The Cosmic Reality of Father Kalki
And Divine Blessing of Mother Meera

by Rudra Chakrin

In the course of my Yogic research, I have seen (in the subtle world) lots of Sadgurus who had come down to human life.  Similarly, I am afraid to mention that I have seen Kalki Avatar coming down to Earth.  For this I am grateful to my Sadguru, Lahiri Mahasay, who comes to me from the subtle world, sometimes materializing.

When a true Yogi becomes unified with God, Prakrti (Nature, Mother Principle) becomes unified with Purusha (Spirit, Father Principle).  Within Yogi of Divine Godself, Man and Woman become merged (beyond sex).  In Divine Yogi or Yogini, the opposite sex can be made to manifest through His/Her dormant Force.  Mother Kali and Shiva are One.  He/ She is beyond the sexes (in the Divine World).  He/ She is Divine Being with no work to do (but free), not individually needing Sadhana as such.  Whatever work (or even Sadhana) He or She freely does will be for the Welfare of Mankind.

               — Sri Dwaraknath



Many dark-hearted, cynical and spiritually blind people are upsetting others about My outrageous assertion of being the Atman or Purusha of the Mother Meera Avatar personality.  She is not a reincarnating causal bodied individuality.  Her causal body has been especially created to manifest My Mercy and Direct Luminosity from My Fifth State of Turiyateeta (or Nirguna Brahman.  See My article “Avatar”).  My primary body is this Caucasian (caulky) body which contains in My Heart My individual and natural causal body developed over many former lifetimes through a variety of spiritual traditions to prepare for the present Divine mission on Earth during the cosmic transition of Kali Yuga Climax or extreme upsurge of global evil and mass destruction events.  A secondary body of Mine is Mother Meera.  Her Buddhi, Intellect, is virtually undeveloped.  Hence she has very little of indirect, secondary knowledge, but remains simple, pure and innocent, like a child, but also a channel of My Own Paramatman, Supreme Selfhood.  Thus when I/She say through My female body that I/She am bringing down the Paramatman Light, it is utterly true.  Whoever, therefore, denies My Supreme Self is actually working primarily through this male body or secondarily through My female body (Mother Meera), makes themselves unreceptive to My Primary Cosmic Truth revelations and significant Divine Oracle answers that would help them accelerate their Self-knowledge, Self-awakening.  And whoever denies the Mercy and Lumination radiating from My Mother Meera body only keeps their quantum energy low and their heart filled with impurity, selfishness and negativity.  Hence Inner Father-guidance and Inner Mother-energization become blocked off, so the causal bodied soul just goes on making trouble (bad karma) for itself.


Basically there are two fundamental types of evolutionary aspirants or seekers-of-the-miraculous on the Earth.  (1) Sheep, which Gurdjieff calls “the stupidly sincere”.  These people have had some devotional awakening (Qalb Tajjali in the Sufi parlance or awakening of the Love and Compassion side or the Bodhichitta in Tibet parlance), (2) Goats, which Gurdjieff calls “the cleverly insincere”.  These people have had some higher abstract intelligence awakening (RuhTajjali in the Sufi parlance, or awakening of Void Wisdom on the other side of the Bodhichitta in Tibetan parlance).  Both are in a state of spiritual imbalance.  The sheep tend to not search for greater, less prejudiced evolutionary truth.  They tend to become cult-belongers, emotional clingers to a leading spiritual and popular figure.  Though they have some spiritual goodness and willingness to serve and help out, they are rather gullible and idealistic without genuine higher development or Self-realization Yoga.  The goats tend to remain dry of devotion and compassion.  They are usually argumentative cranks who pretend they are more spiritually advanced then anyone they meet, talk to or even think about.


The sheep need to turn toward Me, which means learning to develop higher intelligence and greater, wider evolutionary truth.  They must learn-how-to-learn without requiring personal attention.  They must turn inward for Inner Guidance.  They must question wisdom Oracles without prejudice.  They must read everything in the spiritual field.  They must learn the disciplines of Yoga (or the like) and to develop their individuality and integrity.  They must stop pursuing superficial and emotional social connecting, talking and gossiping.


