Connecting With Shambhala
and Ultraterrestrial People

by Rudra Chakrin


         Do not think of Shambhala as a specific physical situation in Tuva or Mongolia where you could and should go find a secret doorway into a fabulous underground city.  At the same time, do not think Shambhala is not real.  Think of it as an invisible kingdom with a hyperdimensional presence that operates on the planet Earth through its network of Ultraterrestrial people.

      You cannot meet an Ultraterrestrial unless he or she agrees to the meeting.  Ordinarily, an Ultraterrestrial will seem to you to be an everyday person undergoing the usual kind of struggles and problems.  You will not be impressed or dazzled because you are not meant to be.  Ultraterrestrials are unimpressive because that is their cover as with any agent.  They are protected in this way from the neurotic, the merely curious, the greedy and the frustrated cranks.  Shambhala is not easy to physically, personally connect with because it has in general no interest in being connected with.  It is not a mass spiritual movement or cult.  What Shambhala does for the seekers of the miraculous is to connect them at such a time and in such a manner with some bridging situation where they can develop themselves to the point of participation.

       For you, the seeker of Shambhala, the bridging situation is everything.  A bridging situation is a situation in which you can learn and develop yourself.  Your job is to recognize the bridging situation and allow yourself to be drawn into it, step by step.  But keep in mind that the advanced people in that situation have enough problems of their own.  They are under the guidance of an Ultraterrestrial who is helping them work off their old karmas and disabilities.  If you were to bring too great a bad karma or disability of your own, they might not be able to digest it, but instead you could tear them down and set them back in their own progress.  You are not some kind of prize catch for some lucky bridging situation!  That is why you must study and practice preparatory teachings such as the works of Idries Shah, Chögyam Trungpa, Paramahansa Yogananda and others.  Though preparatory teachings are necessarily incomplete and not final in their truths and methodologies, they are nonetheless indispensable.

       If you are sincerely studying, changing your ways for the better, practicing beginner’s techniques and refining your attitude beyond your usual opinionated pride, you will begin to develop a heightened awareness, alertness, intuition, sensitivity and magnetic resonance that will allow for an emergent higher contact that leads you into the right bridging situation in your region of the world.  You will, in fact, begin to notice little miracles and occult adjustments coming into your present situation from the Guidance.  The Guidance is the Ultraterrestrial tuning-you-up for the bridging situation.  At some point you will meet someone unusual and your alertness, your inner intuition, will tell you that you need to follow-through and cooperate with that person, who is the local representative of the bridging situation that is possible for you.  In fact, it always was possible for you and always will be possible for you.  It does not dwell in your time or your impatience, but in its own hypertime and great patience.

       If your consciousness begins to bear the right fruit through your preliminary study and self-realization so that you are waking up in your real self and expanding your consciousness in accordance with that level of being, harmonizing yourself with universal necessity beyond your old socially and materially ambitious and frustrated ego, you must by the Cosmic Law of Resonance make an inevitable connection with those who can teach you certain steps to take you beyond your present comprehension, whether they are Ultraterrestrials of the Earth, Shambhala, or possibly from other systems among the stars from alternative organic realities.  Genuine self-transformation leads to communion with yet higher forms of self-transformation.  This happens in a deeply natural way through your own arising Resonance of Being.

