Year Four
Are you willing to suspend your usual concerns and efforts, including even your usual studies and meditations, in order to break through into a new paradigm of intelligent existence beyond the stupid and limited consciousness of people on Earth, which includes the pathetic neurotics who generally go on the Web to avoid the Greater Universe Beyond? For, after all, without a Breakthrough Motivation, an Ontological Initiative, how will you get to a Breakthrough Space of Experience? So do not go on in this Note Session if all this is just a leisure time mental luxury of one who is just seeking cognitive entertainment for an all-too-human self-enclosed escapism.
The New Universe cannot welcome you if you are still your usual old neurotic self of tense and restless normalcy. To enter the New Universe requires a truly new consciousness and perspective within yourself. Try to feel fully receptive to this requirement or you will remain locked out of the New Universe.
I have said it over and over again hundreds of times in Notes over the years and now I am saying it yet again in this Note: all this is about Cosmic Zen. But this gateway is virtually never made use of and gone through for real because of a basically dull and stupid blockage in the Notes Reader. So, why don’t you take this immediate opportunity to fully face the real nature of your dull and stupid blockage that prevents Notes from working the way they could and should?
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