The Bubble-Pack
by Rudra Chakrin

Pay close attention to what I am now going to reveal to you about the behind-the-scenes planet on which you live, for you will not hear these things anywhere else.  There is no book anywhere on the subject we are about to discuss, no article on the Web.  Normally only gods and extraterrestrials are privy to this information.  The Theosophists should know it, but they haven't got it in them.  The Hindus should know it, but they cannot think past their noses.  Some Buddhists could potentially know it, but they don't even try because they are caught up in a subtle ignorance.  The Illuminati who are destroying humanity cannot know it because it does not flatter their spiritually perverse, soulless and evil nature of playing God with abuse of technology.  The New Agers cannot know it because they are too caught up in shallow scientific mysticism.  Only a few hundred people on the entire planet can know it, and for them this is written.  The rest will either reject it outright or merely believe in it emotionally without understanding.

      Surrounding and penetrating the Earth is a subtle or dream realm Earth, and beyond that but penetrating both the physical and subtle globes of Earth is a Causal Sphere of Earth, which is composed of Karma and karmic souls or reincarnating human egos.  This Causal Sphere of Karma is called by different names.  The New Seers of Mexico call it "The Eagle".   They know that karmic souls are prisoners of "The Eagle", who eats them.  "The Eagle" also spits them out now and then or reincarnates them for further karmic lessons and gradual development of things like the eventual ability to think, to act in an ethical manner with real conscience, to learn devotion and wisdom, and eventually to evolve into superhumans or adepts.  Transcendence of the karmic causal sphere of Earth is a very rare liberation of a highly developed soul.

People who try to believe in reincarnation of souls of the Earth do not know how it really works over long cycles of time.  To be able to take regular incarnations in the physical and subtle worlds of life and death is already a great advance beyond the majority of human souls, which are extremely primitive and generally kept in deep storage in a dreamless sleep for long ages.  At certain pre-arranged times they are brought out of storage and reincarnated massively.   This is what is happening now.  Normally there are only a few millions of souls reincarnating on the Earth planet physically.  So, a certain standard is maintained, but even then this is a "giant's scheme", which means the peoples and cultures remain patriarchal, warlike, bloody-minded and male-dominated.  Spiritual sensitives are suppressed and higher development has to take place in secret, protected circumstances, such as remote mountain valleys or in underground city-schools.  Life is tough and the premium is on slow but sure development of logic, cunning and cleverness.  The so-called "New World Order" is thus the Old World Order fighting for its life to maintain its corrupt and cunning ways of clever evil and brutality.  But all of this is getting a huge amplification through the sudden influx of empty, intellectually incapable and heavily selfish, crude, primitive souls.  They are the vast majority of present subhuman humanity and its corrupt, evil leaders.   This means that the corrupt, evil leaders will continue to increase and intensify world problems and the masses will stupidly allow it because they are incapable of knowing better.  You have to very clearly register this Causal Situation if you want to understand what is going to happen.

I call this mass of primitive, empty causal bodies (souls), The Bubble-PackYou see, they do not get to reincarnate very often because (a) they are incapable of voluntary, innovative learning and (b) they are only capable of involuntary indoctrination leading to shock-learning through being mislead by soulless, stupid and lying leaders such as we see in the headlines all the time.  The Bubble-Pack are here to learn by catastrophic shocks or runaway global problems.  The tiny minority of reasonably mature, thoughtful and ethical souls cannot stop this global shock-learning process because it is the next step in causal evolution of the majority of primitive, intellectually inert and unspiritual souls who need their "shock and awe" events.  That America and Britain have become utterly evil and blackhearted in the form of their governments and supportive populations is the way the Cosmic Causal Engineers have arranged everything.   And it is has all been done before to an Earth over-populated deliberately with weak, empty souls lacking intellectual and ethical development.  It happened about 15,000 years ago with the Great Flood and the sinking of the continent of Atlan.  It also happened to the same mass of primitive causal bodies when they were over-populated on Mars as the planet Mars was taken out of its Earthlike orbit, freezing its oceans and killing the masses with few survivors.   That the New World Order is trying to make a survival colony on Mars for its chosen corrupt and evil Illuminati families and associates is the re-enactment of a deep old unconscious program in their causal unconscious karmic tendencies brought over from Mars.  This is why the reincarnated, stupid ex-Neanderthal President of the United States wants to overtly heat up the Moon and Mars programs.  The leading members of The Bubble-Pack want to make it good for themselves and kill off the rest of The Bubble-Pack behind them as they go.   Then they think they will return and repopulate the Earth sometime with their crude, unevolved and fucked-up clever "elite".  Actually, it isn't going to work out that way for them as they are going to be captured by the Cosmic Police at the right moment and put into painful confinement, where they will die horribly, shocked and dazed, for they are, after all, also Bubble-Pack and can learn no other way in their weak and empty causal bodies.

