The passing away of Juan Matus and Carlos Castaneda was the ending of the lineage of the New Seers of Mexico that had developed under the auspices of the Death Defier. But the Death Defier did not die, which implies the possibilities for some new ways of working with new perspectives. Those of us who have a taste for warrior-traveling, who have been deeply inspired by Juan Matus and his magical associates, are strange inheritors of all this as we go about our private and anonymous business beyond the boundaries of the superficial social scene that still surrounds the various reactions to the literature of Carlos Castaneda and his Magical Passes cult.
There is still a subtle connectivity in Mexico, but it is under heavy pressure from criminal trends of contemporary Mexican society on the one hand and extraterrestrial spacecraft demonstrations by the Pleiadeans in the skies over Mexico on the other. These two conditions of runaway criminality and UFO excitement are compounded by corruption in business and government that is rotting the general Tonal of Mexicans and Indians alike. In a conversation I had personally with the Death Defier a few months ago, she/he pointed out that the current constraints on Nagual Shamanism in Mexico were quite parallel to current constraints on Bektashi Sufism in modern Turkey. Of course, it is rather obvious that people seeking the miraculous through Nagual Shamanism in Mexico have not got a clue about seeking the miraculous through Bektashi Sufism in Turkey, just as people seeking the miraculous through Bektashi Sufism in Turkey have not got a clue about seeking the miraculous through Nagual Shamanism in Mexico. General principles of seeking-the-miraculous are not easy to transmit when the seekers are emotionally identified with their favorite miraculous region on the planet. The Tonal, the Social Self, cannot see the forest because of the tree.
If you are an awakening warrior-traveler, you are beginning to realize that you have to think in a totally new way about all this. The old Ways are dying out all over the planet and the new Ways have not yet emerged. We are on a difficult bridge between two time-worlds. Even immortal adepts like the Death Defier have to make strange new personal adjustments during the present transitional time-condition of the planet.
All the social networks on the Web are not solving the problem, the challenge, of accelerated human development or new positions of the assemblage point. The various cult-groupings of volunteers around personally magnetic self-assigned teachers, counselors and healers are also nothing but self-deceptive foolishness and distraction. Little egos swarming randomly on the Web have created a condition known in physics as entropy. In a condition of entropy, which includes white noise, the overall system cannot process information or perform productive work. Social units follow their social excitements in migrating patterns of useless temporary curiosities and exchanging of idle talk. Castaneda freaks, just like other brands of freaks, hop about on the Web exchanging their opinions and attention in lives that are individually inauthentic and irresolute as Martin Heidegger, the German existentialist, has laid out ontologically in his great work, Being and Time. In New Seer terms, to be inauthentic means an assemblage point stuck in the normal social position and to be irresolute means no energetic link with intent due to all one’s personal energy being constantly drained by the flyer.
The private and anonymous warrior-traveler is undertaking a magical adventure that goes against the swarms of Castaneda identified socializers. He or she is like a salmon swimming and leaping upstream against the currents and waterfalls. This movement against the social current requires tremendous inner strength, personal power. This is the position of no-pity.
Millions of social seekers want to have miraculous powers so they can show-off to attract servants and sex-partners. They will even pretend to have such powers so as to attract and hold willing servants and sex-partners. Millions of social seekers want to be exotic, attractive and popular. For over fifty years in America and Europe, the social seekers have been nosing about in Mexico, Peru, Turkey, Egypt, India, Bhutan and Japan. All this behavior about the miraculous has proven to be more sociological than miraculous. Of course it is also true that all that generates a tremendous amount of frustration, disappointment and loneliness, a lot of self-pity and self-absorption. Personal energy can go even lower and Personal Power becomes a confusing myth one only reads about in books.
The Descent of the Spirit gives a peculiar feeling that has inner eyes and inner ears. With this peculiar feeling one explores a greater world that includes the everyday world. It is in this manner that one’s role in the outer world becomes controlled folly. This very website and this very article are actions of my own controlled folly. Being “The Inheritor” is also controlled folly.
Not everyone needs slapped on the back to enter into Heightened Awareness. Unfortunately, most of my readers here actually do need slapped on the back but are not lined-up to get such a boost. So they are forced to carry-on their search for the miraculous without the benefit of Heightened Awareness. They try reading things like Castaneda books in their ordinary state of consciousness and low energy. Their brain begins to swell with unexperienced stories and sorcery instructions. They cannot summon and grab the ally nor walk in the Unknown. So they just bullshit each other on the Web, or, if they are too timid to even do that, they just daydream and try to keep busy until some miraculous event on their behalf might happen.
I would say more here but I have an appointment with Power that most definitely does not include you.