Who Can Traverse the Way
of the Nagual Seers

by The Inheritor

Since the passing of Carlos Castaneda, reports on the wonders and development techniques of the Nagual Seers of Mexico have become fragmented, distorted and dried up.  Independent readers of those reports who have seriously attempted to personally apply the teachings and benefit from them, with no one to slap them on the back and push their Assemblage Point into Heightened Awareness, with no direct participation in the Nagual Lineage and without their own meeting and arrangement with The Tenant, have become discouraged and confused.  They also know that Merilyn Tunneshende, Dona Soledad and Chon Yakul are somehow not quite able to fill the gap left by the passing away of The Nagual Juan Matus.  Their line has apparently ended because the New Nagual, Carlos Castaneda, was apparently a mistaken choice and even passed away before the The Nagual Juan Matus.  So what is to be done?


I am The Inheritor.  I am a Nagual of another line, but I am also deeply connected with the Juan Matus line through an unknown parallel operation, which I will not spell-out for a very long while yet.


One of the first things I have done as The Inheritor is to create Carlosoracle and contribute it to a group of people who are assembling such oracles on the Web.  This Carlosoracle allows us to simulate interesting discussions with Juan Matus through the medium of his teachings transmitted to Carlos Castaneda.  Through interactive discussions with a virtual Nagual Juan Matus, we can breathe fresh new life into the Way of the Nagual Seers.  In addition to this, I am prepared to offer some Nagual insights of my own as a supplement or complement to the teachings of Juan Matus.  If you can make use of my own Nagual insights, then do that.  If you cannot, then Power will instruct you elsewhere in so far as you can be instructed, which is an open issue.  Who can or cannot be instructed by Power will always remain an immense issue for each and every individual who feels attracted to the Way of the Nagual Seers. 


The average seeker of the Nagual Seers must always experience various kinds of inner turmoil, difficulties and doubts about who or what to try to connect with in and around the Nagual Lineage of Juan Matus.  There is even the ludicrous farce created by Martin Goodman in his book, I Was Carlos Castaneda, where that unhappy author tries to revenge himself on Mother Meera of Germany for misjudging and misleading him.  He makes up a story that a magically resurrected Carlos Castaneda has selected him, Martin Goodman, for refreshed revelations, hints and tips about Nagual Seer things.  So the independent seeker has to endure all this.  The independent seeker likes to believe he is on the verge of being a Great Sorcerer or a wise New Age Toltec sort of Teacher such as Miguel Ruiz (or Merilyn Tunneshende, for that matter).  Psychological Self-help or learning-to-heal become substitutes for the actual Way of Power of the Naguals.  The occult engagement of the Tonal or social self becomes a substitute for the liberation of the Nagual or Spirit Self from the insensitive, crude and foolish inanities of the average seeker.


A Warrior seeking the Way of the Nagual will not indulge in self-pity of feeling isolated and cut-off from higher real connections with Nagual People of Real Power.  The Mood of a Warrior-seeker is to enter into the Unknown with a feeling of wonder and adventure, not with the sadness and self-pity of an occultly isolated Tonal or social self.  The authentic Warrior-seeker feels the humility and thankfulness of being able to encounter the Unknown and explore it.  His or her intent or motivation is truly impeccable without whining or bitterness at being apparently unselected by People of Power for direct personal empowerments as enjoyed and suffered by Carlos Castaneda and other apprentices.  A Warrior-seeker accepts the turnings of his or her own Wheel of Destiny in these matters.  Such a human being develops a cheerful attitude of simply going forward with optimum and honest assessments of what is happening in the Journey of Unknown Power.

