Year Four
There are finally some signs of progress in your Notes Reading. Try to see what they are.
It is not for nothing that you are now confronting the real meaning of Notes in a more solid space.
Try to see the real beginning and ending of Time Itself during the mental time you spend on this issue.
Work with the idea that you have now suddenly reached one of those junctions in life where you truly, for at least a little while, really don’t have to produce anything whatsoever, where in fact it would be a stupid mistake for you to produce anything.
Here again in this Note, there is nothing for you to produce in or with your head. This is the truth of your condition. Accept it.
If this Note somehow inspires you to produce something in or through your head, then go ahead, but keep it to a minimum.
Now, look, there is no requirement here that you look out the window or look around the room for Zen things. You just don’t need any Zen things right now. In fact, you don’t need any sorts of objects right now. So please relax and don’t pay any attention to anything physical or mental. O.K.?
The last Note was obviously a typical Zen exercise for beginners. Try to grasp it that you are still a beginner in all this or you wouldn’t be here at all.
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