Regional Connections to Shambhala
by Rudra Chakrin

There has always been a Great Brotherhood of advanced spiritual adepts, Ultraterrestrials, working behind the scenes from within the grand center of Shambhala and out through its eight main branches, which are sometimes depicted as eight regions surrounding Shambhala.  These eight main regions actually cover the main esoteric traditions on the Earth for any given time-circumstance.  Unprejudiced, universal and cosmic super-consciousness thus reaches secretly into the culture-bound traditions of higher human development.  For now, the astute seeker should meditate on an eightfold wheel surrounding Shambhala as follows:

North: Shamanism, Tribal Occultism.

Northeast: New Seers Nagualism of Mexico.

East: Zen Taoism of China.

Southeast: Vajrayana Buddhist Yoga of Tibet.

South: Hindu Yogas of India.

Southwest: The Sufi Way of the Mideast.

West: Jewish Magic, Mysticism and Hassidism.

Northwest: Magick, Gaelic Mysticism, Viking Seidhr, Theosophy and Western Occultism.

This pie can be cut in other ways, but this is a good way to begin to get attuned.  Advanced Adepts will adjust their transmissions and methodologies to the time, people and circumstance of the cultural region in question.


All this is happening even at this moment of time in regard to the cultural region in which you find yourself aspiring and hoping to unfold your energy and awareness in higher dimensions.  The current trends of thinking, believing and disbelieving that have gone into your conditioning are carefully adjusted for by very advanced people in your region who are spiritually and cosmically connected with Shambhala.  They dwell personally in your region, though some, just like myself, will dwell in more than one region through a visitation cycle.  To connect with Us therefore means that you must attune yourself to the valid regional form of development that has been designed for people of your kind of cultural language and conditioning. 


Remember this: the journey to Shambhala begins through a connection hidden somewhere within your own present region.  It does not begin through conversion to a foreign esoteric region or traveling to a foreign country and becoming a second-hand member of that culture there.  If you are a European, for instance, it does not work if you become exclusively committed to trying to be a Muslim Sufi, Hindu Yogi, Tibetan Lama or Mexican Sorcerer.  An exclusive commitment to one or another of these traditions will block you from entry into the regional Shambhala branch work.  Cosmic Consciousness is not going to flower in a mind narrowly focused in an outward, imitative effort of taking up a foreign regional prejudice.  It is genuinely existential spiritual authenticity you need, not culture-bound traditional and linguistic “authenticity”, however exotic and fascinating this may be for your surface mind of occult excitement.