The Mystique of Shambhala
by Rudra Chakrin

Before we discuss the Mystique of Shambhala, we need to register two meanings of the term mystique:


1.     “A complex of transcendental mystical beliefs or attitudes developed around something.”


2.     “A special esoteric skill essential in a calling or activity.”


For the average seeker-of-the-miraculous on the planet Earth, Shambhala represents anything from a bullshit mystification created by Theosophists or Tibetan Buddhists to a frustrating, inaccessible and virtually irrelevant situation of Ultraterrestrials or superhuman people somewhere in a secret location in Asia near Tuva or Mongolia.  So Shambhala seems to be a rather wretched choice between going into arrogant skepticism on the one hand or feeling left out on the other hand.  As the arch representative of Shambhala, I can only say that such reactions of common outsiders are basically superficial and meaningless.  Shambhala is not present on Earth to prove itself to arrogant, skeptical and nasty assholes, not is it here to provide refuge, relief from responsibilities or escape from well-deserved Karma of emotional, lazy, unworthy exploiters which would be functioning as a Mongolian hippy commune where nobody will do the dishes or think harmoniously about the total pattern of attempted evolution.  It is better for the world’s seekers to think of Shambhala as an invisible psychic network of advanced telepathic communion more than as a cosmically protected cave-city in Asia.  Also, physically and pragmatically it is an interlocking chain of hidden valleys or secret rural situations scattered all over the globe that appear in each of their localities as perfectly normal or hidden openly.  Hence, residence in Shambhala is what happens in any branch location of it if you are a natural insider, which means you are undergoing harmonious personal development and intelligent, ethical and cosmic situational action.  Shambhala is therefore more a promising and constructive state of Being than a particular circumstance with overt Ultraterrestrial and Extraterrestrial contact happening physically, materially, all the time or frequently, though it sometimes includes such things.


Shambhala is also a gateway, a sort of evolutionary filter between cosmic people and the stupid skeptical and gullible human beings of the Earth.  As an evolutionary filter, it operates as a kind of cosmic thermostat for turning cosmic issues on or off in the seeking minds of humanity.  It knows how to turn real people of real potential on and emotional seekers or critical investigators off.


Shambhala is a versatile network of real evolutionary, global, universal and cosmic people beyond all cultural conditioning and prejudice or dogma.  It is not within the limitations of Tibetan Buddhism, Theosophy or New Agers.  Chögyam Trungpa and James Redfield are just two semi-shallow poles of the contemporary stupidity about the whole issue and challenge of Shambhala.  Each such self-appointed expert on Shambhala tends to muddy the waters.  In many ways, the writings and teachings of Idries Shah and the Naqshbandi Sufis are closer to Shambhala quality transmissions and inductions than are the more overtly ostensible treatments of it.  Truly correct and realistic seeking, finding, contacting, connecting and working together in genuine personal and group evolution, or what the Sufis call a Jam Situation, are essential operating principles of Shambhala without calling it “Shambhala”.  That is why I am as much Qutub Sarmouni on this fucked-up planet as much as I am Rudra Chakrin.  In fact, we can even say that the Nagual Freedom Groups of the Toltec lineage of Mexican Seers and Sorcerers are closer to Shambhala type communities than either traditional ritualistic Tibetan monks or non-traditional New Age American and European seminar speakers or givers of spiritual workshops, weekend training courses or the like.  There are also the big Internet Forums where people go to get or give supposedly “spiritual” attention to one another where futile and pretentious socializing is constantly done in place of actually learning, maturing and developing.


Now, face it that no Mysterious Mongolian is going to take you to a magical hidden city to coddle your egotistical laziness or make you into an overnight superman, just as no Flying Saucer is going to come down and whisk you off to an advanced alien planet also to coddle your egotistical laziness or make you into an overnight superman.  You need to do some real thinking about all this and learn to sort yourself out.  Nothing can be more self-destructive than just stagnating, personally rotting and hoping for a divine or cosmic intervention on your behalf.  Real Self-realization is utterly beyond any form of believing, hoping and waiting for something to happen for you as unearned escape.


