Cosmic Facts About Shambhala
by Rudra Chakrin


One million years ago, a faction of giant human beings, Titans, whose original phylum of humanization was the horse, on the planet Ba’avi that orbits the nearby red star, Proxima Centauri, and which race of beings called themselves the Ba’El, did not want to accept collectivistic implants in accordance with the influx of hi-tech governing controllers into the Milky Way from the galaxy of Andromeda.  This rebellious faction of the Ba’El was thus allowed to migrate and live as outcasts without implants if they would agree to perform the onerous duties of seeding the coming monkey-men of Mars and Earth.


In cosmic galactic language, Ba means “together, gathering, collective or group”; El means E=time + L=surrounding, spanning; so Ba’El means “those who span or leap across time/space together”.  Hence, those El-people from Ba’avi arrived on Earth and Mars with difficult, onerous duties.


A million years ago an agreement was made between the Elders, time/space spanners, who were the rulers of Andromeda and the Milky Way to create two sister planets on the outer rims of both galaxies that would serve as genetic splice generators that would enable races from both galaxies to co-mingle, reproduce and thus enable mutual migrations back and forth.  The genetic breeding planet in Andromeda was (and still is) called Koldas.  In our Milky Way, the selected planet was our Earth.  But on the Earth, there was a problem.  The planet Earth was genetically engineered to humanize Dolphins in the oceans and to further humanize Reptilians on land out of the stock of dinosaurs that roamed the planet feeding on mammalian species as their main food.  Why dolphins?  Because the old evolution on our Moon were Little Grays of previously humanized Dolphins and the planet Venus, then circulating the Ma’at Blackhole Star in the constellation Lyra, had been previously a completed human evolution of a Reptilian race.  The Lunar Fathers and Reptilian Fathers had just spent sixteen million years preparing to renew their two races with highly intelligent and developed animals of the Earth, namely dolphins and dinosaurs, dragons and the like.  Suddenly, a million years ago, the Little Grays and Reptilians indigenous to our Solar System, which revolves around the Ma’at star every twenty-six thousand years, were told that sixteen million years of preparatory animal engineering toward humanization on the Earth was now down the pan.  The Little Lunar Grays were to get off lightly, for they were allowed to continue the oceanic development of whales and dolphins with a promise that their development would not be jeopardized by the new anthropoid evolution of ape-men on land on the Earth.  But the Reptilian race was told that all reptilian animals on Earth were to be removed or destroyed, particularly those on land, to make a hospitable location for future anthropoid humanization.  With considerable anger and resentment, the Reptilian races of the Milky Way agreed tentatively to cooperate.


One million years ago, the planet Venus was orbiting the Ma’at star as a museum piece, the planet Earth was orbiting where Venus now orbits and the Moon was orbiting where Mars now orbits to shepherd the dolphin evolution in the oceans of Earth and over evolution on Mars, while Mars was in an Earthlike orbit with oceans, rivers and the then development of a rabbit-like species heading toward rabbitoid humanization, which species had been transplanted from the Moon.  The Rabbitoid evolution was also suspended.  This made the Little Grays unhappy.

With the coming of the Ba’El, they built their spaceport headquarters in a location in Asia now known as Shambhala.  The very name, Shambhala, is derived from Babylonian sources of a few thousand years ago, who called it the Shem, spaceport, of the Ba’El.  In addition, another gigantic underground Ba’El city/spaceport was built later in Peru in the Andes for reasons I will explain.


One million years ago, anthropoid primitive humans were planted on Earth and Mars in preparation for genetic infusions from Proxima Centauri plus the apprentice races of the Ba’El, which are the Reds and Greens of Alpha Centauri A and B, both of whom were projects of humanization previously undertaken by the Ba’El from Proxima Centauri.  Some of the Ba’El interbred personally with Neanderthal anthropoid primitive humans on the Earth and created the Moovian, Lemurian race on Earth, which became dominant.  Mars was developed through interbreeding with the Reds in one Hemisphere and Greens in the other Hemisphere.  The anthropoid Reds were our own Red Indian race that originated on Mars and the anthropoid Greens were our own Yellow Orientals race that also originated on Mars, which planet by the way has the real name, Mongo.


