Year Four
People used to go to Baba Muktananda, the all-fucking, scandal-ridden Swami leader from India, to get their Kundalini Shakti up, even if they had to pay money for an “intensive” to get that done. Naturally, they would actually remain undeveloped for the most part for rather obvious reasons. So, what do you suppose all this might have to do with real inner awakening from Notes? Where is your Kundalini Shakti? Can you get it up in your body now? How will you do it?
Idries Shah and the Modern Sufis of course also made their own promises to Westerners about the Higher Development and many Westerners to this day continue to imagine things about the maturity of their consciousness over their particular commitment of their believing consciousness. But now you have arrived at Notes and might begin to deeply question the ultimate validity and truth of your believing consciousness. Or, do you stupidly cling to your usual consciousness?
Lots of people from the West try to find a kind of Zen Enlightenment in Japan, China or Korea. And all those culture-bound people are scared of Notes and the Unknown Universe. In such a situation, what manner of Zen Enlightenment will get transmitted by old experts of culture-bound traditions of Japan, China and Korea? So, before you go on to the next Note, will you take a full, cosmic look at the Zen Opportunity as it really is today for any genuinely awakening human being?
Many traditional Taoist experts from China imagine they are including a real Zen Awakening in their Immortality trips. Strangely, those same people continue to sooner or later get old and die for some reason. What do you suppose the problem actually is? Is there a lack of Cosmic Perspective? How do you suppose you are going to get your own real Cosmic Perspective on this fucked-up planet of assholes who cannot bring the total Notes approach into active meditation? Do you understand this kind of active meditation?
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