You are strongly advised to first read through the previous
twenty-nine sessions very deeply and carefully, for otherwise
this present session will tend to cause you to imagine ridiculous
things about yourself.
You might be on the verge of an intensely magical experience
where you turn yourself into a coyote, a wolf or even a hedgehog.
On the other hand, you might like to believe that people in
Mexico or Canada never do things like that.
If you ever find yourself bored or tense during the performance
of your daily duties, think of how this message can help you,
but do not imagine anything about yourself.
It is already time to take a break and ignore the real meaning
of one or another of these messages.
Is your present state of mind worth exploring before you rush
into the next quick reading of a message?
It is not just Germans who ignore Heidegger and
rush through these messages thoughtlessly within the curiosity
of the superficial they-self.
One way to prevent superficiality works wondrously, but it
cannot be stated here because of our superficial readers.
You can find yourself right here right now listening to this
idea in spite of what you imagine about all this.
An amazing revelation about the real universe is heading your
way in some note session about five years from now. So, prepare
Some of these messages are specifically designed to mind-fuck
and upset a certain kind of reader who believes they cannot
possibly be that certain kind of reader personally.
Our most advanced readers are not really as advanced as they
will need to be within five years.
You will become a different kind of person in the next few
months than the kind of person you believe you can become.
You will become interested in this message in a new way very
soon now.
You should put all the previous messages behind you and tackle
this incredible message with a totally new resolve.
The time has come for you to develop some increased pressure
in yourself to wake up to what you are trying to accomplish
If you have nothing against pornography as such but wish they
did not have those horribly stupid looks on their faces, you
are a candidate for extraterrestrial contact.
If you are sick and tired of the conceited and smug detachment
of extraterrestrials and wish they would just come down to
Earth and interact in a friendly way, just exactly what would
you have in mind?
Forget about extraterrestrials for a few moments and picture
a thousand Japanese Zen monks bombed out of their minds on
some koan they have analysed to the point of excess. Could
you make meaningful contact with those monks?
This message is written by a Zen master for Zen masters only.
All Japanese monks and other riff raff are excluded.
If you would like Buddhist enlightenment, skip the Buddhist
part and do Zen. Also, avoid Japan like the plague. This especially
applies to Japanese people.
Take a deep pause and picture your greatest possible enjoyment
you have access to.
Picture some people with horrible stupid looks on their faces.
Picture some people who have just had sex settling down to
watch a documentary on UFO's and aliens.
Picture some aliens watching those same people watch the documentary
on UFO's and aliens.
Picture some aliens watching you read this.
Picture what the Earth would be like if all people were stupid
and insane.
Picture what the universe would be like if almost all extraterrestrials
were almost as stupid and insane as Earth people, but not quite.
Would this not explain some of their behaviour?
You now have plenty of food for thought. If you do not agree
with this, go over the session again and see what you missed
the most the first time.
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