Searching For The Death Defier
by The Inheritor

We read in the Amy Wallace book (Sorcerer’s Apprentice) where Muni Alexander/Carol Tiggs/The Nagual Woman says, “And finally I can tell you the Death Defier’s name, Xoxonapo, which means ‘fruit of eternal spring’.  The Death Defier lived for thousands of years.  To speak her name in Tula will wake her spirit.  She told me to speak Nahautl words, ending with the line: O xoxopanxoco o xoxopanxoco.”


Then in the same book we read:

Muni stood next to a small chapel beside the church. ‘This is where the Death Defier struck an agreement with Carol Tiggs’, she began, speaking of herself in the third person.  ‘The creature had a gravelly voice that upset her.  It sounded like a man’s voice.  The Death Defier intuited her feelings and fears, and said, “There is nothing male left inside me.  My assemblage point is utterly twisted.”  ‘The Death Defier’, Muni told us, ‘gave an explicit description of its female genitalia, which embarrassed Carol greatly.’

“Now Muni described her seduction by the Death Defier, her tremendous orgasm, and subsequent fear of lesbianism.  The Death Defier told her, ‘Don’t be shy and prissy.  Women have a big blast of energy in their uterus, and their way of opening up to the unknown is through orgasm.’

Muni described her post-coital experience: ‘Carol Tiggs felt really dirty and full of shame, downright filthy.  She was sure everybody in the church was watching, and thinking she was a disgusting lesbian.  The Death Defier explained: ‘No, no one saw – you are dreaming inside a dream.  This church isn’t even real.  Now I want to ask something of you – help me to find freedom.  I’ll pay you any way you want, or my life will end with your line.  I will make you all-powerful as a trade.  If you want to be a man, say so.  If you want to be the most orgasmic creature in all the universe, I’ll make you into a superpussy!  Do you want this to happen?  This will be the ultimate adventure.”


“Yes.  What should I do next?”


“Seduce Carlos.”


In the book, The Art of Dreaming, by Carlos, we find the description of his encounter with the Death Defier and the way that experience merged with Carol Tiggs in a hotel room.


The central feature of Florinda Donner’s book, Being-In-Dreaming, is her mind-boggling encounters with the woman/man, Esperanza/The Caretaker.  Surely there is an obvious likeness to the Death Defier.  Hence, ‘The Tenant’ who lives with the Nagual and his party in the witches’ house.


An immortal bisexual person has been living in Mexico for over a thousand years.  But did that person originate in Mexico?  If one reads the book, The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation, by W.Y. Evans-Wentz, we read in the section, An Epitome of the Life and Teachings of Tibet’s Great Guru Padma-Sambhava:

Padma, assuming numerous guises, continued to subdue evil.  Sometimes he appeared as a common beggar, sometimes as a boy of eight years, sometimes as lightning, or wind, sometimes as a beautiful youth in dalliance with women, sometimes as a beautiful woman in love with men…’

In Chögyam Trungpa’s book on Padmasambhava, The Lotus Born Guru Rimpoche, we hear Trungpa say, “Padmasambhava still lives, literally.  He is not living in South America, but in some remote place – on a continent of vampires, at a place called Sangdok Pelri, ‘Glorious Copper-Colored Mountain.’  He still lives.  Since he is the state of dharmakaya, the fact of physical bodies dissolving back into nature is not regarded as a big deal.  So if we search for him, we might find him.  Bur I’m sure you will be very disappointed when you see him.  Of course we are no longer talking about his eight aspects alone.  I am sure since then he has developed millions of aspects.”


The “millions of aspects” of course would refer to positions of the assemblage point, which have been developed over thousands of years.


In reference to Trungpa’s uncanny intuition, “But I’m sure you will be very disappointed when you see him”, it clearly was better said as, “But I’m sure you will be rather upset when you encounter a her rather than a him.


The Death Defier looks a lot like Padma Sambhava who the Tibetan legends say did emigrate to a Latin American region where he became the King of a vampire cult to lead them out of vampirical longevity into a higher level of immortality through more sublimated means, probably connected with imbibing sex-fluids rather than the blood of pure young children.  And it just so happens that the most powerful ancient vampire cult was among the Mayans and Toltecs of ancient Mexico.


When Carlos Castaneda formed his Tensegrity cult, it was the end of the Nagual lineage carefully nurtured by the Death Defier, beginning with Don Sebastian in 1723.  As Juan Matus put it in Castaneda’s book, The Fire From Within, “The ancient seer that the Nagual Sebastian found in 1723 is that Death Defier.  We count that day as the beginning of our line, the second beginning.  That Death Defier, who’s been on the Earth for hundreds of years, has changed the lives of every Nagual he met, some more profoundly than others.  And he has met every single Nagual of our line since that day in 1723.”


The Death Defier, Xoxonapo, who is probably also the Great Guru Rimpoche, Padmasambhava, from Hindustan and Tibet, has a serious problem.  How and where to form a new lineage of Nagual type Seers/Sorcerers.  In my conversation with him/her, there was great interest in modern Turkey, but of course that country is rather unstable and in a region where dangerous political forces are operating.  Where on Earth at this time is the best bet for beginning and maintaining a lineage of new groups or superfamilies learning immortalization and sex magic under the guidance of a genuine immortal?  All of us who share in these concerns have to face this issue.  The human race on this planet Earth are going into pervasive instability, insanity, corruption and mass destruction.  Evolutionary gains preserved in various cultures are being lost as cultures break down under the globalization efforts of the dark New World Order and its secret Illuminati planners.  They too are an unreformed vampire cult, just like the ancient Mayans and Toltecs of Mexico.  Perhaps the Death Defier needs to do something personal about those people as he/she did with the old Mexican vampire leaders.  Interestingly, the symbol of this kind of sublimation of an evil grouping in the East is the Garuda-bird seizing and killing a serpent.  And what do we see on the national flag of Mexico?  An eagle holding a serpent in its talons…