The Lemurian anthropoid Ba’El race on Earth remained for half-a-million years in a state that was primitive, stupid and evil-minded.  The same was true of the anthropoid Red and anthropoid Green hybrids on Mars.  Now, at that time a war of rebellion broke out between the native races of the Milky Way and the then dominant tall blond, technological Overlords from Andromeda.  The Andromedan Overlords were defeated and all the implants controlled from the master computer-planet, Tyrantor, were deactivated with the deactivation of Tyrantor.  Also, the planet or artificial colony of Aryan Andromedans overseeing the Mars-and-Earth splice agreement was destroyed, pulverized, by a Milky Way “Death-Star”, which turned into our Asteroid Belt, as it is called.  The Aryan Andromedan computerized races were reduced to six star-systems, generally in the region of Orion and the Pleiades.  Orion means “Aryan”, by the way.  This was agreed between the two Galaxies to try and salvage the double genetic splice agreement.  Thus, the Andromedans were allowed to set-up the hollow planetoid of Acart that orbits Saturn and populate it with a race from Andromeda who naturally look like skeleton-faced Aryans to remind the Milky Way of the terrible destruction of a whole population on the previous planet, which is sometimes called Maldek in the UFO literature.


The Ba’El then decided to cull the stagnating, evil races on Both Earth and Mars by putting Earth artificially out to where it is now (where Mars used to orbit), to put Mars further out to where our Moon was then orbiting, to bring the Moon into orbit around the Earth to allow the Little Grays to continue to oversee the dolphin evolution on Earth, and to bring Venus back into the Solar System later so the Reptilians could look after their on-going responsibilities of voluntarily culling dinosaurs and dragons from the Earth.


All this resulted in a vast destruction of Lemuria and killing off of all but selected Lemurians or hyper-Neanderthals on the Earth.  On Mars, the oceans were evaporated and frozen, leading to massive cold and death to depopulate most of the two evil, primitive, stagnant races of Mars.  However, more advanced Martians of both the Red and Green hybrid subraces were put into underground survival cities on Mars which are functional to this day.  Other more advanced members of the Red and Green hybrid races were brought to Earth.  The Green hybrids were brought by the Ba’El to Shem-Ba’al (Shambhala) and spread out from there in New Mars, Mongolia and later into China and Japan.  The Red hybrids from Mars were planted on the Earth by the Ba’El from their new spaceport city in Peru, from whence the Red hybrids migrated all over the Western Hemisphere.  There were no Aryan races on the Earth at that time.


The Little Grays were dug-in both undersea and on land to protect the dolphin evolution and sometimes educate the Red hybrids, which explains the Red Indian legends of sometimes warring with the “Little People” (and losing, of course) and other times contacting them and learning from them during vision quests on the part of Shamans, Medicine Men.  The Reptilians also dug into their own underground spaceports and cities, where they would and still do often undermine the anthropoid hybrid evolution, often demanding human sacrifices, for instance.  These resentful, renegade underground branches of Reptilians to this day have all-too-much control over governments and corrupt leaders on the Earth who are trained by the Reptilians to be vampires and child-sacrificers.  These are, in particular the Evil Bilderbergs New World Order.  In some ways, the present situation of humanity is that it is held hostage by these renegade underground Reptilians and their controlled assistants.  Hence neither the Andromedan Aryans nor the Ba’El (currently stationed on Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter) can come in and take-out the Reptilians without catastrophic death of humanity.  That is why the Bilderberg minions of the Reptilians have been arranging potential kill-offs of the entire humanity of Earth through aerial spraying, designer plagues and poisonous GM crop strains, as well as fomented conflicts.  Of course these built-up threats are virtually forcing a rescue attempt or Cosmic Intervention at some point soon.