All the causal bodies of the causal sphere of Earth are numbered and tagged for further storage and sometimes disposal or mass causal shiploads to other primitive evolutionary spheres elsewhere in the Galaxy where further future "shock and awe" can be arranged for them in what you would call "primitive alien races" on "backward planets" if you could see what is going on.  That is why in Hindu lore there is a group of entities called the ganas, the "numbers", which are actually, unknown to the Hindus of today, the mass of causal human souls.  They are ruled in the Hindu myth by Ganapati, the elephant headed demiurge or "patriarch of the numbers" as the Lord of Karma.  Ganapati is thus pretty much the same entity as The Eagle of the Mexican Seers.  Another Hindu name for this entity is Brahmaa, the four-faced creator of the Earth.   In Vedanta, it is the samashti chitta, collective inner mind of humanity, the Collective Unconscious of Carl Jung's psychological cosmology.

The average member of The Bubble-Pack is so empty, stupid and lacking in individuality, that it cannot keep itself in one piece mentally when incarnate in the physical body.   So each one is assigned an artificial, subtle entity to keep it in one piece for undergoing foolish activities and suffering the results in future of such actions.   These artificial, subtle entities are what the Mexican Seers call the "flyers" or "mud-shadows".  In Rudolph Steiner, this entity is called the "Guardian of the Threshold".  This entity in Steiner helps maintain automatic connections in the consciousness, the chitta, so that thoughts, emotions and actions will provoke repeating reactions.   Without this entity feeding on the energy of the human being and maintaining automatic, conditioned thinking, emotions and actions, there would be no one left there to receive the coming shocks for awakening higher thinking and understanding in the causal body.   The Bubble-Pack couldn't make it into the future without these "Mind Parasites", as Colin Wilson calls them.  So it is that each and every stupid and unethical subhuman human has a "monkey on his back", or something more resembling what Gurdjieff called a "slug".   Also, in Robert Heinlein's old sci-fi novel, The Puppet Masters, this same theme was intuitively developed where everybody on Earth got a "slug" entity attached on the upper back which would control the thinking, emotions and actions of the "taken over" so called "human individual".  Another similar theme was developed in the movie, The Body-Snatchers.  What the Neo-Nazi American government has installed as their Patriot Acts is a societal mechanism that wants to make sure that every last American citizen will be a thoughtless, numb piece of flag-waving fodder for the military occupation and privatization monopolies takeover of the entire planet where no real thinking or true ethical conscience can any longer function.  Every man and woman is to have a "slug" on their back without exception.  Kissinger and the Neocons, the Bilderbergers, fear Thought and Real Conscience making a comeback in the population.   They also want to spread the black operation of CIA/Mossad pseudo-Al-Queda self-terrorism in order to stamp out true democracy and free thinking individuals in Europe, as with their 9/11 follow-up in Spain on 3/11.   Of course, this temporarily failed as the Spanish people became slightly wise to what was going on, but even the new Spanish government will not admit that it was an act of joint complicity with the outgoing Spanish government.  So Continental Europe's governments are also secretly in league with the Devil, as it were.   All Europeans are supposed to receive their "slugs" if they do not already have them.  The New World Order wants zero free thinkers and souls on the planet.   Nothing but Bubble-Pack is supposed to be incarnate on the planet according to the ruling part of The Bubble-Pack.

All this is indeed the Cosmic Causal Plan for the Earth.  Get used to it.  You cannot stop it or "awaken humanity".  Humanity is Bubble-Pack.  It needs its coming horrible shocks, suffering and enslavement to the New World Order bastards.    But there is a dispensation for the tiny minority of more or less thoughtful and ethical human beings.  It is called by the Mexican Seers, The Eagle's GIFT.  It is also called the Sufi Way of the NaqshbandiyyaIt is also simply any genuinely personal and private Yoga without large emotional gatherings or cults that appeal to the Bubble-Pack.  If you are yourself therefore an intelligent, cosmically receptive reader of this article, there is real hope for you if not for humanity.   We can share real truth and insights with one another.   So, put this article in the hands of an aware friend sometime.   The networking of real cosmic truth is the only thing we can do for that tiny portion of humanity that is not brain-dead and spiritually numb.