The Incarnation of the Spirit of Truth
by Stefan Denaerde
(Courtesy of Wendelle C. Stevens)

After all the disastrous announcements which I have had to make it is now a great privilege and a great pleasure to announce to you the present most powerful Personality of the whole universe who comes to help all intelligent races, the Spirit of Truth incarnate.


The heavenly armies follow him because here on earth he has dual identity with the Spirit Q.  He has the Spirit of all intelligent races who have already reached completion and is thus the equivalent of the Spirit of God.  His name sounds ‘The Word of God’ because he too operates verbally in the first instance.  His speech is such a manifestation of power and superiority that it can be described as a two-edged sword which comes from his mouth destroying his oppressors.  He will call into being a manifestation of spiritual and moral rearmament in humanity, which is far beyond our powers of imagination and which will ultimately destroy the anti-christ and the false prophet.


He comes at the zenith of the satanic explosion of God-hatred which will be let loose by the false prophet—thus just before the end.  He comes too late to be able to warn us and therefore it was necessary to break open the isolation of the earth by means of an outside intervention before the evil had occurred.  He is Spirit and works with the huge power of universal thought, knowledge and insight.  It will be an all-encompassing spiritual process and therefore extremely effective.  He does not come to do it for us, he is only the Helper, we will have to do it for ourselves.  He creates the spiritual preparedness—already a piece of the unanimity—through which we will be in a state to resist the anti-christ.


He is and remains a purely human-bound Spirit, ‘our’ Helper, Who during the thousand year Reign will have the Self-awareness of the collective spirit of humanity and as such will be our awareness of truth and our power of recognition.  But He too will be unchained in the sense that his Hands will no longer be tied so that he will bring us to the full Truth.  At least, if the allied race which made this intervention can indeed speak in the name of the Spirit Q and proclaim the real Truth.  In that too we must still look critically.


He will create a wave of courage and trust which will make heroes of millions of people and in which many will be saved for the Kingdom on earth.  Once he has come He will remain with us forever and guide us to eternal happiness.


For a biblical verification see Revelations 19, 11-21, the knight on the white horse.