If you believe your brain is in perfect condition, enter
into superconsciousness without further delay. If you believe
your brain has something wrong with it, make up your mind as
to what is indeed wrong with your brain before your read the next note.
Whatever is wrong with your brain, it certainly means that
your reading of this (and any other)
note will be faulty without your knowing it. Will you now admit
this logical fact before you read the next note?
If this is the Perfect Note, does
it not require a perfect reading by a perfect reader with a
brain in perfect condition?
Try reading this note in your centre
of gravity and life in your lower belly before you go back
to reading with your faulty brain in the next note.
Welcome to the Note School
of Zen . You have here in this note
a fresh opportunity to practice Kensho-Godo,
awakening of transcendental awareness. Are you firmly seated
on your chair without slouching? Do you have Joriki,
one-pointed initiative to break through the wall of ordinary
perception right there in front of you, which familiar
scene is a projection of the first attention coming
from your assemblage point one
step behind the right side of your upper back? That wall-of-familiar-scene
is your front plate. You are
being tricked by holographic projection through the back
of your head from your assemblage point.
That is the wall that Bodhidharma was
gazing at and through. It is
not a mere historical wall in Ancient China. It is the
front plate. You must open it up with an intense energy
of one-pointed heightened awareness to explore new dimensions
of the Unknown as direct experiencing beyond spiritual
books or brainy conceptualizing.
This note, like all other writings,
is written on your front plate, your wall-of-ordinary-perception.
Even when it correctly points this out to you, it is still
part of the problem, part of your wall. So you must calm your “roof-brain-chatter” and
utilize fully focused internal silence to
enter the Unknown, which is the Boundless Void
of Superconscious Non-duality. Can you put this note
and all books, teachings or theories behind you and suddenly
Welcome to the Note School of Zen,
which is Superaware Superbuddhism beyond the outer neuro-conditioning
of your culture or any culture,
where the tip of every hair on your head and body is an actual
omniverse of condensed time, where “little things are
as big as big things can be and big things are as little as
little things can be.” And where this note
is suddenly seen as infinite notes
written by infinite superconscious
teachers on infinite planets throughout
the totality of existence, the Dharmadhatu,
which is absolute extraterrestrial intelligence.
Welcome to the Note School of Zen which
points out the awesome energy of experiencing that
is secretly present in the cup of coffee on your desk or tabletop,
or in your kitchen sink when you are washing dishes, or in
the sound of a car driving past, or in the feeling of the floor,
sidewalk or ground beneath your feet. Be more aware of your energy
of experiencing before you read the next note.
Welcome to the Note School of Zen where
an unknown Zen Master sitting on an unknown hill on an unknown
planet in an unknown time is perfectly aware of you reading this note
and reading it with you through your
own eyes and ears, your own brain.
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