Real People
Of Real Power

By Giriak

Real people of real Power do not live their life in the spiritually dead way of neurotic, tense, skeptical, modern people in towns and cities.  They live closer to Nature and to the spiritual entities and forces that are all around us, unseen and unfelt by dull, boring and insensitive but all-too-normal people.  To be “normal” and “adjusted” is to be a personally powerless victim of government and big business, which is to be reduced to an automaton in a world of increasing corruption and violence.


You are dwelling in an all-too-familiar, boring, irritating, threatening and spiritually suffocating world because it is the only world you know, the only world you can function in so far.  You don’t know the world of Power, so whatever may happen to you in or from that world you cannot make sense of, you cannot turn into something familiar and under dead control.  You therefore rid yourself of the hints, gestures and strange opportunities of Power.  You keep yourself basically unreal, unwhole, stiff, awkward and unalive.  Instead of storing Power in your total self, you dissipate it in things like sexual frustration, keeping busy or watching television and soul-killing American movies.  So, wake up!


If you want to do something real about yourself and get a real life, you must learn to appreciate and accumulate the signals from the world of Power so that their message and force become clear to you in a different way than the way things seem intellectually clear in your dead and meaningless modern world.


The real people of real Power, the Noids, the Shamans, the Siddhayogis, have always cultivated non-ordinary situations filled with certain kinds of non-ordinary things.  To learn to live a truly magical life, you will have to be outdoors in Nature sometimes where there are no people.  People are anti-magical, anti-Power.  Their judgments and considerations are unhealthy, unwholesome, false, manipulative and wrong.  To hunt the things and forces of Power, to recognize them and personally optimize them, thus requires an investment in personal development outside the ways of the community and society of undeveloped, boring and useless people who think only of money, sex and possible popularity or power-over-others.  This means you will have to learn to train yourself to a new way with new habits and new behavior that are more conducive to the Play of Power in your body, mind, consciousness and total being, once you have the awareness of real being awake in yourself.


Take a look at what you are really like at this time!  You are living like a frightened rabbit with no real sense of direction from any real Power within yourself.  Your “spiritual life” is not direct and individually dynamic or experiential enough; it is too much a mere thing of books and wordy concepts being ever arranged and re-arranged in your outer physical brain.  Caught up in your social self-image, you stupidly think that your beliefs, disbeliefs and anti-beliefs are what count for you instead of your possible experiences, powers and self-realizations.  How much you can influence others is more important to you than the truth of what you need to become beyond all that shallow crap and its endless considerings, maneuvers and efforts to attract attention.


Can you get past the idea that real Power of real Shamans, Naguals or Siddhas is about healing, cursing or impressing gullible idiots to get money, sex or respect from them?  It is not about contacting ghosts of the dead or predicting somebody’s shallow, meaningless and neurotic physical future on Earth.  There is only one future that needs predicting, and that is an all-too-ordinary Death.  Until this is understood, nothing else is possible.  The real Shaman, the Siddha or Sufi, “dies before he dies” and learns to personally explore different dimensions of Spirit, of Life and Death.


The realms of the Spirit accessible through Nagual Shamanism are not concerned with ontological issues of whether such realms actually exist or philosophical issues of why such realms exist.  The Nagual System is only concerned with how a world or realm works.  The Mastery of Awareness is an occult science, not a philosophy or religion.  Philosophy will always ask, “Why this existence?” or “Why is there Metaphysics?”  Genuine Science will ask “How does Existence work?” or “How does Metaphysics work as a pragmatic human development?”


When we want to learn “How?”, then there is simply an operational need for method, for technique.  It is an urgent issue of having a Way, a way up, a way in or a way out, or even a way down.  So Nagual Shamanism is not asking “Why?” but “How?” so that we can experience what we need to experience for the liberation and development of our being.  We need a Science of Experiencing, which is Mastery of Awareness rather than intellectual philosophy or emotional religious belief.


What people can think and argue about in all this is wholly unimportant; what you can or cannot experience is what is truly important.  We have to get the emphasis off of philosophy, religion and occult socializing and on to the path of real experiencing.


An important aspect of sobriety in all this is that you must develop patience in your studies and experiments of accessing things of Nagual Shamanism.  If We were to give you direct, personal contact right now, we would be your enemy and not your friend, for your personal system is not in a state of readiness for genuine higher contact with an immense energy in it.  You could easily go mad or even physically burst into flames (spontaneous human combustion).  Both High Shamans (Ultraterrestrials) and developed aliens or Time-spanners, (such as Mothman or other extraterrestrials) benignly and compassionately avoid you for this reason.  So, do not be foolish asking for something that would fall upon the wrong part of your consciousness or overload your system.  Instead, learn from good occult oracles what kinds of things you need to personally learn to do about yourself so that you will be prepared.  Find out the things you need to patiently carry out for a very long time, coupled with living the right kind of life, studying the right books and developing the right kind of aspiration or Intent of the Spirit.


