Why I Am Here
by Rudra Chakrin

I am here to help you, if you are at all receptive, to find out what is really going on in the world and universe you physically inhabit, as well as in your own inner psychic universe you also inhabit so that your Godself may awaken and bring about necessary higher vibrations and perfections of your causal reincarnating soul, your subtle mind or psyche and your physical body.  I am doing this through generating oracles and articles on the Internet that you can utilize to organize your consciousness, life and efforts from a higher inner place through inspiration and receiving interactive guidance of various kinds that create a receptacle in your causal soul or heart for receiving direct divine guidance and possible meeting with a genuine Godperson to help you.

I am not here for personal exchanges with people as such nor to form a personality cult or physical social movement around my physical person or situation on the Earth.  My leadership or Shambhala Function is purely psychic, telepathic.  I operate personally behind-the-scenes, as it were, and if you want your highest good, you will also learn to do the same.  If and when you need a physical meeting with a Godman or Godwoman, it will be arranged by the Higher Power of the Divine that oversees and promotes such connections.  Such connections do not take place in the pseudo-spiritual consumers marketplace where the would-be teachers, guides and Gurus advertise and sell themselves personally and are weighed like products in the minds of shallow, greedy seekers.  The whole process of “spiritual” selling and buying, sellers and buyers, is false and misleading.  Real evolution of mature individuals of real integrity is not a thing of competition between traditions and occult schools for adherents.  On a global and cosmic Earth in a global and cosmic future, any teacher or guide who is not well-versed and capable in all the world’s traditions and occult schools and at least in some of the off-world cosmic traditions and occult schools, is not worth talking to.  Local prejudice and ignorance in a would-be “Guru”, “Murshid”, “Guide”, “Master” or the like is nothing less than a sad farce.  Prejudice and ignorance on any level can only lead you to that level of prejudice and ignorance, if that is what you want, but it does not and cannot lead to the truly Divine and Cosmic State of Being.

I could tell you stories about my personal life, consciousness, experiences and developments that are true and impressively awesome; or I could cause someone to write accounts of such things that you might find overwhelming and enticing.  Such things would be nothing but advertisement and would cause a rush of all sorts of unworthy people to my door, which would contaminate and distort my true work, Swadharma.  So I will not talk about my personal bonafides.  I am Shiva, a node of Supreme Brahman.  The only authority I have over you is the Guiding Spirit of Truth.  May growing Inner Truth be your guide!  There are many wonderful accounts of incredible Divine Persons and highly developed Siddhas, Godmen and Godwomen, for you to seek inspiration from.  Respect and honor as many such beings as you can manage to read about.  Even now there are extremely advanced, immortal Ultraterrestrials secretly at work on the Earth, which fact the Theosophists stupidly described and made-up fanciful things of their own about.  Having discredited themselves, it does not mean there are no secret Masters on the planet.  This is an important subject for those advanced enough in their maturity and integrity for it to be important.  As for those “spiritual” teachers who advertise themselves, they can only give you wrong or distorted information.  The false cannot lead you to the true.

My work will stand-out firmly on the Earth for thousands of years into the future.  The symbol of my work is the Golden Horse, the best-of-horses, which is also sometimes depicted as a white horse. When it is no longer pertinent, it will be replaced by something even better, though it will linger in the background much longer for those who still have a use for it, which will go with them into colonies in Space where people from Earth will be invited to stay and develop themselves by comparing Ultraterrestrial Teachings from Earth to Ultraterrestrial Teachings from Other Planets and Systems.  In this far-out spiritual enterprise, they will find the Mahayana Hwa Yen or Garland Sutra of great inspiration, just as I do in my present body at this time.

A million years from now upon the Earth, people like myself will be the common man, in which case the seed planted now will have born a wonderful fruit, both on the Earth and in distant colonies of humanity in Space.  I can see this in my inner Divine vision.  For me it is already happening when I look at the Basic Earth as it really is in essence in spite of the painful troubles and pretences of immature human beings.  Thus the Zen teaching, still true today, which says that every immature human being is a secret Buddha of the future and every Buddha a secret common man of the future.  That is why I love the Basic Earth on any planet with an unbearable love, for the Basic Earth is the extended body of my Beloved, of She Who Is, the Mirror of My Godself, Iruvan, which in the Ancient Tongue means, He Who Is.  Union with the Beloved, both sexually and soulfully, in Pleasure and Bliss, is the Timeless Fulfillment throughout all time.  Though it may take a million years for all crime, killing and cruelty to totally stop on the Earth, these evil things will increasingly end throughout the great cycle of their ups and downs, being ever more replaced by ethical harmony, love-making and kindness of sharing, giving and self-understanding of Divine oneness with Brahman Tao.  Today’s Ideal will be Tomorrow’s Reality.  That huge gap of a million years for today’s common man can be immediately closed today for any individual who awakens in Godself and perfects the three bodies as theoretically predicted by Aurobindo and pragmatically realized by Padma Sambhava.  So, look to Aurobindo for the theory and to the example of Padma Sambhava for the practice.  When you have these fused in Your Way, you have understood My Way.

Hint: repeat the mantra, Hawm-Sawh with your inbreathing (Hawm) and outbreathing (Sawh).  When you do this, you incarnate Brahman, the Absolute Empathy God of Oneness.  Every such breath is an expression of your Godself, a potent, vibratory self-realization of extreme significance for your future.  By doing this simple Yoga day-and-night, even in your sleep, you prepare the ground for great things.  It is a Cosmic mantra, not a mere thing of local prejudiced Gurus of India.  By incarnating Tao Brahman in this manner, you will get unusual insights and experiences sooner or later.  Try to understand the full significance of it.