Welcome back to the Cosmic Note School of Zen. Feel free to enter into the real meaning of all this that was there in yourself before you were apparently born as a confused person on the planet you now seem to be living on with billions of rather mediocre people who are failing to seek Zen Enlightenment.
How come you, like so many billions of other assholes, are not seriously and passionately seeking Zen Enlightenment? What will you do eventually when you appear before the Lord of Death and He asks you why you were not seriously and passionately seeking Zen Enlightenment? Will you just answer that you read a lot of Notes that you quickly forgot? You probably won’t even remember this Note that mentions the Lord of Death. You probably won’t even remember what this Note was actually about.
This Note is a fresh opportunity for your consciousness to be located everywhere.
Some totally stupid readers of low potential took the last Note as one of their usual failures to be able to get high on a Note. They are so unbelievably stupid that they probably blame the Note itself.
We better stop the Note Session for today before the stupid readers start complaining that they were not given a “second chance”.
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