Nietzsche has
reincarnated as the pseudo-avatar, Da Free
on the island of Fiji. His adherents cannot and will
not comprehend this advanced
website, so we would not even bother to tell such idiots that
they should start at session one, for instance. Only free seekers
capable of opening up to greater truth will begin with session
one. Real talent knows what to do.
If you are neither a useless member of a cult or religion
nor a pompous skeptical materialist or scientist, you have
a shot at genuine cosmic sanity and personal evolution. So,
to get you started, understand what this note
is really talking about most of all.
Try not to laugh too hard
if you catch your brain in the act of insisting on its “understanding” some
note you like here.
The real meaning of the Hwa Yen Sutra is not transmitted
by the idiot oriental in Texas who had his foolish followers
dressing up in white cowboy suit uniforms. No form of uniformity
whatsoever is recursive awareness of the realm of Totality
of the infinite unique individuals who inhabit it.
You are now on the verge of awakening a real view
of the collective materialism and false spiritualism of insane
humanity. All you have to do is stop pretending that your present
views of anyone or anything are superconscious or enlightened.
Take your not knowing to a new depth of not knowing in yourself
if you want to learn how to know what’s what about attempted
evolution patterns on the insane planet Earth.
If you think you do not need to learn to make real assessments
of various groups trying to make evolutionary efforts, you
have obviously never entered into a full-blown personal evolutionary
quest. If you think you can already make correct assessments,
you are deceiving yourself. Go past cult-gullibility and pseudo-independence.
Search for the real evolutionary truth of how to become superhuman.
Do not be discouraged
if you cannot afford the personal library you will need as
you go along in future. Where there’s
a will, there’s a way.
Also, do not be discouraged if you found this note
session too serious and unexciting.
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