You are here now to read this note
in a kind of extension of an aspect of your consciousness that
you usually do not do much with. It will help you if you are
beginning to feel that you are truly tired of being a weak,
tense, harassed and divided person living in an ugly, black
and threatening world. It will help if you know with firm inner
conviction that you need a much more aware, magical, miraculous,
cosmic and divine life than you have been living so far. Before
you go on to the next note, connect
with your intuition of what is most important for your future. Do not allow your usual life, worries or the news of the Earth
to cover-up what is most important.
Would you like to uncover an amazing new freedom within yourself?
Then stop trying to promote or involve yourself with any group,
idea or solution in your world that you do not really deeply
believe in nor want to work hard and long to make it happen. Stay
in the flow of what is truly real and important to you and
do not leave it.
You can read various notes or hear various teachings, but
afterward you are left alone with your own thoughts. When you
are thus alone with your own thoughts, what notes or teachings
have actually improved your thoughts? And if your thoughts
have in fact improved, then you should have had some improved
actions or experiences of a higher type. Is this not so? So
here we are at this exact point in this particular note. Do
you see that you need to know what really improves your thinking,
your decisions, your actions and your actual experiences?
This note cannot speak to you the
unspeakable thing you need to experience for yourself before
you read the next note.
For now, as a deeply personal experiment, set aside all the
teachings you normally cling to and relinquish all anxiety
for a future result. Just let the essence of truth emerge before
you read the next note.
Try to see right now that your
usual thoughts, concerns, hopes and anxieties have no real
basis in reality and are not leading you anywhere. If you will
now take this superior view over your usual mental activity,
you will experience an indescribable bright awareness with
a peculiar kind of happiness.
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