Ultimately it isn’t going to make one bit of goddamn difference whether your particular brain believes or disbelieves in whatever Shambhala is advertised to be.  What really counts for a modern seeker is inner resonance and a sense of direction.  Trying to socialize about one’s opinions is an utterly empty, futile and disappointing trip.  As they say in Bengal, “Tying leaky boats together will not make them float.”


The only way to truly get inside the real Shambhala is to be inwardly an insider in a Shambhala state of being before you even set out on the journey to get somewhere that is of Shambhala outwardly in a secret location.  A radical change-of-heart is infinitely more important than a big change of life-situation to a seemingly occult community or cult.  There are valid hidden evolutionary communities or arrangements on Earth within the Shambhala Network of what Karl Jaspers calls the Encompassing and the Sufis call the Naqsh, the Design, or what the Theosophists call the Divine Plan.  Attuning oneself to all this and learning to do the right anonymous service to human evolution are infinitely more important than one’s selfish development or trying to attract followers.  That is why Hindu Gurus who will indiscriminately accept any unqualified Westerner who makes a donation as a “disciple” in their ashrams cannot possibly understand Shambhala or enable genuine human development.  This is also why Tibetan spiritual leaders who lecture to Westerners, convert them to Buddhism or put them into immurement retreats are outside of Shambhala, even when their cultural inclusion project is advertised as inside of Shambhala.


Do you want inside Shambhala?  Do you want to understand what I am about?  Do you want to truly connect with the Being or Beings in charge of human evolution of real individuals?  You see, the way we answer such questions for real is when we shed all our usual assumptions by seriously and extensively questioning our usual assumptions about all this.


In a way, if you will think about it, Shambhala is a transitional code-name for an analogical cosmic midwife for emergent surviving human evolution in the coming Age of the Ascending Dwapar Yug in the Sun’s twenty-six thousand year orbit around the black-hole Ma’at Star (Kali Ma) as it increasingly curves closer and closer to Her.  Thirteen thousand years of the true Aeon of Horus (where He is orbiting away from Ma’at) have already ended over a thousand years ago.  Humanity is already in the early stages of the thirteen thousand years of the Aeon of Ma’at.  Understanding this great cosmic orbit of the Sun and the Earth is the true Kalachakra or Wheel-of-Time transmission for initiates of Shambhala.  It is cosmic knowledge, not a set of pathetic Tibetan rituals being promoted by the Dalai Lama, who is woefully lacking in genuine cosmic information in his zeal to promote his insular culture, which has almost completely lost its spiritual validity due to culture-bound ignorance and lack of a global and universal spiritual perspective.  You will not get to Shambhala by trying to make yourself into a Tibetan Buddhist.  Tibet is like the shadow of the lamp of Shambhala — it is too close to the Light to see it.  Also, as the planet shifts in various ways as we enter the Ascending Dwapar Yug, the very location of Shambhala is up-for-grabs as radical adjustments are made to fit the emergent pattern of evolutionary effort among the survivors of the secular New World Order’s criminally insane mass destruction projects, along with their promotion of a dehumanizing global police state of anti-evolution.  Navigating all this horrible shit and finding one’s way through the systemic loopholes in the general oppression and deceit requires a new boost of existential versatility of the tiny evolutionary minority on Earth who dwell side-by-side with the degenerate and doomed human masses of government and mass media propaganda and collective hypnosis.  Existential Versatility of Awakening Souls is the Golden Key of the present Time-condition on the planet.  Though it is becoming an increasingly rough ride, we can rise to the challenge so that we thrive and not merely survive.  Like the salmon, we must swim upstream against the raging current of collective societal normalcy and its life-wasting habits of personal stagnation and degeneration.  Individually, this metaphorical Salmon Leap is like the Shift-of-the-Assemblage-Point of the Nagual Seer of Mexican Shamanism.