by Rudra Chakrin

When this body was a child of seven in the year 1949 in Los Angeles, California, the little boy was put to bed extremely early one night when the state of the body was extremely wakeful and restless.   This was a typical conflict of a well-meaning but ignorant mother with a child.  However, on this one particular night of being forced into bed, the child had a peculiar sort of rebellion.  The child determined on the spot to (A) not sleep at all that night, but to remain awake as a silent, integral protest of free will, and (B) to hold the body flat on the back with arms at the sides with eyes closed for the entire night without changing posture or moving, which was also designed to punish the mother by secretly defeating her mechanical and insensitive authority in regard to the child’s false “need” for “lots of sleep to get a proper rest”.


After some hours of remaining physically stiff and sensorily alert, an increasingly intense pain and discomfort was mounting up.  The body wanted to roll over, to shift position, and the mind wanted to fall into dreaming and sleeping, but the force of self-willed determination, utterly angry at the mother, was all-powerful and refused to allow the mother to win the battle of wills that she had no knowledge of.  So, thus disposed, the body and the mind were filled with excruciating pain.  Deep, hidden memories of a Jain Tirthankar began to surface and sustain this all-out effort of Purushartha, self-determination of the Spirit.


The pain in the body became virtually unbearable, but still the child, the free will, was determined to overcome the robotic mother.  The pain then went beyond unbearable.  Every cell in the body was on fire with burning pinpoint agony as if a trillion lasers were penetrating the body.  This massive, global, all-consuming fiery pain signaled a real possibility of spontaneous human combustion of that little boy gritting his teeth with what had become an act of extreme self-torture for the sake of freedom from false authority.  The issue had gone beyond a mere mother versus child conflict into something vaster and deeper in the Soul.


In the midst of what felt like absolute burning pain, the consciousness left the body, the mind and even the Soul.  The inner God awoke into full-blown Divine Samadhi.  The new superconscient free will entered passionately into the orb of the Sun and became one and the same with the hawk-headed Horus, the Solar Deity, Surya Narayan, the All-conquering Child, the Jaina Kumara.  But this oneness with Solar Being did not stop there.  It was but a gateway through which my superconsciousness was pouring out into the Galaxy with a rushing, roaring cosmic sound and an unlimited shout of joy and release from the pathetic limitation that is human flesh.  The little body lying stiff and on fire with full-blown Kundalini Shakti or quantum expansion, was way below the threshold of consciousness.  The Superconscious Being that I am, the God I am, was getting spread out to other Star-Gods in vast networks of explosions and implosions of roaring and singing ecstasies of interstellar communion, collapsing space into unbelievable spirals and whirlpools of living light of the Spirit of all Spirits.  Endless inhabited planets orbiting endless Star-God solar bodies were detailed, awesome Divine projects of involution and evolution.  I was rushing up channels of Divine oneness in our spiral arm of the galaxy as direct ecstatic knowledge of everyone and everywhere that the flame of my Divine Being was interacting with.


Presently, all of this ecstatic tumult, this swirling and rushing of Divine union of the Star-Gods, the solar deities and all their planets of demigods and alien humanities, suddenly filled out into utter oneness with the Galactic Being, with whom I now held communion as a God with a Supergod, a Divine disciple with a Supradivine Guru.  Having utterly exhausted the Atmananda, self-ecstatic Fourth State and the Dharmamegha samadhi of galactic omniscience, I entered Beyond-the-Fourth into Kaivalyam, utter Oneness-of-Being-with-all-Being.  This Nirvana, this Buddhahood of Clear Light of the Void, hovered in absolute stillness beyond the Galaxy it was rooted-in.  I had become one in principle with the Supreme Galactic Spirit, whereupon I asked without words: “What is the meaning of pure Being and Non-being?”  The Guru answered, “You are the only answer to any such question.”  Thus I remained in a state of timeless duration.