The fundamental preparation you need is a transformation of the cells and atoms of your body so that you can be reborn from your bones.  This is itself an occult adventure in the Unknown.  There are no complete guidebooks there, no fully accurate maps.  It is like blazing a new trail through a jungle or across a cactus-ridden desert.  You will have to encounter the fact that you actually know absolutely nothing—NOTHING!


Do you know the story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull?  Did you know there is a statue of that metaphorical Bird of Freedom in Tossa de Mar, Catalonia, Spain?  A being of spiritual Freedom and Development with a spirit like that of Jonathan Livingston Seagull would read these teachings from a much freer inner space than you read from.  You should think what it means that such a metaphorical being is more real and inspiring than you are!  There is no hope for you until this really bothers you!  It might help sober you up about all this.


You have to have a functional higher dimensional awareness in order to recognize where one is present or, like myself, presenting a message for your own good.  This is beyond all forms of advertising and social movements or forums.  Would people of Heightened Awareness need an advertisement, social organization or a forum on the Internet to reach you if you were prepared, ready, for the higher contact?  Such things are clearly put out there for unprepared gullible people in order to exploit them.  The more authentic a higher presence, the less accessible that individual will personally be to the common herd of unworthy people who are all too ready to congregate around a magnetic figure for their emotional excitement or their proud, brainy arguments.  Many very developed people, not just Carlos Castaneda, have degenerated through trying to take on large numbers of unprepared, unworthy people.  In fact, the Sufis have a wonderful saying about this: “Do not seek something where the unworthy go to find it.” 


Henrik Kuhmunen was a Saami Noid Shaman of the Twentieth Century in Lappland, Northern Sweden. He had Real Power.  Jörgen Eriksson, in his booklet, Sometimes Miracles Happen, says the following about Henrik Kuhmunen:


 Henrik Kuhmunen who was a reindeer herdsman living outside Jokkmokk had a different attitude.  He was more open than Mikkel Gaup and he manufactured his own ointments and decoctions.  He was famous for his skill in curing eczema, wounds and other affections of the skin with his ointments and the laying on of hands, but he also took care of more difficult ailments, and he could cure with mental power at a distance.  An important element was the formula reading, i.e. the words of power that Kuhmunen read out loud over his medicine and to his patient.”


 Henrik Kuhmunen was a very humble man, who had amalgamated Saami and Christian terminology.  He stressed the dualistic character of life, especially the antagonism and the struggle between the light and the dark power, which he called The Holy Spirit and The Black Master respectively.  Once, a very long time ago, he decided to work exclusively with the power of The Holy Spirit.”


—“The Holy Spirit has created everything and has the greatest power and it is more effective to cure with the help of that power, because that is the power that constructs the universe.”

—“I acquire my power by believing in and praying to The Holy Spirit.  And I acquire my power in the forest.  Not in any particular place.  I acquire power from the whole of Nature.”


I myself made the acquaintance of a Swedish reindeer herder, married to a Saami woman, who as a young man in the early 1980’s had a strange encounter with Henrik Kuhmunen.  He was out in an open meadow area of the forest, apparently alone, walking along, when suddenly there was a great tugging on his shoulder which stopped him, startled, in his tracks.  Nervously, he looked around, but could not at first see anyone or anything that might have tugged at him.  Then he saw on the side of a nearby hill, about a hundred or so yards away, Henrik Kuhmunen, who he knew as a fellow reindeer herder, sitting there and patting the ground next to him to his right, obviously inviting the young Swede to sit beside Kuhmunen and learn the Way of Power of the Saami Noids.  Our young man, in his late twenties, did not, however, want to learn such things, which at that time he identified with evil sorcery, putting curses on people and all that sort of thing.  So, he rejected the offer.  Also, he confided to me, as a typical Westerner, he was afraid of being “taken over and controlled” by the old Noid.  He knew the old Noid had The Power, but he did not want to pay what he intuitively believed would be the price of it.  I am inclined to believe that he missed a great opportunity to develop himself in the hands of a benign, good-hearted teacher!  Somehow, not entirely without evidence, he has come to believe that virtually all Saami Noid Shamans of recent times are “evil Noids” who are into cursing and causing illness.  Of course, the truth of it all is not that simple.  In the long run, it is Power Herself who decides which people are rightly destined to become Real People of Real Power.  It was neither Henrik Kuhmunen nor the Swedish reindeer herder who decided the outcome of learning or not learning Power that day.


(To be continued)