Understanding Cosmic Command
By Rudra Chakrin

It is obvious to any thoughtful, well-informed and aware human being that BEINWO (the Bilderberg Evil Illuminati New World Order) is carrying out certain blatantly destructive plans against humanity: 

1- Utilizing pseudo-Muslim self-terrorism bombings to try and justify suspending civil liberties and to expand violations of human rights.

2- Deliberate utilization of designer plagues such as AIDS and Bird Flu to attempt to drive whole populations into accepting harmful, debilitating and nefarious vaccinations coupled with acceptance of martial law purportedly for “pandemic control”.

3- Aerial electromagnetic bombardment of volcanoes and earthquake faults to trigger supercatastrophic events that will appear to require martial law plus developing such weapons for selective use.

4- To deliberately create increasing poverty and civil disorder to justify draconian police measures that increasingly treat all members of the general public as “dangerous criminals” and “potential terrorists”.

5- To continue to promote pollution and global warming so as to subject humanity to weather catastrophes and starvation.

6-To deliberately create thermonuclear war between European nations and Islamic nations to reduce population and further develop weapons.

7- To continue to rig elections in America and elsewhere and create more neo-fascist privatisation corrupt governments as puppets of BEINWO in actual elimination of democracy through corporate controlled bureaucracies that make more and more “reforms” against individual rights of health and lifestyle. 

All of these current accelerated efforts of BEINWO are for the obvious purposes of killing the majority of humanity as mindless microchipped slaves on a planet Earth with zero freedom plus a totally blockaded spiritual evolution.  The idea is that they - a handful of super wealthy satanic Illuminati families - will endlessly rule over a deadended and dehumanized human race as a massive sacrificial offering to “Lucifer”.  Therefore, the present behind-the-scenes economic, political and military leaders and controllers are members of a criminally insane cult.  They are stupid, ignorant and vicious in the extreme.  They do not understand the Law of Karma and Reincarnation because the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have not understood it.  Also, they have lost their souls and are routinely possessed by ugly, vicious, cold and negative Reptilian (and other) inhuman subtle entities.


The majority of people on Earth are empty and weak causal bodied souls that are intellectually dysfunctional and lacking in ethical or spiritual maturity.  They do not have the capability of a constructive mass rebellion against BAINWO.  They are hazily aware that a lot of bad decisions are being made by their leaders, but they cannot collectively awaken to what is really going on or take effective action against it to restore true democracy and good laws.


All this leaves a small minority of slightly thoughtful and aware people speaking up on the Internet through the Alternative Media and related discussion groups - all of whom become slightly conscious but helpless and frustrated spectators of the Apocalypse.  No matter how much real truth of the situation gets revealed, there are too few to receive it and those that do have no power to act.


The only thing that can preserve a possible genuine evolution on the planet Earth is a Divine Intervention from within humanity plus a Cosmic Military Intervention from the Universe to sort things out, get rid of BEINWO (and its equivalent background organization in the Far East), and set-up a recovery plan for humanity and the Earth before the BEINWO destruction plan becomes irreversible.  It is precisely the inner Divine Intervention and increasing imperative Benign Cosmic Military Intervention working together that we can call Cosmic Command.  Therefore, the more human souls who wake up within their Godself and participate in Cosmic Command for salvation of human developmental potential on an ecologically repaired Earth, the more rapidly there can be a merciful Cosmic Military Intervention to destroy BEINWO and its mirror organization in the Far East.


Join with the tiny minority of souls on Earth who are awakening in their Godself and repeating a mantra such as “So’ham” in their breathing day and night—“So” out and “ham” in.  This is the Divine Intervention, the Greater Avatar on Earth.  By joining our best effort and most Divine intentionality together, it will draw in the Benign Cosmic Invasion Force to destroy evil and darkness on the Earth.  Though We are only a politically and socially disregarded invisible network of divinely awakening free spirits or true individualities, all the Real Power in the Universe is right there in our Mantra in our Life-Breath.  Thus is our body and our world transformed into something better with a positive future.


The way you choose to think, breathe and live is the decisive element in the present divine and cosmic war on Earth over the future of humanity.  Outer political and social influencing and persuading can do nothing because the majority are too stupid and spiritually empty to do anything real about what is happening.  Stop imagining that corrupted democratic institutions can somehow work, such as “fair elections” or petitioning members of government.  Only Divine and Cosmic Powers can rectify the situation of humanity and the Earth.  Even the thoughtful and slightly aware minority operating in and around the Alternative Media are generally incapable of recognizing Divine or Cosmic Powers.  They continue to have a sort of perverse faith in corrupted and dysfunctional governmental institutions.  They still imagine they can somehow persuade people like Republican Senators in America to have a change of heart and set things right.  That is like a silly committee of sheep sending a delegation to a pack of wolves to negotiate an end to the wolves’ attacks on the sheep.  Even the most well-intentioned but undivine and uncosmic human intellectual personality, like Micheal Rivero, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense or David Icke, et al, can do nothing real about the situation because they are just part of the overall ignorant pattern of contemporary superficial society.  Their lack of genuine Divine Self-realization or Cosmic Consciousness is sadly obvious.  Waiting for them to wake up and get it right is a waste of time.  They are having too big a time being popular alternative media figures.


It is unpopular, ignored, anonymous and private but Real Divine and Cosmic People who are going to get the job done of retrieving a positive future for humanity.  Our power is Divine Mantra, not secular persuasion or endless chattering like fools to one another in chat rooms or forums.  Self-neglect, personal stagnation and witty talk are not the tools for helping the world.  Do not underestimate the Power of Divine Self-awakening, Mantra and Cosmic Intentional Resonance!  Understand Cosmic Command.