Lappland Chronicles
Chronicle One

Since our trip to Iceland (we are big fans of the music group, Sigur Rós / Victory Rose) we have been feeding the little wild Roe Deer that are native to Sweden even here in Lappland.  We feed them Reindeer fodder and they love it.  We have also trained a few of them to come and eat right at the window.  At first, when they would see us moving around in the house, they would freak out and run away.  But over time they are getting used to us being there.  In fact, when we go outside to put out their feed, a big group of them will just stand there in the snow a few yards away, eagerly waiting and watching.


It is that time of the year when the boys are growing their new horns for the year.  The horns start off as two round dark patches on their heads, which have now begun to sprout.  One little guy already has a set a couple of inches long.


Sometimes there are four or five little deer heads with big ears and big brown eyes eagerly munching away.  They are truly adorable.  One loses all desire to eat their flesh.



Chronicle Two

About three weeks ago there was an unusual event.  Three mooses (elyar in Swedish), a family of two adults and a young one, walked across the frozen lake Randijaur from the other side to right near our house.  They did this in the open in broad daylight.


A few days ago we found them every morning eating twigs off the winter dried up bushes right near our house.  So we started putting out Reindeer fodder high enough off the ground that the little deer could not reach.  The mooses did not want the fodder, but preferred their dry twigs.  So we put out some blocks of salt-lick for them.  The salt-lick block farthest away on the edge of the forest they have been licking a lot.  So we just last night put a loaf of plain brown bread to see if they might like it.



Chronicle Three

We just checked to see what happened to the loaf of bread.  The big bull moose, who we call “Jake”, was there licking the salt-lick, but wasn’t touching the bread.  But he really likes his salt-lick.  There are big indentations in the snow where it looks like he and his lady companion have been sleeping.  It’s like he is guarding his block of salt-lick he likes.  We have a couple of other salt-lick blocks out nearer to the house, but our mooses haven’t “found” them yet.  Still, there are lots of fresh moose tracks up and down our long driveway to the main highway.  Forming a relation with the wild moose is not easy!  Also, it is noticeable that we have not yet seen the young moose.  Mother moose, who we call “Jenny” might have run it off to get started in its career.



Chronicle Four

Today, when we went to check the salt-lick, the two mooses were not there. Instead there was a group of about fifteen reindeer tackling the salt-lick which they could just manage to reach.


The fun fact is that we have been filming the mooses and the Roe Deer, so now appears a splendid group of reindeer getting in on the act.



Chronicle Five

The Arctic twilight this afternoon was extraordinary.  Also, it has been very warm for this time of year.  So we decided to take a walk outside bare-skinned from the waist up at —8 C (about 18/19 F) and it was extremely invigorating.  Not even goose-pimples, but heated-from-within like the Tummo Yogis of Tibet, so to speak.  Something had come over us and it was the only thing to do…like a kind of directly personal celebration of LIFE.  We are falling in love with mid-January in Lappland.



Chronicle Six

Same day, later at night.  Someone saw a beautiful Aurora outside.  We decided to go out and see it, but the temperature had dropped dramatically to —18 C (zero F).  We thought to ourselves, “Shall we do it again?”  So we stripped down to the waist again and went outside to see the Aurora, a huge green arc or bridge from East to West.  And again we were invigorated and feeling sky high…



Chronicle Seven

The last few days have been reminiscent of Whitley Strieber’s old E.T. Contact experiences in his rural cabin in upstate New York with emphasis on the Little Blue People.  But in our case there is Telepathic Communion without Abduction.


One noticeable thing about E.T. Presence is the affect on wild animals here.  One of our moose visitors was seen running off in a strange direction from an area just Southwest of our cottage that the Roe Deer feeding group were also nervously watching and avoiding.  There were also accompanying physical and quasi-physical phenomena of a rather playful nature.


If one is living in a remote, rural situation, certain kinds of E.T. Contact become possible, if one is aware enough with the right attitude.  Mutual Cosmic Understanding and Empathy are a whole universe of possibilities and developments.  If we are loving and kind to the lower animals, higher intelligences are loving and kind toward us.  When we want to nourish lower life-forms, higher life-forms want to nourish us.


Most human beings of the Earth are afraid or violent toward both animals and aliens.  Getting beyond such a crude state is a next step in human evolution.  This is fundamental to Cosmic Law and Order of Life Everywhere.


For me personally, Lappland is a wonderful Life Contact Lab on all levels.  People are the most difficult and troublesome to contact, so we keep it to a minimum.


Incidentally, if you go back to the Absolute Oracle homepage and click on the White Sphere and go through to our familiar Lappland Autumn scene and then click on the White Star again, you can get a feel for the Communion type of thing and get some nourishment.



Chronicle Eight

Today it has been snowing too hard to put out reindeer fodder for the Roe Deer. A little while ago there were about a dozen of them standing around in the snow near the house with hopeful, expectant looks on their faces with those big beautiful brown eyes.


I was reminded of when I was a kid and my Grandfather in Billings, Montana said to me one summer afternoon that he had stopped hunting deer.  When I asked him why, he said, “Well, I got to looking at them and decided they are just too cute.”



Chronicle Nine

It is night.  In the distance, through the darkness, I can see the light of the Parkijaur Dam on the distant far shore of Randijaur.  I am listening to soundtrack of the movie, The Fountain, which is wonderful music indeed.


Two little deer are happily eating on the ledge beneath my window.  They are illuminated by the light from my study.  I can hear their hearts beating with my own beating heart.  I am melting away into the Eternal Everywhere.  Darkness and Light are dancing in tune with the music.  “I” is light and “Am” is darkness.  Wherever we may find ourselves, all this is always possible.