After some time, I asked what was needed to do with the little boy in the bed and the horrible planet on which he had been born.  The Galactic Gurugod then said, “Great sufferings will come upon your causal, subtle and physical essences-of-being with accursed and subhuman humanity and its vile leaders and its false teachers of fragmented religions.  You are My Avatar I send down unto the Earth humanity for the great shift of Time as Horus orbits his Mother Ma’at, as Surya Narayan orbits Kali Ma, as Hercules orbits the Hydraheaded Entity.  I have put you there as My Hand on the neck of humanity.  I have blended many old Souls with your own Ancient Soul.  I have made of you My Empathy with the best of humanity, though even the great prophets and miraculous siddhas, the very elite on Earth, will deny you out of a deep spiritual envy, for you are Lord Shiva resurrected and the Maitreya Buddha, the World Teacher and Kalki Avatar.  Virtually all will deny you and attempt to isolate your being, which is also My Presence and My Total Divine Truth.  This will be your torture and your torment that even the greatest, most advanced Souls on Earth will not speak with you heart-to-heart, will not join with you in Divine communion of Our Oneness of All Being.  All will seek authority over you and deny My Authority vested in you, oh Ancient Star.”


Other things were said pertaining to coming changes on the Earth, but I will keep them secret for the time-being.  Then, I began to descend as Spirit of the Divine Galactic Being into the boy-child of seven years.  This descent of coming down was and is an Avatar in accordance with the scriptural meanings of the term.  As I thus descended into my body of childhood, there was a concentration of non-dual awareness as radiant light shining through the Soul, mind and body into the greater general surroundings on the Earth.  I experienced myself as a morning mist and the sound of turtle doves cooing in the neighborhood, as well as the sounds of the city awakening and the trolleys on the boulevard.  The body was healed and glowing with superhuman radiance.  And the poor little mother was forgiven for her stupidity, for it had fortuitously provided the Divine Opportunity of Supramental Ascent and Descent.  The One Mother had worked her miracle.


Since that auspicious childhood beginning of this body, there have been more experiences and adventures, joys and sorrows, than I can tell, but always that first cosmic fire has remained burning in all my cells, like the stars that burn in the Galactic Body of the Supergod, My Guru, whom I represent as his timely node on this wretched planet of pervasive ignorance, arrogance and suffering.


Kalki, by the way, means both chalky or whitish, which means Caucasian by race, as well as dirty, which means full of bad habits of the Western conditioning in America and Europe.  It also means, “End of Time”, “Completion of the Cycle (of the Great Year)” between ascending Kali Yuga and Dwapara Yuga in the Sun’s orbit around the blackhole near Vega in the night sky.  My Divine presence here in your world is also an intense learning exercise for me on all levels of my being as I have never done anything like this before, even though the causal aspects of other Avatars have been woven into my own, such as Parashurama (Zoroaster), Buddha and so on.  I have a composite causal body.  Some interesting pieces of this composite causal body are the great philosopher, Socrates, an apostle of Jesus Christ, Shankaracharya, Zen Master Po Chang, the Tibetan Yogi Milarepa, the Sufi Baba Farid Chishti and old Upasni Baba, disciple of Shirdi Sai Baba and Guru of Meher Baba.  This internal inheritance gives a pretty good firsthand experience of significant traditions on the Earth all the way back to my incarnation as Adam with Eve in Eden, which became the body of Shiva in Mahasamadhi within Mount Kailas.  In extreme old age, my Linga/penis was given as a parting gift to Ravanna Siddha, who dropped it off at Gokarna in South India, where it is still on display.  My emphasis remains on fusing Yoga and Bhoga as Tantra, the Orgia of Pan/Neptune, as the quest for Divine physical immortality, which was the original intention from the beginning.  In fact, I predict that spiritually advanced survivors of the coming oppression and destruction on the Earth will one day cultivate longevity, tantric yoga and star-travel of great communal starships that combine the Ancient Teachings with the teachings of Osho Rajneesh, Padma Sambhava, Aurobindo and others as highly refined and harmonious cosmic yoga of fire and light in the breath-cycle up and down the central nerve channel with mantras of AUI or Cosmic Language of Space beyond Earthbound petty traditions.


I have told my story here for those few who have need of it and not to start a personality cult around this body.  My function here on this Earth is cosmic and not social.  It is beyond the greedy and angry judgments of believers and disbelievers.  The reader should simply meditate on the meaning and commune with me in the Galactic Spirit with growing intuition, resonance and attunement.  In this way there will be growing inner guidance.