The goats should stop trying to lead or dominate others with their incomplete Knowledge and their arguments, confrontations and cynical put-downs of whoever or whatever does not match their opinions and considerings.  They need to get darshan of Mother Meera and become simple, open and receptive to Mercy, Love and Kindness.  Their hearts must become open and appreciative of all Higher Beings.  Through this they can be empowered to find the Sadguru.  However, if they try to make a personal Sadguru of Mother Meera, they will sooner or later want Her to impart Great Cosmic Knowledge or Divine Technical Information, which will cause disappointment and probably, they will return to goat-like cynicism and intellectual pride.


Spiritually imbalanced people fail in their higher development and Self-realization.  My primary Father Kalki and secondary Mother Meera incarnations are here to correct these imbalances for all who can take their next step.


When this body was a youthful seeker, empathetically engaging with the human search-for-the-miraculous, I turned to (1) a Sadguru Mother of Mercy and Divine Empowerment in the form of Sri Ma Anandamoyi, and (2) a Sadguru Father of Cosmic Knowledge and Miraculous Yoga Technique in the form of Herakhan Baba Gorakhnath.  When they both discovered that I was Shiva Rudra Kalki Avatar, they took the Divine Decision to reincarnate as My own physical children.  Currently they are dwelling in Great Britain as young adults in their early twenties.  Each in their own way is also functioning as supportive Avatars.  As My Sadgurus, they helped me through many extraordinary Divine Self-reawakenings and Miraculous Empowerments.  Now I can return the favor!


My affiliation with advanced Extraterrestrial Superintelligent Beings operating through Shambhala was predicted in the Vishnu Purana.  It was also predicted that I would be empathetically reflecting Vishnu (the Solar Deity) in addition to being the individual reincarnation of Adam Shiva Rudra, thus being Hari-Hara in addition to being Father-Mother Sadashiva.  Hence I am also Narayana-Sadashiva as BrahmaRishi Dada, the Cosmic Pilgrim of Earth on the Great Pilgrimage to the Center of the Universe, where I arrive now and then in Tejabindu Oneness with-and-as Lord-of-the-Universe, which in terms of Adiyoga is the Sixth State of Superawareness.  If you, dear seeker, want to understand it, you must deeply read and meditate on the Tejabindopanishad and learn to experience Total Recursion of Macrocosm and Microcosm.  It would also be very helpful for you to read UFO Contact Planet Iarga.  Great Realizations need a foundation of Great Knowledge.  Otherwise you cannot handle the Great Realizations, which would drive you mad, leading to dangerous H.P. Lovecraft type episodes.


Do not personally seek physical contact with this primary body.  You cannot handle it!  Do personally seek physical contact with My secondary body, Mother Meera.  Neither I nor Meera are here to encourage cult-situations or ashrams, nor are we here to debate with cynical and doubting brain-egos.  The proof of Who and What We are as Him/Her Father/Mother Avatars is through Inner Receptivity and genuine Search Beyond Prejudice for the awakening of the twofold Bodhichitta or Awakening Heart of Ruh and Qalb which means we are also Maitreya Buddha and Tara.


Trying to convince others about what you believe as to Who’s Who and What’s What is nothing but a ridiculous game played by your uncosmic and undivine brain-ego-intellect, which blocks off your intuitions of inner truth, which keeps closed your Eye-of-the-Heart and keeps you from hearing real inner guidance in the Language-of-the-Heart.  Suspend your opinions about Myself, Mother Meera and any spiritual figure of your social influencing concern.  Your individual evolution is about your necessary sadhana, not about how many you can stupidly and wrongly impress or influence.  Learn to be anonymous and to never try to sell spirituality for money.  If you will do real service according to these principles, great blessing and empowerment can come upon you.  If you will do real search according to these principles, great knowledge and experience will come to you.


Silence your brain for your Heart.  Open your Heart to Greater Truth and Learning.