To see Eternity, to see God in everything all around, is not enough.  We must enter, we must join, we must melt away.


Without undying love, there is only the isolation of a causal individual in dead space of separation.



Chronicle Ten

We were doing our naked-in-the-extreme-cold invigoration walk again this morning.  We set our personal record a few mornings ago at 27 C.  Coincidentally, there was a television program recently in Serbia about people in the Arctic in Russia who have been doing the same thing to invigorate themselves.  Like us, they found that you get a big rush of heat from within your body that is quite exhilarating.



Chronicle Eleven

The largest group of Roe Deer ever were just here under a clear blue sky on the bright white snow and the shadows.  There were seventeen of them.  They had been waiting and waiting in the forest just on the edge of the lake.  The minute the fodder was laid out on the table we provide, they came rushing out and began gobbling and jostling.  About five or six quickly broke away and came to the ledge beneath my window.  I never tire of seeing them close at hand and they are getting ever more accustomed to my nearby presence.  But they still keep an eye on me while they rapidly lick up and chew the fodder.  And some have snow on their faces from eating snow.


It’s below Zero F today, so they are hungrier than when it is warmer.  Two days ago it was only around 0 C / 32 F so there were not as many deer and they were more fussy and indifferent.


The feeling of all this has become surprisingly sharp and clear.  The extreme cold is not hostile, but inviting.  It is one of those times when the flight of a bird is something else, like the gesture of a signaling spirit.



Chronicle Twelve

February 1st, 2008.  It’s snowing like hell.  There is one lone little deer at our feeding table.  He’s the rogue stag we call Reggie whose horns are just beginning to sprout.  Suddenly he shows up at the feeding ledge under my window.  There is still plenty of feed there under three inches of snow and he knows it.  Now he is licking it up from under the snow.  He does this for awhile until his tongue gets too cold.  Then he hops down and goes back to the main table where three or four others are nosing under the snow for whatever is left from the big feeding earlier this morning.

Having written this, I look up and they’re all gone.



Chronicle Thirteen

The sun is coming up earlier and earlier.  This morning there is a light blue sky filled with pink clouds all throughout in all directions.  The beauty of all that hovering over the white snow has a feeling of mystery, of something pending.  As everything grows brighter, light is more than light, but an energy.  It is a shamanic light.  It is visual music.



Chronicle Fourteen

It’s the first week in April.  The Snow Sparrows have arrived.  We haven’t seen them since last year about this time.  There must be fifty plus of them in this flock.  They love it when we scatter bird-seed on the surface of the snow for them to hop about and peck it up.

More snow is falling.  It is that wet, mushy snow that falls when it is just around freezing or slightly below it.

There is something eternal about the dark green evergreens and built up snow all around here under a light bluish gray sky.  It is so quiet and beautiful where there is low human population and lots of nature.  Wherever there are people there is always noise and those self-enclosed faces of blank, neurotic stupidity stemming from wrong living, crude tension and unhappiness.  Even the occasional spiritual believer is strangely stupid and insensitive.  Though spiritually blind, they are always on the lookout for “interested” people they might preach to and impress or convince about something.  They are not merely normal, but they fancy themselves as special normals.  As special normals they deludedly imagine they can help the human world change to something better.  Wholly caught-up in their social egos, they cannot see Life, they are impervious to the birds, the trees, the movement of clouds, the strange inorganic beings in the breezes and winds.  They can walk right by a genuine shaman on the street who is truly close to Nature and who is not trying to change the world with beliefs and bullshit.  And they wonder why the shaman doesn’t notice them and their self-styled “spirituality”.

Human beings, including those who believe they are “spiritual”, are definitely a deadend road leading to nothing but futile meetings if you are stupid enough to attract them.  Because they are ignorant, empty and pretentious they are virtually already dead.  Yet they are also on the lookout for “Spiritual Masters” they could exploit through flattery, belonging and false service.  Where they cannot explain and lead, they might pretend to follow and learn, but they will not be deeply sensitive to Life and Nature because Life and Nature cannot be manipulated as people can.

So, who needs to hear all this?  Can you hear it in the birds and the swaying of branches in the winds?  Can you have real magic in your life?  Can you be socially unimportant and non-exploiting occasionally for a little while?  Can the sight of natural beauty hit you so hard that you cannot explain it to yourself, let alone to other confused and spiritually undeveloped, immature people?

You know, I am not through all this trying to get you or anyone to live in Lappland or anywhere else that I love.  As a practicing Taoist, I have no religion or belief-system for people to join and belong to here or in the Celestial Mountains of China.  I have no special Qi Gong exercises to demonstrate.  I truly love my privacy and feeding the Snow Sparrows.  Whoever you are, I want you to respect my real position about all this.  I don’t want followers.  Followers on this Earth are inevitably lazy, false and insensitive exploiters looking for a cheap way out of the problems they created for themselves.  Face it: you need to sensitize yourself.

Oh, by the way, we are still feeding the wild deer next to our cottage here.  The horns of the males have grown out considerably, but are still covered in felt.  Many of the females have big swollen stomachs.  This really beats the hell out of having an ashram or giving weekend seminars to titillated but selfish people in the New Age circuit.  There are so many people these days trying to make a living through giving “courses”.  Such blatantly worldly people remind me a lot of management consultants I have known.  In fact, they often are deluded, pretentious and idealistic management consultants with big opinions of themselves.  Instead of wanting to feed real food to wild deer, they want to feed false food to overly domesticated people.