       I am Rudra Chakrin because I am Shivavatar.  I was Adam, Odin, Shiva and Poseidon.  I have taken birth here on this planet several times acquiring the follow-up experiences, interactions and developments that have culminated in the present mission of updating Shambhala for the coming ascending Dwapar Yug that will unfold on Earth as we bring the Way of Ways through the present transitional crisis and catastrophe of humanity.  I am recognized only by those who are inwardly qualified to have such recognition.  I do not expect or need any other recognition.  The present emergency duties on the Earth of myself and my associates of Shambhala require a necessary level of privacy and anonymity or we cannot function.  So, do not expect me to materialize in your living room with a trident and blow you away with occult phenomena or special release from your present problems and frustrations.  You have a long way to go and need a lot of preparation before the Guidance will give you real recognition of myself or other Ultraterrestrials, known or unknown in their presences in various cultures.  But do meditate with reverence on the great Siddha Purushas such as Padma Sambhava, Matsyendra Melchizedek, Herakhan Baba Gorakhnath and Khizr Elias.  The more you meditate on beings of spiritual greatness and advancement, the more your own hidden divine self will stir and awaken within you as an inevitable development of self-realization of the divine of all levels of your being as an internal Perfection of Freedom, Bliss and Immortality.  Wherever you have reverence and communion toward all beings of evolutionary advancement, the more you are yourself going to advance.  But wherever you are critical, fault-finding, doubting and argumentative, you are only turning yourself into a stagnate, self-rotting and suffering egomaniac.  Through appreciation and attunement, you go up; through depreciation and tearing-down of spiritual figures, you go down, sinking into endless envy and frustration.  Without real Cosmic Consciousness, how can you judge the things and people of Cosmic Consciousness?  You will see only the outer appearances in the crude world of sensate materialism and self-limitation.

       Do not trust your present judgments.  Instead, take yourself in hand and develop your awareness to a higher level where you can have more refined and accurate judgments.  Accelerated learning comes through suspending judgment and exploring the Unknown.  The New Shambhala is found in the Unknown.  It is not enclosed within the hopes and dogmas of Theosophists or Tibetans.  Take what you need from Theosophy and Vajrayana Buddhism, but go beyond.  Take what you need from Krishnamurti, Carlos Castaneda and the Sufis, but go beyond.  Take what you need from the Hindu Gurus and self-styled Avatars, but go beyond.  To go beyond is to walk in the Void and unfold the Unknown superlife within your own unknown life beyond the fixations of the familiar daily world with its stupid habits.  The magical journey you need is beyond beliefs and disbeliefs of various sociological groupings.  There is real potential in real recognition, but nothing comes from merely believing or disbelieving from intellectual conviction or doubt.  Higher intuition, not material brain/intellect, is the instrument of higher orientation.  Shambhala is a dynamic Ultraterrestrial Network invisible to ordinary humanity and its lying politicians.  It is a Cosmic Presence of total power, not bits and pieces of obscure lore to be solved like a puzzle by this or that self-appointed academic with some favorite speculative theory.  Such people are not Siddha; they just write their book, worry about how many copies they sell and die in a personally corrupt and undeveloped state.

       The victory of Shambhala over the barbarian child sacrificers, vampires and perverts of the black-hearted New World Order is inevitable.  The invisible cosmic army will destroy the visible armies of crude materialism, violence, murder, rape and torture just at the time when it appears that the New World Order hidden rulers have succeeded in their dark plan.  At the right moment, Intergalactic politics will suddenly and dramatically overrule Earth politics.  So, you can have the faith that Evil will be defeated on Earth once it has done its job of shocking and purifying humanity of ages of accumulated bad karma.  Evil is the Severe hand of Almighty God that clears the way for the Merciful hand of Almighty God.  Your job therefore is to let Almighty God and Shambhala do their thing while you render such humble services and perform such sincere Sadhanas or self-improvements as you have got in you.  Attune and harmonize yourself to the Divine Plan, for there is such a Plan and you are a tiny, but indispensable little part of it.  Do not underestimate the potential of your most sincere self.  Become a spiritual warrior of Shambhala!  Learn Agni Yoga.  Be a living flame of awakening Free Spirit.  Be an authentic, natural and real individual who can really help out here and there in your own private, anonymous way.  Practice compassion and exploration of the Void Wisdom of the Unknown.  This is the two-in-one Bodichitta, awakened consciousness in the heart.  It is Qalb activation and Ruh activation.  This is the foundation of human upliftment.  It means you will be a kindly and unprejudiced human being.  This is Vajrayana, the Diamond vehicle, and this is the Naqshbandi way, the way of the followers of the Divine Plan, the Design.  It is SuperBuddhism and SuperIslam.  It is the Zen Sunni philosophy of the future.  It is the Golden Wind-Horse you must mount and ride in the true spirit of a real human being with fearless inner joy.  It is the arch-symbol of the coming victory of Shambhala, which is the victory of the Divine Being within all authentic individuals, the Paramatman within the Jeevatman.