The New Double Galactic Aryan breeder race was introduced into the Earth only a few thousand of years ago through Adam Shiva and Eve Sati.  Again, the build-up of these Aryans in Eden on what is now the island of Cyprus, was deliberately undermined by the old Reptilian planetary prince, Sanat Kumara, from which name we get the Biblical name of Satan, the Old Serpent, and so on.  This sabotaged the agreement between two galaxies and only further increased intergalactic political tension as to who should correct the “Reptilian Problem” and how and when.


Now, clearly, in the light of all this, the idea that Shambhala today is a strictly Buddhist institution Of Hidden Tibetans or Red hybrids of an advanced quasi-religious nature is but a half truth.  In fact, there is still a Ba’El foothold in Shambhala and an Aryan foothold in Asgarta, another, apposite underground spaceport/city in Central Asia.  There remains an uneasy cooperation between Shambhala and Asgarta, just as between Ganymede and Acart orbiting Jupiter and Saturn.  So Shambhala as such represents a kind of Cosmic Buddhism, whereas Asgarta represents a kind of Technological Christianity coupled with Islamic Sufism these days.  Earth people dwelling in both places are more advanced and harmonious than surface-dwellers, though by no means perfect, completed immortal Adepts as such.  And both have the benefit of regular Extraterrestrial contact, slightly distorting in accordance with Intergalactic biases.


So, why am I here at this time?  Well, for one thing, I was Adam Shiva.  Secondly, I have had advanced esoteric training in both Asgarta-connected and Shambhala-connected lineages of spiritual masters over several lifetimes.  It is my job to help advanced spiritual and esoteric seekers overcome fragmentary traditional prejudices and Earthbound thinking.  I am leading the way in building an esoteric spiritual and cosmic bridge between the best thinking and practices of the East and the West.  My consciousness contains a vast amount of direct and informational experiences and knowledge coupled with congenital tendencies of Superconscious God-Realization, and especially with a sincere desire to be of genuine compassionate service to the true spiritual seekers and practitioners of the present Transitional Earth as the planet enters the ascending Dwapar Yug in the Sun’s orbit around the Ma’at or Mother Star.  Also, since I am indeed Adam Shiva, I have a karmic duty to help redeem a surviving faction of humanity for the coming age after the inevitable culling of masses of useless, utterly selfish and unethical humans beings who are failing to improve and evolve, who make up the dark, heavy and dull majority who could not care less about spiritual truth or the cosmic facts about the Earth and its Intergalactic troubles.  The world is building up the catastrophic Kali Yuga Climax predicted in the Hindu Puranas, and I have the task of helping bring real spiritual and cosmic clarity to as many human minds as possible.  The development of anonymous spiritual and cosmic oracles and articles freely available on the Web is the chief instrument of this work of Earth-service. I cannot and will not disrupt these efforts for personal contacts with people seeking personal attention.  It is natural for the “goats” to want to offer criticism, arguments, doubts and insults, because they feel threatened by a superior knowledge and realization, but they will have to go elsewhere for such stupid socializing.  It is also natural for the “sheep” to want to emotionally and physically belong to an advanced situation and personage where they can be coddled, given a free ride in life and have their karmic responsibilities taken away from them, but they will also have to go elsewhere for such stupid socializing, even though they would like to sing my praises and exploit my physical situation.  So, try to understand that my present task on Earth is not for the “goats” or the “sheep”, all of whom are mostly going to be killed by the New World Order.  My task is for the sake of those rare individuals who humbly and sincerely search for greater truth and realization beyond all social games and considerings.


The Reptilians are already showing signs of cracking.  They have been recently asking for amnesty for themselves and their New World Order Illuminati Black Lodge puppets.  But if they want amnesty, they should start withdrawing their present horrible schemes and allow a Cosmic Inspection team to freely enter and make some new arrangements for humanity without having to do a forced intervention after 2012 AD, the natural deadline one way or the other.  At any rate, if you really want to understand what Shambhala or I myself are really about, suspend your craving for giving and getting negative or positive personal attention and learn to telepathically commune with the advanced Ultraterrestrial and Extraterrestrial Adepts and Time-spanners who have always been around for those who could grasp the subtle opportunity.  Give-up attention and take-up attunement.  Move inwardly from your social self to your Spiritual Self.  That is how to find your way.