The more you understand your own cognitive process of reading
and judging what you read, the more you will understand the
cognitive transmission process that we call notes.
Going through the previous sixty-one sessions would help you
a great deal in this if you have not already done so.
Do you fully understand what is happening right here and
right now in your learning process? Please take a full sweep
of your inner consciousness before going on to the next note.
Do not get all fucked-up about it when you discover that
you do not understand the full truth of what is hidden in this
The time has come for you to get back to basics in the way
you read this kind of note.
Picture a truly outlandish alien reading this note, then
picture some stupid Earthling reading it. Which picture do
you prefer?
You better read this carefully
one more time so that you can see what “one more time” actually
means in your case. Your idea about “carefully” might
also be in question. And then there is your idea about what
it means for something to “be in question”.
Would you be willing to see a hidden process behind your
process before you finish dealing with the process hidden in
this note?
What you call your so-called “consciousness” might
simply signify an opportunity to
become truly and fully conscious.
If you are suddenly awakening to this opportunity, you will
know what you now have to do about it that you have never done
about it before.
What do you need to experience the most in yourself when
you look into this question?
Picture a galaxy of stars so beautiful and filled with intelligent
races of beings that you do not know it is the galaxy of stars
you actually live in. Now you understand what is wrong with
Earth humanity.
Picture a group of Sufis in Afghanistan who are totally fed-up
with both Islam and dope-smuggling for the American C.I.A.
Then picture them also picturing our galaxy of stars.
Picture a group of highly sensitive and intelligent extraterrestrials
on some planet near the center of the Milky Way who are picturing
that group of Sufis in Afghanistan with an intention of helping
them effectively very soon now.
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