Where there is Awareness-of-Being, the
extraordinary automatically comes to you; you do not have
to go after it. It comes not
because it will make you extraordinary
to others, but because you experience tremendous release from
your usual boundaries, which includes relief from others
with their opinions, demands and problems. The extraordinary
is the natural unfolding of your being within your being, within
your presence and consciousness. It takes your breath
away now and then, which means that what you have been wanting
most deeply of all is revealed to you afresh, though it is
strangely familiar. In the realm of Awareness-of-Being,
the extraordinary is utterly natural, but the most wonderful
relief, like rediscovering an old friend or returning to a
beautiful, peaceful place. Is this a “Note”?
Is this a “Teaching”?
What is all this within your own Awareness-of-Being?
This note is about
what you need most right now. Do you know what it really
This note is about
the dullness that cannot perceive or experience the extraordinary
due to a lack of Awareness-of- Being. The inner Gateway
of Eternity remains closed to the distracted
and the ambitious. If you know you
are too distracted or ambitious to experience the extraordinary
right now, go on to the next note.
If you are already experiencing the extraordinary, why
on Earth are you still here reading some useless Note?
Do Primary Yoga; get into Awareness-of-Being.
Patiently stick with it. You cannot remain dull
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