Assuming that you have read the previous note-sessions published
on this website, it can now be disclosed that there was no first note
nor will there be a last note. That
is what you need to really see for yourself in this note
before you go on to the next note.
It would be utterly stupid to confront this note,
just as it would be hopelessly imitative to merely conform to
it. In fact, all your confrontations
and conformities toward teachers and teachings have been nothing
but sick ego-trips and silly falsehoods. Both of these alternating
delusions indicate that you have been lost and without The
Way. Make up your mind to read the next note
with a balanced attitude or do not
If you want to attain
an important enlightenment through this note
where so many readers have failed, you must learn to sense
the ways they go wrong so that you can develop intuitive heuristics
of success.
To get a glimpse of your Real Self right here on the spot
would be no small thing. Most readers just lurch into the next note
without wanting to look fully into the opportunity of self-awakening
in this note. Like herd animals,
they just drift from one incomprehensible situation to the
next without a clue about what is really going on.
We have to inform you that this note
is no longer available for a breakthrough into higher reading,
so you might as well forget about it and hurry on to the next note.
Why don’t you just
do the deeply natural thing with this note
and see what happens?
Your most sincere aspiration in all this is not separate
from the state of being it feels called to. Look more deeply
into the highest reading of this note
you are capable of and you will find more than you have understood
so far.
You have your own little place in the total pattern of note-sessions
and readers that is going on lately. It is also a fact that
there is a great deal going on both in and around all this
that you do not know about and may never know
about. Only what you need to know
will be shown to you if and when the time is right, and even
that will not show you everything.
Your present limited consciousness can only be stretched so
far, which implies a need for humility and patience.
Angry mental reactions and nasty judgments have no place
in this note, just as emotional clinging
and hopefulness are also inappropriate. Once the reader gets
past the raw emotional state, a kind of subtle transmission
can take place before going on to the next note
for a clear and calm reading process.
Shallow reading cheapens and wastes everything it touches.
Subhuman readers of the planet Earth are especially crude and
ridiculous. They are blind and reactive only.
What could be more wonderful than to have some free time
to come here to this website and cultivate a new experience?
Let yourself find out how important this can be for you. Do
not allow superficial humanity of the Earth-world to suck you
into keeping your brain and body in a heavy, dull, tense and
confused state like theirs.
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