The Issues of Recapitulation are personally immense for any authentic and resolute individual who intensely aspires to developmental life leading to genuine Freedom, Bliss and Immortality. I am going to tell you an alternative approach to the Recapitulation Exercise of the Lineage of New Seers of Mexico that will give you their results, but much, much more.
Their Freedom is to Burn-With-The-Fire-From-Within as an attempted permanent withdrawal of causal timespace individuality as the Third Attention, the inner cluster, the Abstract, and to remain transfixed, looking out on Eternity. It is an achievement of seeming permanence of a developed mentality that can materialize the Double and therefore Does Not seemingly require an organic physical body. But their Freedom is short of the Real Freedom of the Spirit of the Fourth Attention as described in Vedanta and the Agama teachings of Shaivism in Ancient India. And the materialized Double is a pseudo-immortality that has its magical uses for showing off to ordinary mortals, but does not give the personal satisfactions of an actually immortal physical body. The Second Attention and Third Attention Achievements of the Nagual Seers, impressive and useful as they may be, are just not getting the job done. The Greater Nagual Path appreciatively includes the important gains of the Lesser Nagual Path, but without being imprisoned in the assumptions and failures intrinsic to the Lesser Nagual Path.
Tonal and Nagual
The Tonal is the Social Self, which is our interface with boring, flat, Flyer-eaten, dead normals, conformists, emotional idiots and clever, brainy intellectuals. The Nagual is the Spirit Self that seeks and sometimes gets a magical development, extraordinary states of consciousness, or an evolutionary breakthrough. In most human beings, the Nagual, the Spirit Self, is asleep and remains undeveloped life after life in the normal cycle of reincarnation. For the Social Self, the Tonal, all awakening Naguals, Spirit Selves, are dangerous and upsetting individuals who are no longer satisfied with spiritually dead normal living and routines. The new Naguals get their own Tonals reading books on Nagualism and other unusual subjects, attempting experiments and exercises in occult or mystical practices, and of course trying to give and get a lot of social attention around and within the unusual subjects. This leads the Tonal, the Social Self to waste immense amounts of personal energy by pretending to be Nagual or Spirit Self. This suits the Flyer just fine, because it gets fed anyway by keeping Nagual issues and opportunities within the field of the Tonal, just like in social networks on the Web.
Greater Nagual Recapitulation is designed to create a strengthening and awakening of the Spirit Self, the Nagual, to give you true dominance of the Social Self, the throwing off of social pressures-to-conform (the Flyers), and to increase the Power of Stalking.
Taking Back Your Real Life
There are invisible psychic lines attached to the Life-Center, just under the navel and deep within your body. Through these lines, your normal family members, associates and old friends (and enemies) are endlessly draining your psychic life-power and inhibiting your Real Life of higher human development, liberation, genuine happiness and potential immortality. Ex-children, ex-husbands-or-wives, your parents and others can be particularly draining and debilitating. What does not go to your own Flyer or Mind-Parasite, goes to theirs. You become obsessed with giving and getting social attention as psychic energy. If you have read the Celestine Prophecy, you have vaguely understood that there are four (4) basic types of Energy Strategies the Flyers utilize to keep people spiritually dead, flat, boring and thoughtlessly conforming to each other and society in general. So, the first part of all this is the necessity for you to learn to get your own Real Life or Energy back from those who are draining it from you, but without stealing their potential Real Life or Energy from them!
When you deeply inhale, picture your Inner Power-of-Real-Life, of Magical Living outside dead normals and their society, coming back to you through all the lines from people of your past from everywhere and in front of your body, sucking your Real Life back into your life-center through your open navel. Let the inhalation naturally open up and push out your stomach and intestines.
With your deep inhalation, turn your head from facing far left to facing far right. As you take in this breath, think to yourself, “I take back my life”.
When you take back your life into your life-center, visualize that you are utilizing it to form a Fetus-of-Immortality that will grow and grow and immortalize all the cells of your body toward true physical immortality.
Giving Back Their Dead Normalcy
The same invisible connecting lines through your navel with the people of your past who keep you stuck in guilt, normalcy, deadness and attention problems can and should be utilized to send all that psychic deadness back to them all.
When you exhale, picture all the deadness and conformity demands of your close relatives and others being sent back to them through the lines going out of your navel to the front and spreading everywhere necessary to liberate you from dead normal socializing, to awaken Real Freedom and ultimate non-conformity as a boundless Spirit of Forth State Non-dual Cosmic Awareness or Super-consciousness.
When you are deeply, slowly exhaling, turn your head from facing far right to facing far left while mentally saying to yourself, “I give back their death”.
When exhaling, suck in your lower and upper stomach muscles to seal-in the Real Life-Power you got from the previous inhalation.
The Usher
As you do this Recapitulation Exercise from the standpoint of a genuine Nagual or Spirit Self, you will discover that you do not have to plan which past dramatic attention-energy exchange situations are most significant to visualize or re-live to retrieve your Psychic-Power-of-Real-Life. There is a Guiding Spirit of all Naguals called The Usher. That Guiding Spirit will occasionally and unpredictably light-up situations from your past for retrieval as needed. All you need to do is maintain the Intent to have this happen for you, which it will.
Keep your analytic brain out of all this! This is not Freudian self-analysis nor the partially real approach of Scientology, which is a secondary recapitulation cult for Tonals, just as Tensegrity is a secondary magical passes cult for Tonals.
The Usher is there and will guide you in the flow of the liberating and life-developing Greater Nagual Recapitulation Exercise.