Year Four
You are obviously a different kind of individual no matter what your present level of understanding of this somewhat challenging Note. Would you, for instance, see the same challenge here that most of our mediocre all-too-average readers see from their stuck-in-normalcy Assemblage Points of Cognitive Information Processing?
Could you do something truly unique, individual and different about this Note that would cause the entire Conscious Universe to take a keen sudden interest in your particular case as a human being?
Think of all the silly human beings who think they are “unique” and “different” but can’t really do anything actually different and individual about Notes or anything else. Therefore, will you now do something truly interesting about this? Surely you know you probably won’t.
How do you really feel about the obvious mediocrity of your approach to Notes?
This Note will now give you the secret of reading it as a real, non-mediocre individual. Are you ready? Here is the secret: Totally forget immediately that you ever read this Note.
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