Absolute Interactive
The Conquest of Death
by Kevalin Absoluto

The potential power locked-up in the core of a human self is unlimited.  In spite of this present limitation, the inner power is nonetheless slightly active in the deepest and highest aspiration we can conceive for ourselves.  Take, for instance, the desire for real, physical immortality beyond the mere ability of Siddhas, Abdals and Naguals to materialize their energy body or etheric double.  Auro-Mother, under the inspiration of Aurobindo, attempted to do this, but failed due to being buried alive by her ignorant, deluded followers.  Sat Prem, who has reported on all this, has also made the attempt to realize what he, Auro-Mother and Aurobindo have believed would-be a world-first cosmic and Divine achievement in a human body.  But there are reports of a great Yogi by the name of Dwivedi, who has physically lived for thousands of years since the time when Lord Krishna was physically alive as an avatar of Vishnu, the Solar Deity, Surya Narayan.  Dwivedi is a spiritual adept who lives on Soma mixed with cow’s milk in a hidden valley of the Himalaya.  In the legends of Shambhala, he is the one the Tibetan Buddhists call Somanath, Master of Soma, who restored lost esoteric Buddhist teachings to Shambhala.  I myself was introduced to a tall immortal called by the name Gunidhir Drona Swami, also alive from the days of Krishna. A great Shakta Yogi in Ujjain by the name of Swami Swarupananda has also told me a story of how he met with a group of physically alive tall immortals at Kalimath, which is on the pilgrimage route to Kedarnath in Uttar Pradesh.  We should also keep in mind that the great Guru Rimpoche, Padma Sambhava, self-born on a giant lotus flower with the help of Dakinis, extraterrestrials, is also purportedly still physically alive to this day, having migrated to Latin America, probably Mayan Mexico, over a thousand years ago, and who may be one and the same with the person called Xoxonapo, The Tenant or The Death-Defier, by the Naguals who taught Carlos Castaneda.  Hence there is considerable evidence of more than one supramental immortalized physical person on our planet Earth.  The potential for genuine physical immortality thus stands confirmed for those who have the knowledge.  The legend of the Eight Immortals of Ancient China is based on similar real knowledge of various seekers and Taoist Yogis throughout history in China.  In Nepal and Assam, Matsyendranath, Master of the Lord of the Fish, is reportedly still physically alive to this day and is worshipped by Buddhists as Avalokiteshwar, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.  When Padma Sambhava told the Tibetans he was going away to Latin America to lead and convert members of a vampire religion, probably referring to the old Mayan Vampire Cult, he reassured those Tibetans that they would always have the immortal Bodhisattva of Compassion as their friend and guide.  As for the Mayan Vampire Cult, they were like the modern Illuminati Satanists who lengthen their lifespan through ritual murdering little children and drinking their relatively pure blood.  The old Mayan culture was so full of this nefarious human “sacrifice” practice, that Padma Sambhava elected to show the Real way of physical immortalization to those who could grasp it, which explains a strange shift in Mayan culture at one time.  Whatever the case, we are left with the profound issue of our potential for real physical immortality.


The Nagual, Juan Matus, said to Carlos Castaneda, “Death only exists because we have intended it since the moment of our birth.  Hence, the intent of death can be suspended by making the assemblage point move.”  Interestingly, Auro-Mother said the same thing to Sat Prem, that we go into old age and death because of the position of our consciousness with all the normal activities and beliefs that society has trained us in, so what we need to do is simply (?) change the position of our consciousness.  The position of our consciousness is thus one and the same as the position of our assemblage point as described by the Nagual Seers.


The necessary shift of consciousness cannot take place as long as we are reinforcing the normal societal position of the assemblage point through imagining that money, fame or secular power will solve our problems and make us happy by bringing us social importance, property or new sex-partners.  Look, for instance, at how clever, brainy people of the world of money, business, media influence and politics go about in beautiful clothes but impure bodies, speaking against spiritual aspiration and Yoga, slandering any and all possible Guru(s), including even genuine Adepts.  Such people become terribly desperate when a serious disease comes to them as a natural result of their wrong living.  They spend a fortune on insurance for their life and property, but it cannot give them real health or security.  Sometimes they will crack-up and go in search of a real adept healer and offer vast sums of money for a miraculous healing, suddenly converted to occult possibilities.  More often than not, nothing much can be done for them by a genuine adept healer because they are too impure in body and wrongly motivated psychologically to sustain a cure. They desperately wish that wealth or fame could get them anything in a panic.


One important aspect of the necessary shift in our consciousness and our way of life is that we refuse to remain interested or concerned about any influences of government or ordinary society that deliberately lie to us and try to keep us in the dark about what is really going on or how human life really works.  When we choose higher awareness, better thinking and truly evolutionary living, we discover that Cosmic Law will not allow us to be endlessly manipulated by false people nor will it allow a life of real Yoga to be bent, diminished or crushed by dark forces of oppressive government or pressures of ignorant society.  We discover our faith in a way toward a God-conscious Immortality of High Development.


Those who are always pursuing famous entertainers, wealthy business leaders or politicians as if such materialistic egomaniacs are Very Important People, will never in a million years experience spiritual development or eternal bodily health.  I, for one, have no patience whatsoever with the worldly-wise who cannot see that the only important people on Earth or any other planet are the hidden spiritual adepts and immortals.  There is no bliss, freedom or immortality possible for those who simply rot themselves to death in the everyday busy and neurotic position of dull normal consciousness.  Such willfully blind idiots have no real or intimate connection with the people of genuine evolutionary aspiration.  The Great Quest requires tremendous, uncompromising integrity and anonymity.  This is especially true today as the masses and their twisted, phony leaders sink increasingly into hells of their own making.





©2005 Kevalin Absoluto