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The Urgency of Initiative Beyond Passive Interest by Kevalin Absoluto |
may have passive interest in many things, which can lead you to read
books and articles on those things, but your convenient and self-enclosed
studies will be nothing but decorative and fruitless hobbies or wishful
add-ons to your life if you are not engaging anywhere with strong intellectual
and spiritual initiative toward
your own originary inquiry, thinking, direct
experiencing, realization and mastery. You
can squat on an area of interest for years without doing anything personally
real about it. This kind
of personally stagnant complacency about any important evolutionary area, which
may be anything from Existential Authenticity or Zen Enlightenment
to Siddhayoga or the In
the field of intellect, Initiative means that you will stop
being an endlessly dabbling and sporadic reader, but will acquire all the
books on the important subject, say, Mexican Nagualism as taught to
Carlos Castaneda, and instead of reading them sequentially, you will
read them all in parallel together in little significant sections from
within chapters, trying to connect your own intuition or heightened
awareness with what each parallel section is about. You
will thus spend perhaps two or more hours per evening in this total
immersion in the subject of Mexican Nagualism. You
will also be intensely inquiring into the subject, asking questions of the Carlosoracle.com
as simulated interactive discussions of yourself with Juan Matus, the
Nagual Adept. You will
be keeping also perhaps a personal journal of your insights, experiments
and experiences in Nagualism. If
there is someone close to you in life who shares your quest for the
development into becoming a Nagual, you find yourself provoking intensely
meaningful discussion with them about the issues and energies within
and around the incredible subject of Nagualism. You are not passively interested in the subject,
but intelligently, creatively and experimentally engaged and thorough. It
is at least an area of comprehensive
personal research that your inevitable Death
tells you you have not got forever to understand
and realize directly in your own being. Your aim therefore is not to become another
empty explainer who
only has Nagual theory down, but rather a private,
anonymous practitioner who fully appreciates, understands and makes
best possible use of the theoretical material. One
is too seriously engaged intellectually and spiritually to be a mere
academic scholar about Nagualism, Shamanism, Tibetan Yoga or the like. Research is therefore even deeper
and more extensive than that of an academic, plus infinitely more personally
experimental and pragmatic. In
the field of emotion, Initiative means that one is passionately
engaged and inspired in the area in question. One feels an inward calling to be personally
involved in the energies and events pertaining to one’s passionate
enthusiasm for the subject. If
it is, say again, Nagual Seership, then one
feels a powerful affinity and resonance with any and all persons and
experts in realization of the pertinent accomplishments. In
fact, one feels tremendous respect and admiration for all the great Naguals of
New Seership. One feels a subtle connection with them
in the Spirit. Resonating
with such proficient magical people, one can feel what they are about, one can feel/hear their
thoughts, one is vibratorilly connected
with the ways of Naguals in the world of
the Spirit. One has a profound
rapport of Silent
Knowledge about what it is all really about. At the same time, one finds oneself avoiding
like the plague any form of modern take-off spurious cults, healers
or popular explainers who are obviously caught up in Tonal social expansion of themselves
in the name of Nagualism rather than getting on with being real private and
anonymous genuine Naguals. One’s passion and inspiration is
for the Spirit of Nagualism, not for social belonging, networking,
gossiping or trying to have a following in the field of New Seership. Freedom of the Spirit is one’s
consummate passion, one’s exploration of the Unknown beyond all
social silliness and vanity that have attached themselves to the subject. In
the field of action, Initiative means one is personally
and directly engaged in a pragmatic journey in the field of one’s
intense engagement in the important subject. If
it is Nagual Shamanism, one is again and again entering the solitary
wilderness pathways of Voidwalking, Skywalking, Shamanistic
State of Exploring the Unknown, as well as learning Dream
Control, Stalking, Controlled Folly and other Nagual
methods. One is truly living
as a non-social, free-spirited Warrior. One is actively engaged in reshaping one’s
personal existence into a magical vehicle that utilizes the Magical
Passes (Tensegrity) to redeploy one’s
personal energies into a new growing configuration of genuine Personal
Power. One is also
learning to connect in useful, enhancing ways with the Allies, the Inorganic Beings, without
getting entrapped in their involutionary world. When Initiative is
thus activated in all three of your zones of intellect, emotion and
action, you have genuine free-will or Intent, which is the pure
directedness and impeccability of the Spirit. You are no longer a biological
robot, a pseudo-free chooser, a normal of spiritually dead conformity
to society, a mere daydreaming spiritual dilettante or an argumentative
and criticizing crank seeking attention. With Initiative you are becoming a spiritual realizer instead
of a self-enclosed normal with a few spiritual books you read occasionally. With Initiative you are no longer
complacently drifting as another societal sheep being led over the
collective cliff by the lying and evil outer government. With Initiative you are no longer trying
to please your relatives about what you do, nor do you feel you have to be constantly
reporting your urgently significant life-events to them. You discover that you can be compassionate
and kind toward relatives and associates without clinging or conforming,
without trying to get them on a spiritual path and without trying to
share your real journey with them, which remains your secretly expanding
inner life and personal regeneration. So Initiative is
the stealthy overthrow of your old conditioning and self-harming habits
of dull normalcy. It is energetical and
magical revolutionary self-change that plugs you into an extraordinary
destiny beyond the useless and deluded hopes, fears,
imaginings and pretences of collective physical humanity. With Initiative you are no longer a member
of society. Instead you
are a warrior-traveler, a
rogue individual wandered off from the common herd. Your awakening
and emergent Initiative is not confusing or inaccessible;
it is the natural, powerful and intentional energy of your Spirit. It
is, in fact, an ever more clear and firm set of new magical and spiritual purposes
you are pursuing ever more intelligently, passionately and actively
in your new
life, your real life, beyond your old, false and disappointing normal life. Wherever
you are psychically asleep, a victim of mass hypnosis and just another
spiritual shopper/consumer with passive interests, hobbies and self-enclosed
dead studies, your obvious lack of Initiative is not a puzzle, but a stupid cop-out where
you are letting yourself drift into waste of your life. It is not an intellectual or brain problem so
much as it is an urgent need for a real awakening of spiritual
aspiration, direction and adventure. Any
area of your evolution where you are merely passively interested and
self-defensive is just part of what is killing you. |
©2005 Kevalin Absoluto |