As we go further into the emergent cognitive realm of Notes Year Four, would you please consider the real possibility that Notes entail a cognitive process that actually is too advanced for someone of your particular level of rather undeveloped consciousness? Can we gently point out that we don’t want you cracking up from the cognitive stress that will inevitably come upon you through the greater intensifications looming ahead? Things have to be said for many readers that most readers simply cannot handle. So, why not do yourself a favor and let go of your useless and even dangerous-to-yourself participation in all this?
Please make this Note your final confrontation with your inability to comprehend the real meaning of any Note. All you have to do is leave this Website and not return. Why fuck yourself up?
If you are one of our advanced readers who are not stupidly continuing to read Notes for some useless emotional reason, then surely you are keenly aware of the kind of silly, foolish and pathetic type of mind we are referring to in this Note. Right?
If you are reading this Note for an emotional reason, try to see how easily your feelings can be hurt if you suddenly see that you are not making real progress in your Notes-reading. We are very, very sad to have to point this out to you.
This Note is also sadly beyond your scope for reasons you will probably never see or accept.
Look, it is very easy to make this your last, your final Note Session forever. Try to see why you need to now drop out of all this before your pitiful little emotional mind goes too far in its stupid readings of Notes.
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