Mothman Reloaded
by Rudra Chakrin

Accurate cosmic prophecies for the future of mankind of the planet Earth are difficult for human beings to obtain and make sense of.  Cosmic isolation and ignorance still prevail on the Earth.


It is obvious that humanity is still fumbling and stumbling headlong toward increasing collective catastrophes under the leadership of their criminally insane leaders.  The minority of humanity who are vaguely aware of the trends do not have the political or military power to organize and enforce real solutions to the problems.  Effective help from outside the Earth remains the only real hope for humanity, but this is too outlandish of an idea for the majority of the minority who want to solve the problems.  They want solutions, but not from the Divine or the Cosmic.  So they continue to stupidly imagine that the alternative news media on the Internet can get the job done through helpless exposure of cover-ups.


Virtually no one on Earth can handle genuine Divine and Cosmic learning.  Everywhere can be observed the psychological phenomena of cognitive dissonance and learning disabilities.  People’s prejudices, their cognitive patterns of belief and disbelief, cannot catch up with emergent Divine and Cosmic subtleties of the situation.  No matter how ugly, black and evil the situation gets, humanity refuses to wake up to the full truth of it all.  Massive death, destruction and enslavement appear to be irreversibly inevitable.


It is all rather sad and depressing.  Humanity and its criminally insane leaders are destroying themselves through stubborn and stupid denial of the Divine and the Cosmic, the spiritual and extraterrestrial realms of existence.  It is a collective psychosis of mass hypnosis and self-destruction.  Reality is not what people imagine, but that remains undiscussable with just about everybody.  Reality thus remains a secret meditation of extremely rare awakened human beings like in the Maha Ati teachings of Tibet, the lectures of J. Krishnamurti or the dialogues of Nisargadatta.


Humanity will learn only from shocks if it is to learn at all.  Real teachers of actual Divine and Cosmic awareness and knowledge will thus be increasingly unheeded and unemployed.  There is nothing for Us to do these days but further develop our personal Yoga in remote hermitages or leave the planet altogether, leaving the arrogant and ignorant to superficially chatter to one another in Web forums.


The greater Our awareness of real being, the less We see anyone on Earth to teach or help.  Awareness of real being is ever unfolding itself beyond all social interaction with deluded human beings.  In the present situation on Earth, it has no politically influential or socially valid role.  Awareness of real being is unpopular, unattractive and ignored as irrelevant to the purposes of the socializing egos.  Spiritual Evolution on the Web is nothing but white noise, a study of collective cognitive entropy where each little would-be influencer of humanity hunkers hopefully around his or her website for two or three visitors per day, if even that.  Only rarely does one of these hopefuls look at the truth of how pathetic and deluded they are.  Picture a million would-be teachers trying to persuade one another to become their students.  This wretched and pathetic sociological pattern is simply part of the increasing mass destruction and nothing more.


It is deeply important to study, meditate and develop oneself beyond all political and social patterns of superficial human interaction.  Humanity is degenerating and one needs to refuse to participate in it.  One needs the inner strength to cultivate personal power and viability beyond all draining discussions with superficial people, whether on the Web or elsewhere.  One needs to overcome any self-pity over one’s social isolation.  One needs to dissolve any resentment over apparent neglect or non-visitation from Divine or Cosmic sources.


Recently I have been having some incredible telepathic discussions with a Mothman about Galactic Zen.  This has been happening off and on at my remote cabin in the Scandinavian Arctic where I often stay with my wife and one or two of my assistants.  There is no ashram here, no group of hopeful would-be disciples.  I have no personal e-mail address.  The bulk of my personal discussions are telepathic, which even includes Galactic and other strange but advanced people of both Earth and the Omniverse.  So I do not feel “isolated” or “left out”.  I am not a prisoner of human social physicality.  I have no “cult” or “spiritual movement”, yet I love and cultivate ancient traditions and future extraterrestrial connections.  At this very moment, I am looking out on a huge frozen lake under a cloudy blue sky of immense silence—a silence filled with unlimited interdimensional telepathic communion.  The human social self, the “me”, is virtually nothing in all this.  The Divine and Cosmic Self of awareness of real being is everything and everyone that matter.  That is the Light that shines in the sunlight splashed on the trees, on the snow and ice of unbelievable intensity of beauty.


Recently I was given the gift of a live reindeer.  I put my Sami mark on its collar.  I personally lassoed it where it was held by some friends so I could put the collar on it.  So now my reindeer is travelling up into the distant mountains with the others of its herd.  So it is that my telepathic communion poignantly contains this reindeer.  I feel this bond that I was offered.  It is a priceless little aspect of my Arctic life in the land of the Sami people.  I can feel my reindeer as I sip a cup of coffee and gaze out on the vast icy magic of the lake where the Underwater People live.  And just below my window, on the snow, are the footprints of a wild moose.


The Divine and the Cosmic must be totally immediate in our personal body and surroundings.  It is the Supramental Descent urged eloquently by Sri Aurobindo.  It is the Buddha Realization of the Vajrayana of Guru Rinpoche Padma Sambhava of Ancient Tibet.