Read this note
in such a way that you experience it as having been written
from everywhere so
that you can receive it everywhere.
In this Awareness-of-Being,
both the author and the reader are nodes of
it. I am Awareness-of-Being.
Get used to it!
The Shakti, the Power, of Awareness-of-Being
does everything everywhere through everyone. Awareness-of-Being
is All-powerful without the human effort to find and gain personal
Power. Personal powers grow naturally in and through
your consciousness in leaps and bounds when you see that all
Power has its source in Awareness-of-Being. Therefore
Awareness-of-Being is also Awareness-of-Power. The greatest
personal Power is therefore the Power to develop Awareness-of-Being.
Who can say when She will awaken your greater motivation and
ability to sustain Primary Yoga of Awareness-of-Being? When
you discover the Bliss of
Awareness-of-Being, the Spanda, vibration,
of Absolute Bliss of Being is experienced as Power.
When ambitious seekers try to acquire Power, they think that
Power will give the capacity to bring more enjoyment, happiness
and Bliss, but happiness, enjoyment and Bliss are Power.
This can only be seen and experienced in Awareness-of-Being.
To seek power outside of Awareness-of-Being as a false
ego of social comparison (“who has the most power”,
etc.) is a stupid Power-seeking game of the ignorant who salivate
over the occult and the magical. Real occult power and
magick belong wholly to Awareness-of-Being as Ananda
absolute vibratory bliss, the Energy and Substance of everything,
of all bodies and manifestations. To be more aware of
what She is doing in everybody and everything is an important
aspect of Primary Yoga of Awareness-of-Being. What do
you believe brought you here to tell you all this?
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