Year Four
Again and again we must press forward into the most glaring Ontological Issue that lurks in all Notes, including this Note. Do you know what it is? Of course, only full-blown members of Hakim Bey’s, Association For Ontological Anarchy have a real shot at answering this question. Everybody else will have to just stare into apparent Space, hoping that something miraculous will happen in their consciousness, even though it never does…
There is no reason to feel discouraged over your Ontological Failure in the last Note. The right place for discouragement is the living present of this Note. Do you really know what the Living Present is? Try to glimpse it before the next Note so your discouragement over Ontological Incompetence will have some real power in your consciousness.
This Note requires that you ask yourself who Ontological Questions of Being are really for(?) Just anyone? Or intelligent seekers of ultimate Self-awakening within the truth of the thought, I am? Is it possible that only rare people on Earth can truly benefit from Nisargadatta’s book, I Am That? What will you do if it turns out that you are too superficial and dull to awaken on the transcendental Supracausal Plane of Being? It is an extremely rare Direct Awakening. The Ontological Pressure is too much for most of our pathetic little Notes-Readers. The poor things just don’t have the Potential. “Many are called but few are chosen.” But at least give a deeply meditative read to “I Am That”. Maybe you will get lucky.
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