strange ways that cannot be stopped. The normal ways of working and living are already breaking down all over the planet and they will continue to break down. More and more institutions, such as medical services, will be revealed as ignorant, incompetent and wrongly motivated. The spirit of compassion and giving will fail. Salvation is to be found by realizing your own anonymous and private path of transformation, which should include mantra-with-breathing, physical purification and avoidance of organized social spirituality. Any form of spiritual teaching or method you have to pay for is false. You must do good work in a natural skill or profession and avoid at all cost any effort to financially profit or make your living from spirituality. There can be no compromise on this point whatsoever. Also, do not rebel against the government, but just quietly work around it. Let the abusive politicians and the insane masses destroy one another. Spiritually empty people of blind and neurotic materialism or denial of the Spirit have no future in their present bodies. They are karmically scheduled for death in colossal catastrophes en masse, which will increase to frightening proportions. The Spirit of Guidance will show you the way through it all. Listen to your heart, not your head. Learn how to learn in your higher inner self. The learning must be in your everyday life, in how you work, in how you perform even little chores, and how you handle stupid, silly or nasty people in and around your personal life. That you enjoy investigating far-out subjects, but try to imagine that you have socially important personal occult or religious experiences, only indicates that you have a tendency to self-deception and inability to learn. Remember always that higher things have significance only for people of down-to-earth and natural living and learning on a foundation of character development. Become a better person and leave humanity and the Earth to the Cosmic Gods who are running everything from beyond. |
©2006 Kevalin Absoluto |