You could make a better beginning today with this first
note by thinking of it in a different way from any other note
or teaching you have ever thought about.
Did you truly understand
the challenge of the last note?
Do you see that everything that happens to you in life
is also a challenge to think differently from your usual thinking?
Before you go to the next note,
what is the real challenge you are immediately facing? What
is it really about?
Pause here.
O.K., then pause here.
No? Do you have
trouble with the term “pause”?
It means to stop for a brief time then to get going again
the same way you were going before the pause. If you go
a different way after the pause, the pause was not a pause,
but a disruption.
Before you finish with this note,
give yourself a disruption of your
way of proceeding about this note.
You cannot imagine what this note
would mean if you were a more advanced reader; nor would you
have the same reaction you are now having or failing to have.
Your opportunity to learn about this
note is not as important as your potential to learn from this
note. Do you understand the significance of this distinction?
What might happen in your consciousness before you read the next note?
What is the most satisfying result you can get from being
asked about it?
Do not obey the impulse
to just glance superficially at this requirement. Your
learning process needs this.
Before your usual brain pattern locks into what it thinks this note
is about, open your Awareness beyond all this.
A great deal of trouble was taken to make sure you would
get this message, but you have not
taken the trouble to really get it.
Here is another one of these. See
if you can say to yourself what this really is.
Here also is another one
of these,
if that is possible. Do you see the problem?
Do you like being challenged to do some real thinking about this question?
Will you approach tomorrow’s Note
Session the same way you have handled all this today?
Here for the NEXT SESSION
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