The pain and frustration of remaining unenlightened is corrected
by the enjoyment and ease you find in a note such
as this one.
There have been some strange developments taking place in
your physical unconsciousness lately. If you want to look into
some of that stuff, you will have to stop pretending you are
normal. Do this before you read the next note.
What do you imagine this note should
be about besides your state of mind?
Let’s have some
fun with this note.
You can begin by trying to solve the Riddle of
the Sphinx. Do you know that riddle? It is a
combination of man, bull, lion and eagle. The entity is facing
east. Quickly solve the riddle a little bit before you are
rushed into the next note.
There will soon be another
act of insane government in America, so just accept that
it has to happen and go on to the next note.
Notes are less and less popular
on the planet Earth, but more and more popular among extraterrestrial
readers. Can you explain this to yourself before you read the next note?
If you would like to make better use of your brain, take this note
to hold a significant challenge for you.
Can you face the fact that this question
is wholly about the way you react
to it?
You have a choice about this note.
Do you know what it is?
Life is full of little surprises, which includes what might
happen soon to increase your personal pleasure.
Just knowing that something wonderful will happen soon is
itself rather pleasurable, is it not?
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