Year Four
To be a Real Individual you have to get the Mechanical Normalcy Flyer Entity off your back that gives you automatic connections between your actions, feelings and thinkings. Do you understand this issue? This is an urgent spiritual issue of Inner Space. It is not about the so-called “spiritual beliefs” of you or others. Now, get real about this or get out of Notes! Do not waste My Time by you coming in here as just another biological robot or belonger to this or that group or culture. Fight for your Real Potential or drop out of all this!
This Note demands that you now reach into your True Self and give rise to some genuine Vedantic Zen Initiative and not remain just another listless, empty talker who can only read books. What good will your “spiritual” books do you if you only wake-up dead someday?
The time has come for you to read a Note here with some real force of intense conscious concern about the truth of all this. Where is all this really going for you in your life? Do not sweep this issue under the carpet just to carry on with your usual crap trip about Notes. Some things in Life are “Now Or Never”!
Suddenly now you are hearing the words of this Note as if you never confronted the last Note. Can you really afford to remain a stupid Flyer-ridden asshole? Do you actually believe you are a Real Individual? Can you afford that kind of self-deceptive pretence? Billions of silly, normal, unreal assholes are on the verge of being collectively murdered by the New World Order unreal assholes and what are you doing? Wake up or die! Try to understand what is at stake for you in all this. This is not just intellectual entertainment for bored mediocre assholes.
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