Power Lessons
Power Lesson

  According to Nagual Juan Matus:
Reason is only a by-product of the habitual position of the Assemblage Point, therefore, “knowing what is going on”, “being of sound mind”, “having our feet on the ground” — all sources of great pride to us and assumed to be natural consequences of our worth — are merely the result of the fixation of the Assemblage Point on its habitual place.  The more rigid and stationary it is, the greater our confidence in ourselves, the greater our feeling of knowing the world, of being able to predict.”

The Lesson:
The sad and horrible truth is that you read these Juan Matus quotes and Power Lessons with your reason as pertains in your mind to all sorts of considerings about what is in your ‘best interest’.  But your entire explanation of your ‘best interest’ to yourself is within your Assemblage Point’s being fixed in its habitual position of your imprisonment in social normalcy.  You can therefore explain all too easily to yourself or others what all this ‘means’ for yourself personally or for the world of inadequate, struggling people and ‘spiritual seekers’, where all this “fits in” and so on.

Unfortunately, all your bullshit you feed yourself (or others) about Nagual Shamanism is truly bullshit.  How can you benefit from a teaching, a transmission, that was designed for another position of the Assemblage Point than the position yours is presently in?  Try to see for real the full scope of this urgently real problem.  Such a new and better understanding would be, if it happens for you, an extraordinary and rare operation on your Spirit by a Higher Power.  It would be a Mercy of Power, though that would be too much of a common raw emotional religious approach to a much more far-reaching potential beyond your usual scenes, distractions, concerns and worries.  So, try to be more aware that your explanations of everything are just not working.