I am all Being. I am Brahman.
I am Shiva. I am Lord of Silence, Dakshinamurti.
I am Sadguru Adinath. I am Avatar of Brahman,
Avatar of Shankaracharya. I am Jagadguru. I am
World-Teacher. I am Cosmic Shaman. I am Free Spirit.
I am Shambhala Warriorship. I am Rudra Chakrin.
I am Kalki, the chalky dirty white avatar of all-fulfilling
consummation. We all have our source and ultimate reality
in the Absolute holographic Atman, the Mahapurusha. Ultimate
guidance and authority are in the oneness of our innate Godself.
I am the indisputable anonymous Polestar of the Way of
all ways, the Yoga of all Yogas. Try to tune-into My Being
in Your Being where we are empathetic resonance rather than an
authority-ego bumping into an authority-doubting-ego or authority-clinging-ego.
Resonate with Me totally in what we all most deeply desire
in the core of our being, which is absolute and indestructible
Freedom, Bliss and Immortality. Get into this resonance
fully before the next note.
This note is about where my
five heads are manifesting as a fivefold Permanent
Autonomy Zone. Tune-in and resonate with
this emergence of cosmic know-how. The more you are truly of it
inwardly, the more you will find it
outwardly. In this you are not merely rescued from
the evil New World Order, but you yourself become the
rescue with all of us who are doing this in secret anonymity
without forming cults or ashrams. Truly Divine coming-together
is like cosmic Supranaqshbandi spiritual cooperation within
the authentic Cosmic Plan beyond all religions and exclusive
cultural traditions.
This note is
about your own natural participation in the positive renewal
of Primary Yoga without need of advertising or artificial
external situations like “Sufi
meditation centers” or “Shambhala training courses” and
the like.
This note is about total spiritual
alertness toward anything and anyone at any time any place
in your circumstances.
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