Year Four
Sometimes the mind of a Note-Reader is Cosmically Abducted during the reading of Notes so that the Notes can be used as a cover by Cosmic Intelligence as to why someone feels they have “missing time” during a Note Session. Therefore, if at some point during this Note Session you begin to feel you have had some extremely recent “missing time” you might want to consider the possibility that it really wasn’t “Notes” that did it. But, if that idea freaks you out, you can always blame the Notes to keep yourself normal, stable and stupid.
Very occasionally a Notes-Reader is so advanced that they do not have to feel “blanked-out” or “absent-minded” during certain rather peculiar Notes. But if you find yourself feeling like that, it is O.K. because you were scheduled and selected for Cosmic Abduction of your pathetic little mind.
Utilize this Note to consider the possibility that Cosmic Abduction of your mind is actually good for you in a way that you will eventually be conscious of, but only if you really want to be more conscious rather than merely staring into space with a blanked out look on your face.
Look, you poor idiot, this is your fresh opportunity to take a whole new look at what could be a Cosmic Learning Process that is beginning to happen for you in spite of your usual normal attitude. Could you come to a decisive agreement with yourself about this?
O.K., now let’s take this Note as a second chance for you about all this. Do you want this second chance or not? Also, don’t forget that this Note Session is at a complete end and will never be repeated even if you beg to have it again.
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