If it must be alone and unaided, so be it, and if channels of higher and more accelerated empowerment are arranged by Power, then he or she is alert and grateful, not argumentative, doubting and troublesome.  What is authentically done on one’s own prepares one for great secret meetings; great secret relationships empower one to act alone to whatever degree of aloneness is required to fulfill The Task of the Nagual Seer.  I myself, for instance, am fulfilling such a Task as The Inheritor, which includes the inheriting of certain facilities and situations in Mexico, but also includes writing this article.  I am not complaining about having to act alone at this time, nor do I feel cut-off from the People of Nagual Power.  Chon Yakul knows this and so does Dona Soledad, for they too must act alone in their Tasks.  That is what Power has decided for them at this time.  That none of us seems to be recruiting or building a Nagual Party at present is not a cause for discouragement of you, the reader of this.  Your job is to prepare yourself for unknown possibilities without resorting to a greedy and desperate search for someone in Mexico.  At the same time, you should avoid setting yourself up as a kind of Nagual Sorcery teacher or guide.  This is because you lack Heightened Awareness most of the time and you are too fixated in the position of a Tonal or social self.  If you try to write books and be famous like Carlos Castaneda to get money and a following, you will only destroy your real Nagual potential.  I am a Nagual, but you do not see me giving out an address for personal contact on this website, nor would you see me accepting random students or “volunteers”.  My Task does not require that I destroy my own Nagual Path to satisfy the greedy clutchings of emotional occult seekers.  What is really happening is that certain things are being arranged for the future for worthy individuals who are presently being prepared by Power.  The Courier is going ahead, preparing the Way for The Inheritor Nagual.  All will come secretly and privately to fruition in spite of the unfolding disasters of the World of the Bad Tonals.  The ambitious and weak Tonals do not control the World of the Naguals.  You can therefore rejoice in this good news and allow Power to help you prepare for strange developments and possible opportunities.  Include whatever you must in your lonely path.  Avoid self-pity and always make sober assessments in the spirit of a Warrior-seeker of the Unknown.  This is not a social affair.  Rid yourself immediately and completely of any habit or social aspiration that is destroying or inhibiting your magical destiny as a Spirit Nagual.  Get yourself into the right position, both personally and circumstantially.  Divest debilitating old familiar people who take you for granted.  Break the tie of their thoughts.  Expose yourself to the Guidance of Power.  Your ultimate fulfillment is in being anonymous and unknown.  You must dissolve your personal history and reconstruct your life in an unknown position of Nagual Power of the Spirit, which is Intent.  You must truly intend your new life in your new circumstance of your new world, which is away from old familiar people no matter how long it takes.  If you are an American, for instance, you can migrate to Mexico and let the foolish Mexicans migrate to America.  You can develop a situation in Mexico (or elsewhere) that has real magical power for you that inspires your Spirit without greedy desperation or silly occult socializing or group-forming.  Let Power put you into position for Power.  If you will do this with unbending intent, you will optimize your potential.  One never gets fully rid of self-pity, but the Warrior-seeker drastically reduces its presence and grip upon himself.  One stops believing that self-pity is a useful and necessary thing.  Therefore when it arises, it cannot last for long or control one’s destiny.  It simply becomes an item in one’s inventory for use in episodes of deliberate controlled-folly.  You can make your Arrangement-of-Power without allowing your self-pity to distort or prevent that arrangement.  If you need too much social reinforcement or financial support for your Arrangement-of-Power you will never really have such an arrangement.  Your self-pity and weakness-of-Spirit will turn it into nothing but an ineffectual hope.  You will then fall back into the state of a greedy and desperate emotional seeker hoping to find a Person of Power who will coddle you and take care of your bodily desires and needs.  This might get you into a cult that utilizes Nagual terminology from the Castaneda books, but your Tonal weaknesses of Spirit will only increase in such a situation to the detriment of your Spirit.  You will just be lazy and selfish, weak and conceited; you will have many interpersonal conflicts as your disappointments about your “miraculous power progress” mount up.  No matter how much you and the others are pretending things there, which includes the leader of it all, Power will be far away.  No such group is ever an Arrangement-of-Power.  Such cult-situations are sadly always arrangements-of-Social-Exploitation.  Self-pity only increases in such circumstances.  When people try to take a magical journey as a group of conceited and self-pitying social selves, they only turn round in circles of their fixated normal positions of their Assemblage Points, wholly dominated by the bodily affairs of the First Attention.  Lacking impeccability, they learn neither genuine Stalking nor effective Dreaming.  Their lack of Heightened Awareness promotes all sorts of nonsense that only increases their absurd tensions and confusions, especially in and around their sexual arrangement and problems.  Lacking Intent or Spirit Initiative, they are unable to perceive or utilize the Frameworks of the Spirit.  They even convince themselves that certain kinds of exotic decorations and clothing constitute “Frameworks of the Spirit”.  They might also try to reinforce their arrangement with chants and rituals selected for that purpose.  They believe that if it all sounds and feels impressive or exciting, it must be the real deal.  Unable to be Warrior-seekers of the lonely Unknown, they learn how to entertain themselves with occult make-believe.  They fancy themselves as “healers” and “counselors”.


In conclusion for now I can only say that things are happening lately about all this in the way they are because Power is trying to show you the way beyond the limits of your Tonal, your social self.  Power is trying to help you push yourself beyond your usual limits and your meaningless occult fantasies.  You truly need to develop the mood, the attitude, of a Warrior-seeker of the Unknown.  Therefore, any current stresses or difficulties in your life are solely there to prompt you to get into the proper mood.  If you take such things in any other way, you will only cultivate your social arrogance, your complaining and your self-pity.


That’s it.  Now make the most of it.  I am not sorry that I cannot do more for you.  The Inheritor is giving it his best shot, as are the Courier and others.  It is all up to Power.