Many of our readers
have been awakening from heedless materialism to falling
into the trap of greedily pursuing occult phenomena or “miracles”.
They do not understand that unusual sense perceptions
or occult phenomena can be mistaken for Divine revelations
or glimpses of ultimate reality. Any reader caught
in this trap of occult greed and excitement should try
to sober up before reading the next note.
of our readers still do not understand the need to purge
their mind of stupidity, self-enclosed pride, clinging-to-the-
familiar, hatred-of-the-foreign-or-unfamiliar, and fear-of-
These five kinds of contemporary insanity must be cleared
away. Please do not go on to the next note until you
have a fresh resolve to work toward cosmic sanity beyond
your normal mental illnesses and disturbances.
For anyone seeking higher intelligence and transcendental
self-realization, it is a pitiful error to keep centered in
a personal drive for material success, wealth and ever-expanding
physical pleasure. If you can somehow resolve to concentrate
a little more than usual on unfolding your innate spiritual
power and wisdom before reading the next note, it would help
you a great deal more than you know right now.
Are you prepared now to see what kind of good deeds or service
work you need to perform for the good of all so that you can
neutralize the results of past evil deeds and disservices you
have previously performed? Without an awakening to the cycle
of karma before you read the next note,
you will not be allowed to benefit from all this. Are you awake
now to cosmic law?
Since creative, original thinking is the means of allowing
higher spiritual reality to play through you, it is for your
own good to stop resisting it, but to welcome it into your
consciousness and way of life. Do not read the next note until
you have stopped resisting creative, original thinking that
you encounter in the world or the universe.
It is no mistake to refuse to be close or intimate with such
friends or lovers who do not share your values and aspirations.
Do not read the next note session unless you have fresh determination
to rid yourself of debilitating relationships with unworthy
people who take everything in life down to a much too crude,
selfish and manipulating level. Connect better with your own
real good.
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