The Awakening You Need
by Rudra Chakrin

Have you noticed that there is one particular area of life where you have the habit of becoming easily depressed, confused, helpless and frustrated?  It is precisely in such an area of life where you are most in need of a great inner awakening in yourself beyond your usual hypnotic sleep.  You need this awakening in the area in question infinitely more than you need intellectual certainty of your opinion or psychological security of a sudden turn-around to what would seem to you to be a better outcome.  The real problem in the area is therefore about how you are going to wake up a greater consciousness in yourself there about the whole thing.

In spite of the state of the world, in spite of the threats, temporary set-backs and obstacles still to be overcome, you as an awakening individual still have everything to live for.  Your life has a real potential for a great and good destiny, for prosperity, personal fulfillment and higher development.  Long life and youthful health are possible even to the point of virtual immortality.  Why put artificial limits on your potential?  You can therefore rejoice in your harmonious desires where they bring good to you and no harm to others.  You can cultivate your most evolutionary contributions, aims and aspirations.

Do not allow the stupidities and troubles of the masses of humanity and their deluded leaders to make you anxious, angry or depressed.  They do not determine your destiny.  You do not belong to them.  You belong to yourself, to everything higher and better within yourself, within the Spirit, within the Universe beyond.  The dull normals of society and even of superficial pseudo-spirituality are nothing but lazy liars who learn nothing from the events of life.  Let those ridiculous, ignorant people happen to themselves while you build your secret personal temple of self-development.  See what you are dealing with in the vast majority of human beings of ordinary society.  You are dealing with people who are unable to hear or want spiritual facts.  In fact, you are looking at people who have no idea what it means or what it is going to cost them to ignore higher truth.  Therefore, your best decision is that it is high time for you to leave the normal people of normal society alone, for they have already decided in themselves to stay self-enclosed in their foolish ignorance and just keep themselves busy in all sorts of useless nonsense that means nothing at all.

The greater your awakening, the more you will see that neither Krishna nor Krishnamurti can really help you beyond a certain point.  The traditional affiliation, the religion or cult of a particular exclusive culture can only lead you into an ultimate deadend.  Nor will it help you to reject all wisdoms of the various traditions, religions and cultures to go off into a proud and cynical uneducated personal blank-out of self-stagnating hang-out in the woods and mountains or just squatting, sweating and daydreaming in a city apartment with the usual boring music.  A truly awakened state means that you can be openly and endlessly clear without having to become confused or struggling toward clarity.  When keeping awake has finally become truly important to you, you realize that it does not require some superficially confused effort to wake up.  You are simply no longer a dull normal creature of habits.

A truly revolutionary act for you would be to restore real genius and loving kindness to sexuality, which is genuine, authentic Tantra.  Sexuality must become the intimate and supremely pleasurable connection of two or more inwardly free, real and awake spiritual individuals who are no longer dull normal members of society with all the false morality and sneaky, shoddy and disease-ridden sexuality that ordinary society breeds.  If you are not awake and real in your sexuality, it is doubtful that you are awake and real anywhere else.

You can find and develop in yourself the teachings that really work for you.  The same principle applies to making contact with advanced people, with a Godman or Godwoman.  Such persons are usually hidden and anonymous in the various regions of the Earth.  They do not advertise or offer courses.  They have no e-mail address on the Web.  You have to allow the Spirit to guide you, to draw you to the strange situation where the encounter can happen for you if you are inwardly alert.  You recognize them by how they vibrate, how they actually feel.  The more you can develop a real feeling for Teachers or Teachings, for what can really help you in some way, the more rapidly you will progress.  This feeling in yourself will develop better if you are not always yourself trying to be a wise counselor or adviser of others, if you are not pretending you are important or that you are yourself a teacher, guide or Master.  As long as you are trying to attract random people to your supposedly “spiritual” self and situation, you are just caught up in typical mediocrity and shoddiness.

If you are waking up, you no longer worry and consider what others are doing or failing to do with their lives.  Instead, you are focused on doing what is right and real with your own life.  This is the informing principle that helps you to answer the real Call-of-Shambhala.  This is a personal dynamic journey beyond all your old ruts of bad habits, ways of merely keeping busy, drifting in daydreaming and random superficial reading of the wrong spiritual books.  Everything depends upon whether you are willing to travel beyond familiar but useless sources of help toward a truly supreme source that actually helps you fully regenerate and begin progressing on a much higher level.

Stop making excuses for yourself.  Totally eradicate all self-justification for remaining stuck in your present state.  You must put the past behind you by truly learning from your mistakes about all this.  You know the needed self-corrections you can and should make.  Reform yourself as best you can and go forward with fresh, positive inspiration.  Discontinue your old usual patterns of conflict, confrontation and tension with and about others.  They are just a distraction from what you really need to be doing as well as from better relationships possible elsewhere.  You really do need to awaken from tired old problems.